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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. Highlight of our year! Missed ol' Jake the last trip but the fall roundup was done and he no longer had to keep an eye on the herd. Fine art prints available. (Joke!) Okay Wes...the thread is great. I am being a smartass here ... probably my best year ever for half-decent wildlife pictures, but no top-drawer fishing pix this year. Cheers! Clive
  2. About ten years ago I fished the Crow with a guy from MB in late March in a snow storm at about -5°C. He said one of the funniest things I've ever heard. "You know back home we fish in conditions like this all of the time. Except we are standing on ice and wearing full-body snowmobile suits." I nearly died laffing. The fishing was very good.
  3. Well I would not have used the adjective "brave" Can think of numerous other words to describe abnormal behavior--but the board nanny keeps censoring them like this !#$%#!%$. :$*%&: Yeah .. anyone go?
  4. Thanks for that..and to everyone here... Cheers! Clive (All pix taken in 2008...a good year for pictures. Card lost some detail in downsizing for the web.)
  5. Flytyer's link is very good. I own a W20 and it is good. The key points in favor of the Pentax listed in the article are these: # 28-140mm lens # Better lens resolution # Better ISO noise These are important for an angler and would sway an angler to the Pentax despite the positive features of the Olympus. If you are also a diver then go for the Oly. My Pentax has been in salt water for up to 30 minutes at a time and down to about 3 meters while snorkeling. Rinsed off and dried and it was fine. Key point..... You will be happy with either.
  6. Remember this!! Poof..yer a goner. Nice rod BTW....I gt some old glass here somewhere. The Doghouse
  7. The side channel is 2 km downstream of the Hwy #24 bridge in the S side of the river.
  8. We were checked twice this year ... once on a lake and once on a stream. Just because you don't get asked doesn't mean you are not being watched!! The day I took theses pictures, the Stream Watch F&W officer watched many people without their knowledge. Some were confronted and a few were not. They had no clues someone had been watching them! I'd bet that the majority of all anglers on the upper OM this summer were watched at one time or another if they fished more than 2 or 3 days there. If you fished 40 days ... you were indeed watched. This guy (MrBotangles is that you?) was watched for at least 15 minutes. He caught a nice bull, chatted with his buddy and released it. There was no advantage of chasing the guy down.
  9. Beed ... Works sounds better than the forecast ... Who knows? http://www.theweathernetwork.com/fourteenday/caab0084
  10. This might help....Image #13. It is tricky for me as I have fat fingers but it is easier to tie GDs because of large size. There are diff ways as FT has described. I may have the large original picture in my files if you want it emailed to you--let me know. Clive
  11. max... well last year it was -18°C at 9 AM and I pulled the pin. Too damn cold for me. However, I will make a special effort so we can do the dirty deed. I'll bring the "stuff" and you bring unmarked bills. BTW max I am in the Pass tomorrow (Thursday Dec 11) to drop some more contra off. HAR HAR. Would you believe I am delivering new bear-proof garbage bins to the Hillcrest lease site? Some contra huh? Hey LE... What the hell's wrong with a pin hole in yer waders ? Hell, there's already a pin head in 'em!! KIDDING! Clive
  12. Tis that time once again..... In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice occurs on Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 5:04 AM MST. Same routine as in other years.... SUNDAY DECEMBER 21, 2008 BURMIS LAKE PARKING AREA Meet a the Burmis Lake parking area... (map here) at 11 AM. Will take a picture. After that it is everyone for themselves. GGP is not allowed to fish with the BAW~! Long range for the Pass...who knows though ? ? The LR has been up and down like a Claresholm hooker's shorts. I made it in 1994...then we held none for ten years ... and also 2004, 2005 and 2006. I missed last year as it was too damn cold for my old bod. A few souls made it out and by all reports did well ... including freezing their asses off. Cheers! Clive
  13. When Dubya senior bombed Baghdad (way back in the early 90s) the CBC (or CTV) interviewed Dr. Gwynne Dyer (yellow journalist supreme, fearmongering entertainer, etc etc). On a shelf behind his desk was a small TV set that was on showing wrestling on World Wrestling Federation. Too funny. He was probably writing one of his bogus "in-depth political or scientific analyst" columns on wrestling. The ONLY good thing about Dyer is that he's not a politician. But I admire him for being a successful businessman raking in a huge income on his ill-informed sensational columns. I digress.
  14. RAW is good for sure, but there is too much emphasis on the technology than on technique I am afraid. It ain't necessarily the technology and software as much as the dude pushing the buttons--needless to say, the equipment has to be good. Simply saying "jpeg's suck for blowups" is misleading. I shoot a lot of jpgs (and some RAW) with good technique and good lenses. Taken properly, jpegs make large prints that are tack sharp with good color ranges and tones and no noise. Good technique such as suitable shutter speeds, tripods and understanding of light will gain a photographer way more quality than blindly going to RAW. Shooting RAW with poor technique and marginal lens quality will gain nothing. For 80+ percent of my pictures I would defy anyone to see a quality difference in (say) a pair of 11 by 14-inch prints.. one shot in RAW and one in XF jpg. There are indeed times where post processing RAW files will possibly show superior results. Cheers! Clive
  15. Easy peasy... 1) Wait till next weekend 2) Place on deck 3) Click here 4) No more bugs 5) Get a silk plant. Done. Anytime... Clive PS: Washing with soapy water as suggested is likely to help. PPS: If you purchased it recently I'd be taking it back for a refund. PPPS: Watch your other plants as these critters tend to migrate all over. Before you know it they will infest your computer. See below.
  16. They have left the building. So I freed up 10 feet of shelf space and stuff has just transferred there by osmosis and I seemed to have gained nothing. Thanks to flyfishfairwx for picking them up. Six boxes of NG mags. Four boxes of books to the thrift store. Two bags of garbage to the recycle and dump ... and my office is still a mess. Sundance... yer bad.
  17. Dave .. not so. "It Is Unlawful To ... Use lights to sportfish unless the light is attached to a hook or line used in angling." From AGTSR Go to: General Sportfishing Restrictions You just can't jacklight fish. Interesting angle though. So does it mean ya can't use a flashlight to tie on a new fly after dark? hummmmm
  18. That vid is insane. I guess booze, drugs and testosterone don't mix well, huh? All Darwin candidates. And on a lighter note ... just for Lynn... The bricklayers song...
  19. ROTFLMAO~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: AHA! Bare breasted bronze beauties of the Ungawanga Tribe. Actually ... they are not missing at all. There are three old issues I want to keep with articles on climate.
  20. I have on offer FREE to a good home ... FOB Coaldale.... Approx 33 years of National Geographic magazines from 1971 to 2005. There are about 400 issues with a handful missing. They take up approx 10 feet of shelf space. They would weight (what??) perhaps 100 pounds or so. They were offered some time ago and whereas there was lots of interest no one took them. So they are offered again. Free of charge FOB my house in boxes. I will not ship via Greyhound or trucking company. You have to come and get 'em. Please send an email to me: clives AT shaw.ca If more than one person replies, they will go to the earliest dated email. They are being offered elsewhere as well. This is the first notice posted. Cheers! Clive
  21. Hey Birchy... "RIGHT STRAIGHT ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD!! " Well that explains a lot. JOKE! Funny story.
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