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About nickt

  • Birthday 02/20/1986

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nickt's Achievements


Mayfly (4/10)



  1. hey thanks a lot. much easier to understand when written like that
  2. cant seem to have any luck. i dunno if i am a moron but can not seem to get it
  3. can anyone tell me the answer to the question which is a fish, pike, or moose? i am trying to get a fried registered and we are stuck.
  4. nickt

    May Pics

    well done my friend
  5. nickt

    Bow Today

    i always know how to pic the right days. man that was cold!
  6. nickt

    Bow Today

  7. nickt

    Bow Today

    got out for a couple hours. fishing was slow but good quality fish when caught. landed all that i hooked. blue wing hatch was on in full and even managed to land a couple on dries when the snow hit. all in all landed about 10 mostly bows and 2 browns. most were caught on copper john.
  8. you would think that if you were to put up such a big store out here that you would do some research. i dont know if i am being nieve but i would have expected the fly section be massive in comparisson to the ontario one. the bass pro out there has a fly section the same size but much better. the prices were nothing special either. thecamping section was all for RVers with the gianttables and bbqs. there was nothing in there that really comptes with placs like mec, instead it is wal mart stuff. i find it ironic as well that a company that is all about conservation has so much taxidermy in there. oh well my 2 cents.
  9. olympus all the way. i just bought the new one and it is sweeeet!
  10. yeah we got him with his eye gone and nobody knows when he lost it so my story is that he got into a fight with a bear, and he won. he was really cocky after that and picked a fight with a squirrel and the squirrel bit his eye out.
  11. this is finn
  12. i always had the owner get the inspection and if it passed i would pay for the inspecion. if it failed depending on what the problem was i would now have a bargaining chip because i could say i want such and such knocked off to fix whatever the problem was. or the other option i walk and the owner would be out the inspection money. i like this system because if the owner is more than happy to comply with this method, then it becomes more apparent that they have nothing to hide. this is my easiest way of sorting out the vehicles on the market that are there because they have problems.
  13. i had a buddy come up from tennessee and he couldnt affod any food while he traveled canada for the summer so he lived on canned tuna for 2.5 months. he too was hospitalized for mercury poisoning.
  14. nah thats not 10lbs you just got a tiny little kiddie rod sittin next to it. lol. nice brutes man!
  15. if you have hardwood you really do not want to use a dehumidifier it will split it apart like crazy. when webuild new houses and you do not have humidifier within 2 weeks you can see how much has changed. dehumidifies are good for the coast where it is very humid at all times but for cow town you do want o add a little to the mix. the trick is finding thesweet spot.
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