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Everything posted by Justfreewheelin

  1. Rio gold, wt6. is what I use.
  2. another vote for the Daiichi 1870, I think they work good, and I have not poked out any eyes with em.
  3. I have a Danielsson F3W 2six on my 4wt FLI, way over kill w/t a 100 yds of backing. since it will hold so much. like everyone has said, I have never seen the backing on it, but the weight is great 137gr. or 4.8 ounces. so I guess a little heavy for what you were looking for, I just love the reel though.
  4. the high power green ones, have a visible line that you can see.
  5. so you would like to see something like this? Click here if the movie does not play. If so sign me up.
  6. I really hope that those poachers listen and only poach on the weekend when the fish cops are out. That was way too funny.
  7. oh well that is where I went wrong.
  8. well everyone can come over to my place and get the real thing, then you do not have to get the shot. sounds good.
  9. that is the thing, I hate to say it but I hit up a couple of other forums other than this one, and on another forum, I would say we fly fishers are out numbered prob 5-1 by all the gear chuckers. I hate to say it but they are all just as worried about poachers, and the lack of conservation to our sport/ hobby. we are not the only ones worried. All I know is now that I tie my own flys, is that I now have no problem about ever being caught w/t a barbed hook, as that is the first thing I do before I start the tie.
  10. you have to remember Flyfishfaiwx that there are a lot of spin casters out there that are hucking fly rigs w/t bobers, and weights. so I have a hard time to belief that that rig was from a fly fisher.
  11. The thing is I come home, want to relax a little, jump on the forum to see that I should have gone fishing, cause everyone else did good, and every other day it is the same old crap, some one taking pictures of barbed treble hooks, and posting it none other than on a forum that I would like to say most of us follow the rules, quit wasting your time telling the guys that already know. What you want a pat on the back for finding a treble hook. good job bud. come over and I'll give you a cookie.
  12. wow was wondering where that got to thanks, can we meet somewhere so I can get that back, can't tell you how many bull I have caught with that, oh and kept them all. funny how everyone always posts when they find this crap, too bad none of us are the culprits.
  13. the way I look at it why do it at home when I can get paid to do it at work. never felt better.
  14. It is so funny, this is not the first forum I have been a part of, I think I have six that I visit on a reg. basis. It is the same on all of them, people take things to way to serious, and other people always feel that they are right. it is way too easy to sit behind a computer screen and run your mouth as really there is no consequence after. Also I know in my instances of being on the computer, it is usually in the wee hours of the morning, and my brain has quite working right. I know one thing the city does to me is make me mad every time I drive, 5 yrs ago rd's were ok, at least the ones I drove on a regular basis, I live in the country, or what used to be the country, now there is a stupid mall 8 miles away, and I have to deal with stupid drivers where there used to be no drivers. I blame all the hostility in calgary, to the condition of the rd's. not really the meth labs, wheres 420 hiding. he can help us all chill out a bit eh?
  15. you guys are getting mad at him, If I were you I would be mad at the countless number of people that do get hit by the train and waist tax payer dollars, I used to use the LRT all the time, and I never got hit. how can you not see the train coming? really, most likely they were talking on the phone, texting, or listening to music, you wonder why places like NY, pass laws making it illegal to walk down the street w/t headphones on. Oh I know because of stupid people.
  16. I hate to say it but a lot of those things my friends and I would do when we were bored, been kicked out of wallmart a lot. brought back some truly funny memories though. thanks.
  17. my fingers work just fine. never had to use anything else.
  18. I picked one up a few weeks ago as well, what a great rod, enough back bone to throw a big nymph rig and then turn around and throw drys. I too went with the Rio Gold 6wt line, as Max recommended, thing roll casts great. and my spy casting is improving. over all this is going to be my goto rod, when Southbow can not get any more in, I saw that Basspro has one on the rack for 410. Hey Jay you ever gona put up any of those pics?
  19. get her a trainer, and get a make over, send her to a dentist. and I am sure we all wouldn't be able to recognize her, still is sad that what it really comes down to is looks, and then the talent.
  20. what ever you decide to use, get proficient at using it. I think also the nature of what we do we tend to put our self 's in danger, being quiet, just working up the river, not really paying attention to our surroundings, just the water. I don not know what you would use a knife for though BBBrownie? I guess you could fillet yourself and season with spray, mmmm tasty treat for MR.Grizzly. I know a shottie is not the answer as well, I'll try and be kind enough to give him a warning shot first. then I'll guess I'll go down blazing guns style.
  21. they make a very nice holster/sheath which goes on your back, feels like wearing a back pack, 18.5 barel, and pistol grip, I do not think you would even notice it.
  22. How bout a 12ga. shottie, if they mean buisness, I'm gona mean buissnes. Of course not in the parks though. I'll be nice and give a warning shot for him first.
  23. well I sure know mcdicks does not stay in me for 4 yrs, heck prob not even 6 hours.
  24. well I thought that everyone was or is required to take an outdoor ed/wildlife conservation course to get their WIN card then they are allowed to get their fishing license? We all need to just keep the fish cops on speed dial I guess.
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