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Everything posted by petti

  1. Im picking up my new Hyde next week... glad i read this!
  2. Hey all, I'm looking to purchase a used drift boat this spring and was curious if someone could steer me in the right direction. I would prefer to purchase the boat in Canada for obvious reasons. Anyone got a boat for sale or know of a good starting point to look? Thanks
  3. I can't believe I was camping right beside the livingstone on Wednesday morning. Feeling pretty lucky! Fishing Tuesday was great though
  4. Wow!
  5. Thanks for the heads up. I will definetly keep a look out
  6. Never fun! Last year i put a small nymph in the middle of my forehead. Had to use the reflection of my sunglasses to figure out which way to pull the hook. Barbless hooks!!
  7. all great looking flies!
  8. i will take dozen!!
  9. could also work great as the fly lifts in the water during the swing...
  10. tied up a few more, these are all articulated mike
  11. Great report! Keep us posted Have a good remainder of your trip!!
  12. So i tied a few of these bad boys up the other day. Size 4 Streamer hook Brown rabbit strip-tail and body-barred rubber legs olive polar chenille- under body white mallard flank-just cause.... natural deerhair-collar lead eyes sculpin wool head i call it the (SBB big pimpin) i think this fly will be better for mountain streams over the bow let me know what you think Mike
  13. Thats a cool tip, i will be giving that one a try for streamers. thx man
  14. i consider myself to be a knot junkie. i do industrial rope access for a living in all sorts of places, mostly refineries. i practice and tie knots all day long while at work. The non-slip loop knot is the only knot i use for streamers and droppers. very strong knot and it doesnt compromise to much line strenght. I definatly recommend this knot for streamer fishing and nymphing. gives great presentation and has worked for me for a long time. tight lines!
  15. So yesterday i went out to pick up some new dry fly line and ended up buying a new rod instead LOL. This rod was designed buy my favorite fly tier Kelly Galloup. The rod is made of SCV highstrain graphite and features the new 3M NANO technology it aslo comes with Fugi K stripper guides. Ive never owned a st.croix rod before but im super pumped to get out on the water and chuck some meaty streamers and see what its all about. Any of you guys/gals used this rod before? Any good/bad St.Croix reviews? Time to hit the bench and tie up some massive streamers!! THX Mike
  16. Junior, sounds like you are a pretty good shot!
  17. ive caught fish on uglier flies. you can only chuck it to see if it works! keep us posted!
  18. nice lookin laker!!
  19. petti

    Dry Fly Line

    thanks dude. maybe i will give the Rio DT a go
  20. petti

    Dry Fly Line

    although nymphing is definitly the most productive method
  21. petti

    Dry Fly Line

    Jayhad, i chuck streamers probably 85% of the time im on the water so i have a top knotch streamer line. the line in question will be strictly dry flies. i try to avoid nymphing, no offense to all the nymphers on the board i just find it boring... thx Mike
  22. With the start of the season just around the corner im in the market for new DF line. Just curious what everyone is using or recommends? Mike
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