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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. I'd certainly be interested Toolman.
  2. Excellent advice everyone. I saw zap-a-gap used at the show on the weekend and will definitely be picking some of it up. Thanks!
  3. Hey Pacres, the coupon link doesn't let me in, even though I'm logged into both the forum and the main site?
  4. Hi all, At first I was using knotsense but that didn't work, and yesterday I tried loctite but that didn't seem to work either. Can anyone recommend a good glue for this type of thing?
  5. Never in AB when I was underage, and never since I became of age. Come to think of it, I've only ever seen a CO in Alberta at Fish Creek. Got checked once on a special regs stream in BC last year, where I do 10%-20% of my fishing. The guy had a bit of a hike in as well so we were kind of surprised, but it was still great to see the effort.
  6. From another forum I frequent... It seems he's just turned into a national embarrassment.
  7. Hi guys/gals, Here's my first attempt at a Goddard Caddis (sans hackle tips... so I suppose it's a variant). This was also my second attempt at spinning hair. I'm looking for a critique on the fly (advice on the spinning is definitely appreciated), and I have a couple questions as well: - To remove underfur, so far I've just been using a bodkin + my fingers but as the photo shows, I'm not getting all of it. Is there a cheap way to get it out or should I just buy one of those brushes from the fly shop? - I used Elk Hair for the spinning and I'm wondering if it's hollow like deer and caribou hair. If not, I should get some hollow stuff... right? Thanks to DrBullTrout for the awesome tutorial!
  8. So I've seen several photos lately in the reports sections of fish laying on the ice shelves after being caught. To me it seems dangerous to the fish, since I don't like having my skin put on ice, but is it actually harmful to them?
  9. Sadly, the photo industry is very similar. Good on ya for sticking it to him.
  10. Thanks for the awesome tutorial. I'll definitely be giving this one a try.
  11. Thanks adc and maxwell, I'll look into the leather glue.
  12. Excellent, thanks for the advice. Is UV Knotsense a suitable glue to use or would an actual "glue" be better?
  13. Hi flyfisherjohn, MissinTheBow has a very informative article on the homepage of this website which discusses the respiratory system of a fish and how fragile it is, especially when a fish is stressed or exposed to air. Perhaps it will change your way of thinking when it comes to handling fish around the gills, and if not it's an excellent read regardless. Here's the link: http://flyfishcalgary.com/catch_and_release.php
  14. Is there a specific advantage to gluing/sewing the rabbit strips together? I tied one up securing the second strip by piercing it through the hook, and I don't see how gluing the two strips together would make it that much better. I'm curious as to if this assumption is incorrect?
  15. sirocco


    ahh cool. thanks for the info.
  16. sirocco


    Hi guys, I've got some of this stuff in my kit and have no idea what it's used for...?
  17. Hey Al, Look no farther than Icky Flyworks. At $1.00/fly you can't go wrong. I ordered a buttload of flies from them a while ago and am more than satisfied with the quality.
  18. Excellent, thanks guys!
  19. Hi guys, I've searched and searched but can't find one. In one place it was mentioned that the wing and tail is elk hair, but I don't know if this is true or not... Thanks Erik
  20. Thanks for the replies. Looks like I'll go track down some UTC. Does anyone know who sells it in Calgary?
  21. wow, haha i feel stupid. my bad, thanks for the correction
  22. Keep in mind that the edworthy area isn't open right now. Check the regs before heading out!
  23. Hey Guys, Just wondering what type of thread is ideal for the type of dubbing loop used in this tutorial: http://globalflyfisher.com/patterns/hivis/ I'm thinking 3/0 monocord. Am I way off?
  24. Yeah I was going to mention later on, after I did some research, that I meant rooster and not hen, but I knew you guys knew what I meant As an aside, what is the difference between the different grades of hackle? Is it simply that #1 Grade has more than #3 for example, and thus gives you more flies per cape, or is there actually a quality difference in the hackle itself?
  25. Thanks for replies. Unfortunately I don't think I can hold off till the show! I'll definitely give them a try.
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