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Everything posted by darrinhurst

  1. Wow. Some guys just can't let crap go. It was four games ago man. Let it go. The Flames won ffs! If they lost, then I could understand the lingering bitterness, but for cryin out loud, DROP IT already. Are you guys gonna hijack every thread for the next month about a stupid penalty call that happened almost two weeks ago? I said in my post that the 8th & 9th minutes were a mystery. But when you jump in on a guy, you get 7 minimum, five for fighting and two for instigating. Maybe Bourque got the extra two for roughing for continuing to pound on the guy while he was still on the ground unable to defend himself. Maybe the ref didn't give the the kid five for fighting because he didn't have a chance to get a punch in otherwise because he was already gooned to the ice. I'm not the ref, I have no idea what the ref was thinking at that point in time but I do know that I am tired of reading every other thread that has been ambused by this crap. Get over it already! :$*%&:
  2. What did I learn? I learned how to fly fish. Well, fly CAST mainly. Still don't have the whole "fishing" part of it down just yet, hopefully that will change soon. Learning all the techniques. Still learning the proper way to present the fly, weather it be dry, nymph or streamer. I too have learned that fly fishing is more addicting than crack. As well as any time spent on the water is good time. I also learned that a bad day of fly fishing is better than a good day at work.......
  3. That is just shitty dude. I am sorry for your loss, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
  4. Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but that was three seasons ago, and the Kings sucked then. Hell, they still do. Goalies are only as good as the team in front of them. If they can steal a game or two, that's great, but if the team hangs them out to dry, then they are :$*%&:
  5. Yeah, I was questioning the MacIntyre move until that last game against Calgary. Then I realized why they picked him up.
  6. Well, Garon already DOES have better stats than Kipper, but I keep reminding myself, and everyone else for that matter, that the season is only two weeks old. Can't predict who is going to do what just yet. Vancouver looked awesome in the pre-season, then started off strong vs. the fLAMES winning both games, then went on a three game slide. Edmonton went on a 4-0-0 to start the season and are currently in a three game slide themselves. Same could be said for Colorado too. Started out 0-3-0 but are now 5-3-0 and second in the division. Northwest division is as strong as it ever has been, and looks like its going to continue to be that way. Everyteam is .500 or better, and as snake said, only three points seperating top from bottom. Going to be a GREAT season. So far as the last game goes, I will say this. Nillson looked AWESOME on the first line, and Cole was born to play right wing. By FAR his best game of the season to date, and it SUCKS that he was kicked out by a stupid rlue about his jersey not being tied down. Losing him and then strudwick, forcing them to play with only five defensemen and double shifting a forward on right wing, sure made things difficult on them near the end. Still a good game to watch, but Garon should have had a couple of those he let in......maybe he's more like Kipper than we think.
  7. I was actually JUST reading that. It should make for some interesting changes to say the least. Still looking forward to the game. NW division games are always entertaining with so much on the line. Four legitimate threats to take tops in the Division.
  8. Can't say. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Same with everyone else on the board. Would get quite messy.
  9. I am sure this thread would be a LOT more funny if YouTube, flikr, photobucket, and many, many other sites weren't blocked at the office........ Stupid censorship. :$*%&:
  10. That's AWESOME! We have three cats and of course, we have issues with them up on the counter, table, etc. I would LOVE to do this.
  11. Classic! I read that in the Herald the other day, I almost pissed myself.....
  12. I knew that I was surrounded by idiots. Good to know that I'm not the only one........
  13. I didn't get much of a chance to see the game last night as I was working, and then drinking after work. But, from what I saw, they were skating pretty good and putting up a fight. Budaj seems to have found his game, finally, and the Avs are skating great. Garon was mortal last night, so that may have been the biggest issue. Oil outshot the Avs (first time outshooting an opponent this year) by one, but ended up taking the loss. The other goalie was better. Only two games though. Looking forward to the game vs. the Cansucks on Saturday though.
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