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Everything posted by theiceman2

  1. Loop loop loop this seems to be a new trend on the board since the sponsors were in town, wonder why? Have you tried the Hardy Demon? the Sage Flight, or G-loomis? All nice rods, available in a four piece.
  2. Camel spider for sure. Seen a few vidios on teh net last year baout them. Apparently its not a true spider and not a scorpion, but a different species all together.
  3. I can't believe everyone actually knew I was joking about the gaffe hook? Not one post here about how horrible a gaffe hook is. To be honnest I am a little dissappointed
  4. NICE!
  5. I just picked up the "SA 3M Anatomy of a trout stream". This DVD has a Phd in river enotmology walk you thru the river and he talks about water temp and where fish hold durring different water conditions, weather conditions and hatches. I haven't figured it out yet and probably need to watch the DVD another 20 times before being able to apply anything. Worth the 30 bones. Matt
  6. Here is the best Pike handling net.
  7. I could see that being a bit of fun on the JP, but isn't it just a $150 teloscopic bamboo rod?
  8. Smart man. Pretty well sums it up.
  9. Wolfie great find! The pembina institute gives a more realistic view not all roses not all bad, but a BIG ASS footprint.
  10. Beautiful link, very one sided but nice all the same.
  11. I am going to keep this response really simple. Pollution and water loss from the oil sands are very different. With pollution the water is there and can be filtered and cleaned but still remains within the hydraulic cycle. Rivers, ponds, and ocean collect the water and evaporation picks up the water leaving behind salts and most pollutants. None the less the cycle is never broken if a factory uses it to make hotdogs, you eat the hot dog and piss out the water, it goes to the Bow, eventually to the ocean and the salt is left behind (IE Salt water ocean). Here is the big difference with oil sands and SAG-D (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage). In order to get the oil out of the ground it either is shallow enough to be mined, ir they have to drill two horizontal oil wells, with one injecting steam from river water that is heated with natural gas, the oil is heated and gravity pulls the oil into the lower horizontal well bore where it is pumped to surface. Unfortunately you are never getting that water back EVER! The hydraulic cycle is broken and it technically impossible to recover the water. Big difference from water that you get for a water well or artesian well. This is over a km deep and will be absorbed into the shale forever. THATS BIG DIFFERENCE THAT THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS NOT AWARE OF, AND IF THAT MAKES ME A TREEHUGGER, THEN I ACCEPT IT AND HAVE CHANGED MY NAME FROM THEICEMAN2 TO TREEHUGGER.
  12. Being a self declared "NON TREE HUGGER" means I am not unrealistically saying that they should stop all oil sands production, but it pisses me off to see needles on the river along side beer cans and bikes. The resource is there, its real and there is no way we are going to leave that much money in the ground. Industry just needs to find a better way to exploit the resource. Fresh water is valuable we shouldn't take it for granted. Don't forget how public opinion changes over the years. 50 years ago the US suggested detonating a nuke to extract the oil from the tar sands publically saying "there is only wildlife and inuit up north, they don't matter anyway".
  13. I had a similar experience on the Oldman a few weeks ago, all of the fish were rising at the tail of the pool, but I couldn't get a rise after throwing stimmys, huptys, PMD's, BWO's....... Then I remembered a while back I bought a bunch of klinkhammer CDC emergers size 20 - 22, and a few sulpher duns from this guide that we stayed with. First cast BOOM! fish on. I had a an epic day on those klinkhammers, give em a shot. I should add that the night before was the worst rain storm I had ever seen and the water was low viz, similar to what you describe.
  14. SAG D is worse I think, even though optically open pit looks worse. The problem with SAG D is the water they are injecting is potable and we can never recover that water EVER. The water is sourced from rivers and streams. Really not trying to start a bun fight here Rick but I am sure any Engineer can do the math to show the economics on the oil sands, heck I can do the math on it. But do they really understand the impact it will have? You don't NEED your car or truck, its nice to have don't get me worng, but you NEED fresh water to live. I am not a tree hugger or dirty hippy, but I know that thre is a fine line to walk between sacraficing a NEED resource for a NICE resource.
  15. Killed a guy in prision with an icepick....no but it would be a way cooler story Well my first initial and last name spell MADAMS, little too much like madame, so there goes rickr's creativity out the door. I live for the river, wind, rain, even sideways sleet, so Iceman is is. Some other numb nutz on here already has "theiceman" so I was real creative and put a 2 after it.
  16. Probably the best thing that could happen to the Salmon fishery in BC. If this was a gradual decline over the years due to farming the general public would never notice. Maybe a good swift kick in the balls will get some attention and tighten up these regs on fish farms. When will people learn that no animal can be kept in extreme overpopulation, nature has a way to clense overpopulated heards, and thats what si happening here because of the farms. Chickens = Avian bird flu Pigs = H1N1 Swine flu Cows = Mad cow desieese (Ok not really but cows were not ment to eat other cows)
  17. NIce to see most of your pics taken from the net not hte rocks.
  18. YOu should submit that pic of the Brown with the yellow eye to the pic of the month thread pinned on the main page
  19. HOLY CRAP! I can't believe I didn't read this before. I cannot believe the response to the judge was simply "I didn't know you couldn't shoot migratory birds out of season" noting to do with the value of an animals life, I really don't think these guys get it.
  20. Rick take it from me as a geologist who works in exploration and production for a public company, we should all be against the oil sands.
  21. I believe there are quite a few caddis hatches and the odd stone still skipping around. SJW and stimulators are always a good choice for searching patterns if you just find yourself getting skunked. Also where you are in a boat try taking advantage of undisturbed water by undercut banks with hopper patterns, even a hopper dropper if you like, also streamers are great to swing in search of browns. Good luck, and I hope you nail em!
  22. The thing I have noticed in the past few years the government has been removing the really strong chemicals from the hardware stores. YOu can still buy a water based product called Ambush. You dilute it in water and can either apply via a pressurized garden sprayer, or just mix up a bucket and dump it on the crack. I think its $13 for a jar that makes 10 gallons and its water based so it will not go into the food chain like the old insecticides (IE DDT). This stuff is made for shrubbs veggies and garden application. I just took care of a nasty hornets nest under my front stem this morning. Spray the *hit out of it and cover the crack before you go to bed. If that doesn't work my next guess would be the stick Good Luck
  23. Don't be fooled Scotch is not your friend! You will learn. Also made a new friend on this trip, his name was scotch! Thanks Andy!
  24. Good point, but I thought if I made it huge and bold people would believe it....
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