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Posts posted by agbff

  1. moto jump on a 50cc when i was about 6-7 years old. fell off the back of the bike going up the lip, pulled the throttle on the way off. I landed on my back, bike landed on me, foot peg went into my thigh... 11 stitches deep and 9 wide, another three inches higher and me and Amstrong could have had something in common!

  2. The one thing that is not neccesarrily a must but has for sure made my flies neater is a good vice. I started with a $40 vise and resetting your hook constantly after the jaws wear out is quite the pain. My first three flies were the good ol' SJW, clouser, and hares ear. be fore warned my friend, this makes a guy wanna fish and spend money on new hooks, foam, dubbing, flash, beads alll the time

  3. condoms make the best nymph skin! michaels has unlimited supplies of marabou, chenille, antron.. beedshops are killer too!


    wouldn't the lubricated coating make it just slide outta the fishies mouth?! haha

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