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Everything posted by clarki

  1. thanks Taco. I was told by a biologist that it was an escape situation but that map shows that wouldnt be possible. M
  2. those arctic char escaped from the hatchery, not dumped. a remediation crew was out there electrofishng to get the char out of the elbow but surely not every one was captured and therefore could be anywhere in the elbow. M
  3. hmmmm... bulls, browns, cutts,'bows, cuttbows, what river could this be?? so many in alberta with all those species LOL M
  4. random camping or not, the cutts in the liv have looked that way for along time now. its been catch and release for so long and was before barbless regs came into effect. those fish are that way because they have been caught so many times over. i dont think its fair to lump the looks of the fish in with the random camping issue. M
  5. just want to clarify that the condition of the fish has nothing to do with the random camping problem in that area. the beat up looking cutts in the livingstone are due to 10+ years of c&r. something needs to be done to help this natural area. havent fished/camped there in 3 years and may not ever again.later M
  6. the battles are incredible!! theres nothing like seeing one of these fish come completely out of the water like a rainbow. long, hard runs they do it all!! anywhere from 20-40 minutes with some of these dinosaurs.I absolutley love these fish. just incredible M
  7. here's some of mine..... enjoy M
  8. that very first pic of the brookie is the best photo. lots of really nice fish here but not so great photos. toolman, as im sure youve heard many times... those are some incredible fish youve got there. unreal brown. well done M
  9. what harm do the treatment plants cause? M
  10. perhaps i could suggest that you hold the fish closer to the water and not out in front of your chest. seeing as your buddy dropped that fish from 3-4 feet high that could badly injure or even kill one of those nice cutty's if it landed on a rock or on shore. awesome pics in part 1 and part 2. i especially like the first pic in part 1. nicely done M
  11. there is a thread on another alberta outdoors forum where it says some kids got busted after putting their fishing pics and story on facebook, this was seen by a member of that forum and reported to CO's. after a little sleuthing the CO got their addresses and busted them!! got fined and everything. i believe they were charged with fishing during a closed season. M
  12. puzzling. the only thing i can think is perhaps these fish were caught and handled roughly by another angler?? whitefish seem to be pretty wimpy as far as catch and release goes. seem slike if you have any trouble getting a hook out and have to handle the fish for even 20-30 seconds they seem to have a really hard time recovering. I have seen dead fish in the crow and they were mostly small rainbows that got trapped under ice that collapsed on them in early spring. M
  13. I keep looking at that pic of a "dog" and I keep looking at my house cats and i think we have a feline of some kind?? check out the length of the whiskers and the flattish skull. to me it has very cat like features. weedy1 how big/small was this carcass? anyone else think thats cat-like? stepped into a deer carcass on the elbow, gagged a few times on that dead cow in that guys yard just down of the pink bridge, tripped over an antler sticking out of the sand along the oldman it was still attached to the body that was buried in the sediment, and came across a dead bighorn ewe in the gap a couple years back. later M
  14. a friend once saw a grizz eating berries right next to the path on one of the k lakes. she hiked up to a vantage point and watched this bear for 45 minutes as many people walked by without ever noticing the bear as it was well hidden by thick shrubs but still only feet from the trail. only when a couple of guys noticed her they called CO's and they came along and shot blanks near the bear to scare it off. all the bear wanted was to strap on the feed bag. then it got hassled. M
  15. brian, that is a legendary tale!!!!! the man just kept on casting people!!!!!!! i think it also shows that bears arent going to just come charging out of the bush at you, they would rather make you piss your pants the easy way!! LMAO i wonder how many bears have seen us anglers that we just had no idea was watching us. Lynn, you have probably been close if you fish the racehorse area often enough, just that the bears saw you first and avoided you. Dont fall victim to the Bearanoia! later M
  16. hmmmm... where was there a fire a few years ago to make the forest look like that???hmmmm may get lost trying to find that area. lol that is a sweet confluentus!! what a first bully!! M
  17. 2-3 years ago a grizzly was spotted then trapped and collared very close to the town of Milk River. At the time i was working on a waterfowl project on the milk river ridge. we got the frequency for the collar but we never did get a beep out of it. eventually the grizz found its way back to the waterton area. the collar was found just outside the park later that fall. could you imagine the days when grizzlies roamed the prairies?!!! later M
  18. wow! 50+ fish and without the blue sweater??!!! M
  19. my condolence. life jacket or not that weir will kill you during run-off. isnt the rule you just have to have your pfd with you and not wearing it?? if so, thats ridiculous. also, maybe the city could implement a by-law that forbids floating downstream of the zoo bridge? I also have to question what kind of person relies on the booms above a drowning machine to be their take-out point?? tragic. M
  20. Dave, that aint dog crap!!! M
  21. plenty of cutts were stocked in our waters over the years also... 6 lb mono is really strong stuff and combined with a properly set drag can easily land a fish like this no matter how hard it fought. if they were in a boat they would have the luxury of chasing the fish around further minimizing the stress on the line and reel. M
  22. thats a mallard hen and i think that hawk on the post is a harrier. later M
  23. thanks for the responses. will springbrook fix my rod or will they just try to get my $25 and give me a new 1/2 a rod? all i need is a cheap quick fix which surely shouldnt cost as much as $25??? what about Roggie's?? does he fix fly rods? anyone got his number?? thanks again M
  24. I guess constructive criticism is a lot different than slander. M
  25. as far as lethbridge goes wholesale aint no good. never have what I need. always out of stuff and they dont restock for weeks at a time. hasnt been any lead wrap or red wire for worms int here all winter and they still dont have any.the same rods have been on display for 4 years and are still the same price???!! there is only 1 other option for fly gear but that store is more for hunters. as far as service the guys are excellent, just ask and you'll get great help from the fishing guys but some competition in the form of another store would go a long way in keeping the shelves stocked with tying materials etc. hope this isnt too slanderous but some negative things need to be said coz it aint all good as this thread and mods would have us believe. just like a bad fishing report, why not a bad store review?? later M
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