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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Ended up going to the southern part of the FTR.. so we did hit up Wholesale Sports on the way. Got to meet esleech while we were at it!
  2. Heading out to the FTR this afternoon with CDock.. I need to pick up some flies but we would rather not head out of the way to one of the local fly shops. Anyone know if there's any fly shops in Cochrane or out that way? West? If so.. can you answer in the next 5 minutes? haha
  3. birchy


    and neither one got the fly.. so disappointing!
  4. You know you're on the water too much when... hahaha Wait a minute.. you can never be on the water TOO much!
  5. Send em by my place when you're done for their free "punch in their big ugly face".
  6. Holy crap! I was thinking there was going to be 4 separate winners.. Good on ya Bob!
  7. I looked at the title "What to do when it rains?" and my immediate thought was "GO FISHIN!"
  8. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=1356
  9. Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now.
  10. Welcome to the forum ultralite. As already mentioned, there is a TONNE of experience and expertise on this board. You'll never have a question left unanswered.
  11. You can buy your regular BC Angling license at The Fishin Hole in the NE. Not sure about the classified waters. You can also get them at the Crowsnest Angler in Bellevue if you're heading down there on the way to BC.
  12. LOL.. and that was more fun than "work".
  13. A few more of my favorite pics so far: This was hilarious.. Tarah was trying to wake him up for a feeding and he just would NOT wake up.. sleeping in her hands in a sitting position. LOL: A little size comparison: Sleepin with dad: It's okay.. they'll get bigger: "Cute as a button!" I don't think I've stopped smiling yet!! So cool.
  14. Yeah dude. Get all your stuff packed for the hospital right away so you can just grab it and run. Tarah was just starting to think: "I probably should get packed sometime next week". Murphy got us again!! Thanks for the comments everyone!! I'll be off to the hospital here pretty quick to see mom and baby!!
  15. Tarah and I had quite the surprise this morning when her water broke at 4am.. 5 weeks before her due date!! So off to the hospital we went.. nothing packed or prepared! Once they admitted her we were told she wouldn't be leaving without having the baby. They induced her.. and at 9:41pm on Tuesday, August 21 - Noah Agustus Birch entered the world bright eyed and ready to go!! 5 pounds 6 ounces and 18 inches long. Both Noah and Mom are doing well, but since he's premature he has to stay in the hospital for a couple days until they're sure he's stable. He's a bit on the small side... well... Dad's hands are a bit on the big side too!
  16. That's a great story rickr! Holy crap that'd be scary though!! The closest I've ever been to a submarine is watching the Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide.. oh, and Das Boot. I can't imagine. I bet alot of people discover they have claustrophobia when they least expect it eh?
  17. *In his best Rip Torn voice* "If you can dodge a WRENCH.. you can dodge a FLY!!"
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