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Posts posted by lethfisher

  1. Is that with line out through the guides or all the line on the reel? I lined up the reel and it balances about an inch from the top of the cork so I think it should be good to go. thanks for the advice. Can't wait to get out with the new reel.


  2. I got a Lamson Velocity 3 for Xmas this year and am going to be putting it on my 7wt switch rod. I put the reel on the rod yesterday without line and I am worried about the weight of the reel. the Velocity 3 is rated for 7/8 wt but is a super light reel... I think the Velocity 4 would be to big, has anyone used the Velocity 3.5 at all? I think I am going to call a local shop and see if they have the 3.5 to just look at and compare it. My Dad got me the reel from a fly shop in BC called Pacific Anglers so i guess i'll have to ship it back to them and trade it in if need be.


  3. the best one is Spey to Z where he compares skagit casting to a beer truck lol makes you remember it and think about it while on the river though. Wouldn't mind watching this skagit master one though... kinda off topic but has anyone seen "The Perfect Cast" the first from the Henrik Mortensen series? The trailer on his website looks pretty sweet. heres a link to it if your interested Perfect Cast Teaser

  4. check with Ken @ 007airsoft.com they are very common in the community.


    Thanks I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the response Justin as well, they are good for pointing things out in the sky instead of waving and pointing trying to show people constellations or satellites etc... You can see the beam of light and track it easily through the sky so people can see what you are trying to explain or point out.

  5. Anybody use Ross Reels? Found a good deal on a CLA #4 heres the specs on it. Pretty sure I want this one lol

    Weight = 7.3 oz (pflueger 2090 was 6.6 oz mult is 9.17 oz)

    Diameter = 3.75" (multi is 3.85" pflueger 2090 is 4.25")

    Lifetime warranty

    Rated for 7-9 wt

    Capacity WF8+200


    Its new and cheaper than the Pflueger...

  6. don't kid yourself, the Loop multi 6/9 is the reel to perfectly match this rod. Lots of capacity and the same g3 drag as the evotecs and optis. The reel is heavy enough to balance the rod and small enough that it won't look ridiculous like putting a 9/10 reel on a rod this small. PM or call me if you want more info or have any questions





    Thanks for the advice. The multi's are a pretty sweet reel, when I eventually go buy a reel I am going to take in my rod to see how it looks in proportion to the rod. That is definitely one drawback to the internet lol

    Do the multi's make a clicking sound when you strip the line out? I love that sound and if no click then no reel lol Along that line, do the Presidents make a click sound?


  7. go with te 9/10 model and you should be laughin.. a multi 6/9 is a nice reel aswell or the amundson 7/8/9 i think it was.....


    oo i wish the Multi, that would be awesome :) Have you used the Evotec CLW reel? not the clear one though that thing looks weird...

    Tungsten did you just tape that lead on there at the back? I should probably just be concerned with getting a good quality reel and then adjusting it as needed once it is lined up rather than buying a reel based on weight...


    Anyone use Okuma reels at all? Found this one and I think it would be a sweet match for the Blueline rod, based purely on looks though lol



  8. I have one nice reel smooth drag and its too light to balance my 10' 6wt loomis.If that helps.


    hmm if it is to light to balance a 10 6wt then i doubt it will balance an 11'2 7wt... is that one the 2056 model? (Opposed to 2078) Also what is the warranty like on Pflueger? I looked on their website and there isn't any info on it... thanks for the info!!

  9. I am in the market for a new reel for my 7wt Switch rod and have been looking around at a lot online at a lot of different companies. I am pretty sure that it should be a large arbour reel right? Right now I only have a 7wt mayfly reel on it and i really don't think it is big enough or heavy enough to balance out the rod. I am looking to spend around $200 on a reel... Any suggestions?


    Thanks guys!!

  10. ... dont use a floating tip/poly leader...not needed.. bin there done that wasted money...


    does that include the sinking poly leaders?? Like the 5 or 10ft Airflo Trout Intermediate or Fast Sinking poly? Will that make any difference or should the weight of the fly be enough?


  11. This is my first cutthroat that I have ever caught and it was a pretty exciting fish. I went camping with a buddy and we pulled in just as it was getting dark and we decided to quickly rig up and fish a small stretch of stream that was by our campsite. I fished this small little run along a bank with a green humpy pattern I had tied up a few nights prior. I could barely see the hook and after about 5 minutes of casting I saw a tiny slurp around where I thought my fly was so I pulled and he was hooked. I gave a holler "Fish On Booya!" just joking thinking it was a tiny fish until I pulled on the line a little harder and the line barely moved! He put up a pretty good fight and once I landed him I could see he by the shape of his jaw that he had been caught many times. I released him back for another angler to catch. I thought the colour of the fish was really bright so once I got home I black and whited everything except the fish, definitely makes the colour pop even more.




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