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Everything posted by bowbuster

  1. is that the guy that i alway saw down fish creek with the spinning rod and giant bobbers
  2. Wow, that is one messed up fish. Havent seen one like that but have seen them with chunks missing from their lips and a few with deformed gill plates. Also had one with only one eye
  3. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with tanning ( i think thats what u call it) rabbit hides for zonker strips. Also have access to bucktails and hides so those also. Will be dying them and again not too sure on that process either. Anyone with some helpful info would be appreciated. Have been google searching but mostly getting answers on how to remove the hair to get just the leather. Thanks
  4. Nice bruin.
  5. search results = zero gram scale, maybe i should hit up one of the local pot dealers and get a loaner. Any other suggestions in choppin without a scale?
  6. Thanks for the info. I guess il have to go find a scale somewhere and start choppin. Ill update my results later
  7. I have a 10 wt line that i got really cheap with intentions of choppin it up for chuckin big flies on my 8wt but not sure how to go about it other than trial and error starting with 2feet at a time. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Do i cut out a section and loopp them back together so i still have the tapered end or just chop off the taper alltogether and scrap it. Im guessing that the taper would help everything lay out better but the loop to loop connection may be a problem with sliding in through the guides or out for that matter. I have done welded loops with the shrink tube method and it works good but a little bulky so maybe loop connectors with bloodknots to secure em and a bit of zap a gap to slick them up? My guess would be get rid of atleast half the belly. That should drop it atleast 1wt?
  8. I think im gonna gear one up. Ill post some pics when i get er done
  9. Ya ive seen them before but just the manual ones and have never tried one. They look pretty cool though for doing long hair dubbing ties like in the video. Think i might gear one up just for fun and to have for tying up big bushy streamers. I have an old dremmel tool with a sppeed control on it. That should work. What size of wire is needed for them?
  10. Anyone ever try this. Looks pretty cool once it is all set up
  11. I just use the round tube cylinder like plastic containers fron the dollar store, all the containers stack up and screw together. Theres two sizes one for small dry fly hooks and beads etc and onother bigger one for streamer hooks and such. each section can be divided in half easily enough and labelled easily. Deff no hook migration
  12. Just pm maxwell, he deff knows his game and is extremely informative. He will definately get u into fish
  13. i have an 8wt loop opti power and it handles big salmon just fine. used a 300 grain 24foot sink head line to chuck 3/0 flies . fish were up to 18 lbs, i think an 8wt is a bit much for just the bow but if u have other uses like salmon and stripers go for it. Would be a sweet pike rod for throwin big rabbit strips and such
  14. what water r u fishing them in?
  15. 9-6 6wt demon, will chuck a double bunny and a #18 spinner / elkhair combo just great. Strictly dri is a 5wt loop aeg tho. nice stick for the price
  16. Well, i know for me it is mostly the anticipation, waiting for that strike, the total concentration. Also the ability to totally block out the everyday stresses that everyone has wether it is money , the dragon at home , work, whatever. That all goes away and you go into a kind of a new dimentia a whole different world where nothing exists except u, your rod and the fish, soon to be on the end of it! I dont know if its like crack or not but it sure is an addiction. And i loooove it. Every aspect of it, well , except for the cost of course(i have high end tastes, not always a good thing) ................................my 3 cents.
  17. hey>>>>>>>>>>>>>where did u go max>>>>>>>>>>>is there a winner?
  18. Ya man, sweet pics. How ya likin' dat switch with the runner setup ? Been lookin into one of those
  19. Im not a pro by any means but i have 2 okuma helios reels and for 2 bones ...u cant beat it(think ebay has them for 169) . Check one out sometime, super smooth drag(smooth start up, not big strain then the drag lets go). I also think they r salt resistant too. Wholesale got'em
  20. Hey man>>>long time no see. i had a pair of the sierra pants and they were awesome. I blew out the crotch cause i have long legs( climbing banks and whatnot) and they don make a large tall pair but it was a while before it happened. The down side is when you need to cross a part in the river that is a bit over the top of them. Id get a pair ov convertable ish' waders, something u can roll down and draw tight around ur waist when its hot out. I bought a pair of dan baileys from fishtales, (thanks dave) and they r awesome and comfortable, lots of stretch room for climbing and can roll em down to the waist and draw them tight. I probably would have bought the sims convertable ones but 500(i think) compared to 189......well......leaves u some extra cash for flies, line and whatever other toys u need. Havnt had a problem with the baileys and have deff done some backcountry climbin with em. Later dude, good luck with the waders!
  21. http://www.flyfishingtravel.com/kamchatka/index.html
  22. thanks fo th einfo..........max told me the same thing now that i think of it but i havnt even used it since then and had forgotten about that...no cheater it is.......ill try that out when the season opens here. So, its a 10 wt singlehand flyline if i go that route, id like to try that just to see how it would work, i know where i can get one cheap i think.
  23. |I have a reddington 11' 6" switch 8wt. The guys i bought it from sold me a rio skagit line 420somethin grain (the bigger of the two anyways). And a cheater. Does the cheater add too much extra weight in relation to loading the rod and should i use the lower grain line with the cheater or get rid of the cheater and just use the line that i have. Also, can u use a smaller belly line like a regular fly line , if so im guessing u have to overline and how much? I would really like to be able to single hand cast this rod but with the line i have it doesnt work very well. Any advice welcome...............................................................thankz
  24. i call it the bombed up noble...... hook = #6 2xl streamer hook thread = black 3/0 body = spun deer hair cut bomber style rib = black hackle back = tan and brown 2 mm craft foam wing = molted wing material from fishtales? eyes = damsel eyes glued between foam layers legs = brown and round i think thats it....just a noble with a "spin".........................................................
  25. ya...i know all bout them summer nights on the bow....swingin bitches til 3 in the mo.....eh max?
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