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Posts posted by agbff

  1. Well, Its gettin cold and my fingers feel like they will fall off when i get a fish and have to put them in the water. I have fingerless fleece gloves but still find my hands are numb after an hour or two. Does any one have any better suggestions? Anyone know of neoprene gloves that would be thin enough? I dont want to buy over the net to find that the gloves are too thick to feel a line between your fingers.



  2. Thanks toolman

    Really neat little creature. It's funny how it reacted toward me. It walked out of the bushes to stand right in the center of the trail facing me with no fear, then did a little head bob grin/snarl at me after i yelled "scat" at him the first time. WTF i say's to myself. I also think he watched and waited till i was split from the other two before he came out to challenge me. Everything it did was very deliberate until i was able to spook him with a big WHOOOOO!!! Then he ran with blinding speed. It actually stepped on our camera mans foot when it turned the corner where Cory (camera man) was filming Troy fishing in the river! You can hear me yell just before it comes into view. Very lucky to be rolling when it all went down.. Better chance of filming Bigfoot lol.



    you need a pooch that would battle a wolverine! or sail a ship or just a dog that you can sit and smoke cigars with..... french mastiff! http://andaaquino.they.org/Brody/Bunker/Ph...enchMastiff.jpg

  3. RDevonshire, you may find this helpful. I did.


    in the end I checked out many reels and there are some fine peices of aluminum out there to be had. I would love to get a Loop Opti..... never seen one in person but they look so damn cool. I ended up getting a Loop Evotech 8/10 HD for a crazy deal. I originally budgetted $1500 for my Steelhead spey setup and now I am into it for only $375 for the rod and reel.


    With all that mula you saved you should probably buy more fishin stuff!

  4. Do you think Obama will end up passive or actually take a stand and make some change? What do you think the first thing he will do in january when he takes office?


    I thought it was pretty insane when Mccain was making his speech and his supporters were boo'ing and being goofs when ever Obamas name was mentioned, but when obama brought up ol johnnie in his speak the crowd seemed to be a lot more respectful.... Different wings of voters i guess?

  5. I'm kinda curious about the whole spey game, how do you figure out the proper line for the fishing one would be doing? Also, what is the best way to decide on a length and weight of rod?


    couple of casts is all it took hey jk? Those loop sticks are a sick deal... Thinking about tossing big streamers for pike?

  6. this fish needs love..



    fall cut



    first time id fished this stretch.. and the last of this season.



    Today on the bow! Started off pretty nice





    bird fish.. my biggest bow so far




    Thanks to all who have answered my questions and been so cool! hope the rest of the season goes well for everybody!

  7. Well it all started springtime this year when me and a bunch of friends were at a buddies ranch on the bow south of calgary. Had everything going on dirt bikes, quads, shot guns, bow n arrows, and the first fish i ever stuck on a fly rod. From then on fly fishing has been something i do on a regular basis. I try and get out as many week nights as I can and the weekends im for sure driving South! These are shots from my adventures from when it was warm until today (were it was not 20 C).


    One of my first few bulls



    First yogi encounter.. I one punched him and he was sulking



    Only fish that day...i left stoked!







    Medussa, my favorite streamer



    The bow has had me walking away from it frustrated a few times... im starting to pick it up!



    Big brown on redds (sun glasses doubled as a polarized filter)



    Went down to the liv one last time a few days ago. -7 when i got out of the car so i wasnt expecting all that much. Got to the first pool and tied on my first home tied fly and first cast i get this warrior1490c5l.jpg




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