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Posts posted by agbff

  1. Well ive learned

    - Fly fishing isn't just for crazy old people (but mostly!)

    - Spey casting is the way of the future

    - If a big fish wants to leave... let em go!

    - " if your not seeing rainbows, your not catching rainbows" max

    - set on everything

    - adventuring is just as much fun as catching fish

    - fishing in solitude is key

    - any amount of time to get on the river is a good time

    - fishing in shite weather is rewarding

    - fly fishing is more addictive than crack

    - fly tying is like heroine


    Started fishing this year and will be doing in every year from now on!


    Oh, with out peoples help from this board... id probably still be fishless! thanks all

  2. Perhaps i'm not the one that needs a reading lesson, and i can tell you i certainly don't need a "constructing literate sentence's while using proper vocabulary and spelling" lesson, like someone.


    Max you gunna be alright... that was rough!


    Jayhad, I recently got a used Loop CLW which is definetly one of the cheaper loop reels... and its so nice to fish, i havent fished any other Loop models but im sure there a lot nicer! I hate making these type of decisions...

  3. You guys think a door to door petition would work? Im sure most of the members on this board would help... but if lots of people just went around there hoods asking neighbours and such to sign, it could be alot of names on paper. Other than that im blank... Would like to help in any way shape or form.


  4. Yeah man, max told me something like 1000 drifts and 100 hooksets will get you a max of 100 fish. more sets equals more fish. Setting on any twitch has given me some luck, more often then not its nothing or some weeds but once you get one its theee best. Big fish on a small fly is unbeatable

  5. Got out last sat with Maxwell... he was showing whats up with the spey casting. Just starting but getting smoother and finally catching fish on the bow! Ive got a *hit grin because i was so stoked


    Fall Brown



    Wasnt taped but i guess just over 20






    Now im going to brave the wind and see if i can keep those nymphs untangled


  6. out tonight for the first time with the switch rod.... soo fun and completely different. I got a beulah 11'6 and i really dig it for nymphing. let me know when you guys have the meet because i could defintly use some instruction.

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