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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Tako

    Fall Bulls

    Glad to see you wiped the sperm off for the pics :$*%&:
  2. I just finished reading Randy's report on FlyBC. Great goddam work guys! I have some plans in the works to tackle you next year in Williams Lake!! Great job guys, you'll smash em at worlds
  3. No, it's not. You're wrong. Buy a rubber net and make us all happier.
  4. Trout are the pussies of the fish world. They are not tough. They WILL die if you handle them roughly, removing the 'slime coat' Roughly includes rocks and grass. Respect the damn fish.
  5. Don't compare this shight to salmon, as salmon migrate hundreds, if not thousands of kilometres to spawn, where as most alberta bulls won't migrate more than 100km to spawn. This fish may not have been on a redd, but I'd bet a case of Lucky he would have milked if you ran a hand down him. Fish em while they're migrating, not while they're milking. I prefer to shoot bull moose with their peckers hard, call me a hypocrit.
  6. I ain't all dumb
  7. I have to laugh at the guys who B&C about paying the money. I can only list about six CW in the whole province. There's more, but thats all I can hink of. I have fished none of them, in 21 years of fishing in BC. Go fish somewhere else!? If they made me pay $20/day to fish the Oldman, I'd go to the Castle. If they made me pay $20/day to fish Stauffer, I'd B&C (lol) and go fish Prairie. There's other rivers than the freakin Elk. Diversify, dammit. If BC tried to make me (as a resident), pay a fee per day on some river I wanted to fish, I'd tell em to stick it and go fish somewhere else. There's a billion rivers and lakes out there, go fish em. But hey, if you like crowds, you like crowds????
  8. Tako

    Lots O Pics

  9. I def got sucked into a black hole. Missed my first two classes. Def wasn't out hunting. Got sucked into that danged black hole.
  10. Tomorrow's opening day of rifle season. Hope they hold off until about 8am, when I have to boot'er from blind to classes.
  11. 700km/65L tank is about normal for a mix of hwy and city mileage in my 4cyl 2wd Chev S10. All I need really. 4wd is not the requirement people think it is. When I put my 12ft aluminum/motor/gas in the back, I barely notice a difference in mileage.
  12. Tako

    Lots O Pics

    Back to school. Nice car man. Thread needs more fish porn, I'll get to it later
  13. Tako

    Lots O Pics

    Soooooo, that's our sample site eh? Right on... Ooh yeah, that's so much better, a swamp :$*%&: Brule Sauger. Yup. It's a good thing Castle Brownie Home for a lot of the time Yes, please freeken do. My vest only has room for my crap, not your beer cans. Peace
  14. Tako

    Lots O Pics

    Hard at work (releasing 8lb gillnetted walleye) Freshwater fish lice, never knew they existed Burrrbot Mmmmmmm fort mac Flyin
  15. Tako

    Lots O Pics

    Just random sheet from the summer. Hinton Haig lake The only brown I got to hand all flippin summer, courtesy Prairie Creek
  16. Not a beast, but a good rainbo for this area, and a beaut from this lake, as it's a tough mother to fish. Seconds after donning the BigBadBrent wading jacket she came to hand. Damn thing is a fish magnet!!!!! Liftoff 52cm 47cm Honorable mention goes to the 5" brown I caught in Prairie. ONLY brown I landed all god dang summer.
  17. holy :$*%&: whatta chum
  18. *hit Jay that's a warrior. What a fish.
  19. I'm back home now for good. Next year!? You are a better caster, by far. You also have a 6' 2wt which you'd use on the creeks I'm thinking of. You're also sortof comparing apples to oranges, 4 to 3. Combo it up with you being a better caster and having a heavier, longer rod, and yeah, you'll whip my ass any day of the week. I was admittedly undergunned on the L Smoky in rod length, but the water was uber high!? Everyone can have their damn opinion, mine is that if you want a 3wt, you want a short one.
  20. Toolman = pwned Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh forums
  21. Lamson Velocity. My buddy got the Z-axis and topped it with the Lamson and she is one sweet shootin rig.
  22. No more hockey talk on the fishing forum. It depends on what you're using a 3wt for. They aren't designed to fling lots of line, they are designed to shoot with a delicate presentation, at short distances. If you're high-sticking, you've still got plenty of height to do so. I use my 3wt only for small creeks, which would be absolutely horrendous if it were longer than 8'0'' I even have troubles with it at 7'6'' sometimes. Also, the longer it is, the harder it is to make accurate slingshot casts. Again, depends on what you're using it for. In regards to TFO, my buddy broke two in the span of 32 hours, trying to pull a snagged fly out of a bush. My Sage Launch 3wt was able to tear that bush out by the roots (no shittin ya) while he stood there and cried. They may have a great warranty (so does Sage), but I'm willing to bet you'd absolutely love an 8'0'' 4pc Launch for not much more than a TFO. TFOs are beginner rods. Once you can cast, you need to do yourself a favour and move up to the big leagues.
  23. 8'9'' is waaaaaaaaaaaay too long for a 3wt. Look for a 7' or 7'6''
  24. I have an olympus for work, and it sucks. I have a Pentax Optio as my personal camera, and it rocks. Pretty much all I can say, having used both a lot. The olympus just takes crappy pictures
  25. Tako

    Trout City

    Watch in high quality, Youtube butchers my filming. Enjoy. Click here if the movie does not play.
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