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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. NHL Coalition Having decided that the Detroit Redwings technically won the 2008 Stanley Cup, the Pittsburgh Penguins, Philadelphia Flyers and Dallas Stars have formed a coalition demanding a three way ownership of the league title. Rational for their decision revolves around their total combined scoring in the 2008 Semi-Finals, their total share of season ticket holders versus the Detroit Redwings and their horror at discovering the Detroit Redwings are using a more cost effective and efficient but non-union made Silver polish to keep the Stanley Cup gleaming. The three teams are being assisted in their bid to overturn the traditional results by members of the Quebec Hockey League who have no real interest in the success of the NHL in general but sense an opportunity to demand Zambonis and other critical equipment be manufactured in Quebec. Player representatives, Team Owners and Nike are expected to submit their proposals to Don Cherry in the next few days. Fans and ticket holders are neither being asked or allowed a voice in the final decision. Should note.... Not mine BTW ... arrived via email this morning. Too funny. Clive
  2. "but signing ill worded blindly angry petitions isn't the answer." The link I provided above is for an an official parliamentary petition that is the ONLY type of petition that can be presented in the house ... signed hard copies in accepted format. It has to be signed and delivered to an MP for submission. No angry wording here. The one link provided for an online petition was for a reasonable petition without angry wording: We, as the Canadian Electorate, feel that the Coalition that has now formed consisting of the leaders of the Bloc Quebecios, the NDP and the Liberal Party are do not effectively represent me as a Canadian. 212,000 have signed it in about 36 hours. I suspect we all agree on two things. 1) Harper screwed up big time by taunting the opposition parties with the plan to remove funding. What WAS he thinking? That alone does not justify the coalition. 2) The Bloc should not be allowed to exist as they are not a federal party. And it is the existence of the separatist Bloc that has allowed this coalition gig to happen because the NDs and Liberals could not form a coalition alone. Oh I forgot #3... My Prime minister should be able to speak both official languages in a way that he can be understood. Dion fails to meet that requirement. Cheers Clive
  3. I'll bet you'll do way better next year .... now that word is out that yer a bad a$$....
  4. Governor General: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean Telephone: 1 800 465-6890 / 613 993-8200 Fax: (613) 998-8760 Email: info@gg.ca / smcook@gg.ca Jack Layton Telephone: (613) 995-7224 Fax: (613) 995-4565 Email: Layton.J@parl.gc.ca Gilles Duceppe Telephone: (613) 992-6779 Fax: (613) 954-2121 Email: Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca Stephane Dion Telephone: (613) 996-5789 Fax: (613) 996-6562 Email: Dion.S@parl.gc.ca Michael Ignatieff Telephone: 613 995-9364 FAX: 613 – 992-5880 Email: Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca Bob Rae Telephone: (613) 992-5234 FAX: 613) 996-9607 Email: Rae.B@parl.gc.ca Dominic LeBlanc Telephone: (613) 992-1020 FAX: (613) 992-3053 Email: Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca According to our MP the internet petitions can't be given to parliament. Naturally they will get attention if millions sign them. Here is an official parliamentary petition as send by our MP. HAS to be at your MP's place by this Friday. I presume they will accept PDFs of the completed petition.
  5. THIS could be the right petition.... http://www.petitiononline.com/CANADIAN/ I signed at about 10 AM as #668 and it's now over #5,400 !! Sign on ~!
  6. Not so fast Lynn... I heard Mike is getting you one of these for C'mas. :pimp: :lol: :P
  7. Good on anyone who wrotes ANYTHING to anybody. I wrote to the Liberal party and to Brison yesterday. Rex was great and he slammed Stevie Wonder for being such an idiot over the party funding. THAT was the sole reason for this mess. The opposition was pissed. The PCs were too cocky after surviving the last minority. Still .... There is a petition going around. BUT it has a spelling mistake in it ... which I have asked to be corrected. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/no-to-...ent-canada.html "elect " should read "elected"
  8. Amen Troutlover ... This is NOT democracy. As much as I dislike AB Liberal leader Taft even HE said it was nonsense. The Liberals are conspiring with the Bloc (a separatist party aimed at the destruction of Canada) and yesterday the Liberals (Brison) claimed the PCs are playing politics. WTF!? The shameful, undemocratic process that the Liberals are currently engaged is a disgrace to all Canadians for the sake of an immoral greed for power. It is NOT what we voted for. Dion was soundly rejected even by his own party! And the bastard will be PM next week! I heard the prick Dion on the radio this evening and nearly puked listening to his smarmy French voice you can barely understand. Bastard. (I've nothing against the French...but I want to be able to understand the PM. Is that too much to ask? The guy is a loser. Canadians rejected him. His own party rejected him. And the smarmy bastard could be PM. Come on!) Any Liberal or ND who supports this move is just as bad as the power-hungry Larry, Curly and Moe. Moral Liberals and NDs should be protesting this because as Troutlover said this is NOT democracy. The liberals are dividing the once wonderful country purely for political power. This is THE MOST divisive political bullshit in Canadian history. Shame on any person who condones this. GRRRRR!!!
  9. If you got money from a Liberal I want a refund! Green maybe, but Liberal?!?! Clive PS: Well done Rick!!
  10. Man at that age I think you need a burning permit to light the cake! HBD Gary!
  11. The ponds across the road from me are frozen over. I'd guess Badger is open. Though it is hard to say about the shallows near the launches. -10°C last night. You'll probably want to fish deep (3+ m) with slow (SLOW!!) retrieves. Given the water temps use EXTRA caution. Life expectancy in 2°C water is just a few minutes. Beware the Badge Breeze ... although Sat is probably calm. Who knows? Friday will be breezy. The Badge Breeze is a mean sonufabitch and it'll get ya. Been there. Done that. Good luck.
  12. "Once a fish's eyes don't orient to the water when above surface, he's pretty much a goner. " That is bullshit! "A fish's eyes underwater are horizontal to the socket because the hydrostatic pressure of water holds them there," ?? A released trout with horizontal eyes 2 inches under the water are straight because of water pressure? Really. Lots of pressure there, eh? Following your "water pressure" logic then a fish's eyes would be straight at (say) 4 foot dpeth and gradually turn downward as it neared the surface. That is no so. I've caught trout for 50 years and photographed trout for 30 years. I've landed thousands of trout. The tired ones have their eyes down. Trout that come in readily have their eyes straight and SPLASH away. The stressed ones are down and have to be released with care. According to you 80 percent of the fish we release are goners I guess. Sure. okay. You bet. Gonna post some pix later. EDIT: I don't have to post pictures of my own ... but will gladly do so if desired. I took a few minutes and checked the fish images on this site. I recorded eye position of 65 trout--the first 65 I came across where eues position could be seen clearly. 42 (65 percent) were out 13 (20 percent)were down 10 (15 percent were in between) PGK, be careful about what you say. Maybe some guys don't treat fish quite right but I guarantee that 65 percent are not "goners." To say that fish with eyes out are "goners" is misleading and a disservice to novice anglers. You should reconsider your advice because it is incorrect. Cheers! Clive
  13. All good points. Thanks to everyone. SPECIAL THANKS to bloom for his hard work and wise council. Well done Tim! Will be great to see how this all plays out. If Police develops even close to BH, it looks like we have indeed increased the opportunities for quality lake angling here in Southern Alberta. I might even become a lake angler one day. I just don't want to fish when Andersen is on the lake. I hear he's pretty good. Why am I not fishing anywhere today?!? (Couldn't get out .. doing favour for a friend. ) Cheers! Clive
  14. OLDMAN RIVER CHAPTER Trout Unlimited Canada Agenda Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ATCO Gas Building 410 Stafford Drive North, Lethbridge MAP 7:30 to 9:30 PM General meeting 7:30 PM Welcome Richard Burke and Henry Komadowski, co-chairs 7:40 PM Guest speakers ACA (Alberta Conservation Association) Brad Hurkett will present a preliminary report on the Upper Oldman River bull trout status assessment project Please note that in the New Year, Will Warnock will also be presenting information on bull trout genetics in the drainage, so we have two complimentary bull trout programs. 8:30 PM • Richard Burke will present information on o Development along the Crowsnest Lundbreck corridor. o Possible donation to TU of land along the Crowsnest • Paul Harper will present an update on Crowsnest River rehabilitation 9:30 PM Adjournment For information please contact: Clive Schaupmeyer, program chairman, clives@shaw.ca
  15. Ho man ... I can't wait until February! After this and Lynn's video post ... what's next?
  16. 1) I am confused about the election outcome, or more specifically where Obama will lead the US energy policy. See below. 2) Consider that had McCain won, the USA was one heart attack away from haveing Palin as president and THAT would be indeed a scary scenario. I bet we all agree on that. Here is an Obama statement from an interview with San Francisco Examiner earlier this year. Let me sort of describe my overall policy. What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there. I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year. So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted. That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches. The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it. So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them. Cap and trade won't work any better in NA than in Europe. Carbon values have apparently crashed. Solar, wind and biodiesel and highly environmentally questionable mass energy sources. Conservation is the main way to reduce use of fossil fuels. Yet we are ALL so bloody two-faced on this matter. Big cars. Big houses. Even us warm-and-fuzzy fly anglers are fossil fuel piggies. Me. You. All of us. Some are better than others, but we all use too much fossil fuel. What RAE the solutions to that? They sure as hell are NOT wind, solar and biofuels. Is Obama just another misguided idealist with no sense of reality and what the world needs to keep running? Methinks. (BTW, Kevin Taft once again this week used the phrase, "Post carbon society." That is such a naive, irrational and impossible mission. It is utter nonsense. In the foreseabel future--say 50 years-- the world cannot stop using fossil fuels. Just fossil fools think so.) Ideology is grand...but it can lead to freezing our asses off. England will have a huge shortage of electrical power within 10 to 20 years as they are closing old coal plants and have no plans to replace them with nuclear power. Last week the British parliament passed a new climate change law that calls for carbon emissions to drop by 80 percent by 2050. Absolute lunacy that is simply unattainable. WTF ar they thinking? They want 20 percent of their power form wind which they wil find to be impossible for many economic, engineering, environmental and practical reasons--and at teh end of the day teh carbon reduction from wind is small. Wind farms are obscene and Obama needs to learn this fast. Obama had better be reading the British newspaper ... as biased as the media is...as wongr rightfully stated. The current economy in the USA (and world) has put a big chill on eco-weenie idealism. And the fact that the earth temperatures have been cooling for a few years...on my! Cheers! Clive
  17. Thanks Don. "low kill or no kill>light stocking gets you larger fish. Damn but if that ain't rocket science." The unknown is what is "low kill" since there is a legal limit at BH. Maybe the guys from the Hat area can comment: 1) Will an acceptable number of BH rainbows grow well over 20 inches as long as there is a legal kill limit of one over 50 cm? 2) What percent of BH anglers go there with the intent on whacking a keeper? Thanks.
  18. RE: Gas Bubble Disease Thanks beed... Funny how angler's views are different. GBD is apparently caused by excessive oxygen. Yet some anglers claim the oxygen in BH is too low and causing harm. Go figure. Clive
  19. Don, Thanks for that. However, it is a "scientific" formula used to describe something very subjective. We'd all agree that the "extremely poor" fish in the pictures on page 3 is indeed in poor health. Beyond that it is a matter of personal preference. The K factor description also states that the factor will crash after spawning. Yet using the numbers only to describe a lake would be misleading: one moment it is "excellent" and the next moment merely good. Did the chap who developed this K factor say that fish that are consistently "fair" or "good" live shorter lives than fish that are "exceptional"? Over 90 percent of the fish in our high-country streams would be rated as between poor and good. Most bull trout (not spawners) would probably be rated as poor to fair yet they have been here for millions of years and seem to be doing at least somewhat well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. We'd all like to catch "excellent" fish in the pictures but I am not sure the "exceptional" fish makes my bum hum. BTW... the "cowboy" ponds were more or less manged by an angler. Stocking was extremely low. There was no harvest and rod days were restricted. They charged $250 per day to fish there. I fished one of the two ponds with 20 other anglers in May 2006..included were Brian Chan and Phil Rowley. I think less than 15 fish were landed in six hours--about 120 angler hours. (It was practically blizzarding at the time, but still...) (Funny story there regrading chironomids, streamers, Brian, Phil and Denny Ricards. Too funny.) Kyle McNealy has an interesting measure.--and it is not for bragging rights--just a standard. According to Kyle a good trophy fishery will get you 100 pounds of fish in a day. Interesting. We'd all be MOST happy with BH if we caught half as many fish that were twice the size. But can they get bigger when there is a a one-fish over 50 cm limit? Based on the K factor, the chick on the left is in "exceptional" condition .... I guess.
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