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Everything posted by PlayDoh

  1. Where abouts did you tag him with the egg jar? Just so I can point and laugh if I see a Poacher with a scar on his forehead. Ha Ha!
  2. I was at the Bow with my two nieces, and I decided to take them out on the River for a bit of a row. So we're out there having a good time, I'm rowing them and they seem to be enjoying themselves. And we're about half-way across and I see my buddy Knuckles on the beach and he says," Hey Champ! Where'd ya get the two oars?" I says," Pardon?" "I said `Champ! Where'd you get the two oars?'" WELL I LOSE IT! I SNAP! I row to shore, head fake him with the Egg Jar, and the maroon falls for it! I give him a left, and a kalarby to the solar-plexus! And ol' Knuckles is laying on the sand, and I says," Hey Knuckles. How'd ya like that, `Where's ya get the two oars?' enough for ya?" Ever since I've been the Champ!
  3. Damn you David Spence!! Without question the planet is warming, as someone stated, just look at the glaciers, case closed. I also agree that the media has confused the issue, which has caused so much disbelief. Its irrelevant to the fact that 'Global warming' is happening, whether or not Humans have caused or influenced it. Transportation only accounts for 1/3rd of the Co2 emissions, the rest was burned so we could all have computers, ovens, industrial factories, hospitals, ect, ect. Burning coal is not something we are any where near being able to do without. Until a viable mass power source, or we run out of trees, coal, wildlife and burn the planet bare, nothing is going to change significantly soon. However, it will soon become a matter of survival and I believe our impact on the planet is relatively minor. The earth has belched Sulfuric acid, or Methane gas and other nasties into the skies and life still survived. Peak oil is going to cause the big changes I predict (shaking magic 8-ball). As the price of oil increases, the rate at which it is spent will decrease. Most models are now at the next 20 years being peak years, and our supply will fail to meet increased demand. Sorry China, doesn't look like you'll be needing those drivers licences after all, lol. Almost 1/3rd of Chinese people have drivers licences now, lets all pray the don't all get cars soon. Weather prediction is one of the most challenging tasks out there. Computer models are great tools, but they are not intended to give actual predictions, but calculate a number of possible outcomes based on current parameters. Recently a scientist demonstrated with a computer model how a 'magnetic polarization flip' of the planet could happen, since its also been proved to have happened many times, on average of once every 200k years or something. Now that means actually very little in terms of predicting a date, even though we're far over due for one and several 'weak spots' in the earth magnetic field are present, which precede a 'flip' (north-south). Yet its certian to happen again, and sooner then later. I can go to the government's weather radar site and see for myself that rain is coming my way, yet most times the jet stream kicks it before it get to me. But as the saying goes, its better to be safe then sorry/stupid, which is why I prepare for it and avoid the softball hail stones smashing everything out in the open. Global warming/climate change is no different really, the facts are pretty clear and we should prepare and adjust accordingly.
  4. As I said in another thread, I recently read a couple books from Montana Fly anglers and I've seen the brochure pics and heard quite a few good things about the fishing there. However I'm wondering how it compares to Southern AB in regards to fly fishing locations, fish populations, diversity, ect? I know I could 'read all about it' somewhere, but I'm more wondering how different the fishing is from here, where only someone who's fished both could provide. I plan on going there some day, but I don't have any immediate plans. I would like to know every spot and what to expect so I could plan a long trip, 'Trout Bum' style.
  5. I've been reading even more, and especially "Seasons of the Trout" by By Neale Streeks, and from what I gather the day after a Chinook should be better. The dramatic change in temp between Sun -17 (around) to plus 10 Monday would make me think that most activity would occur right after the 'warm up'. I've also read that a dreary day is better then a warm one, catch wise. Snowing, cold and dark being better then a mild sunny day doesn't seem logical, but I'm no Biologist, nor river expert. Hence the question. I'm sure Calgary has a quite unique clime, but I'm wondering how it compares to Montana's? A couple of the books I've recently read are by authors from MO, and Chinooks were referenced to Trout activity. I went out the last Chinook we had, which was mild to say the least. Mondays has wind damage warnings, so it could get ugly. Although I'm a beginner, I've made peace with the wind/Chinooks for the most part, I just cast down-wind and live with the limitations. My new waders are in the mail, so I plan on just bank fishing since the ones I have are not a winter wader at all. I probably wade too much, since I'm always knee deep at least yet I move slow and I just love being out there. Although leaky PVC waders gave me foot-sicles last time. With all that said, I'll probably go out both days and not catch anything
  6. LMAO, Nice Safety Valve on the Beer Bong.
  7. Its not Ice to an Angler, its Hard Water
  8. I have the same feet and I always have to walk in shoes before buying them cause almost half of the footwear out there will give my feet agony. Those Keens look nice, and I haven't read anything bad about Simms. Thanks for the report.
  9. Its amazing how you of all people would tell someone else to deflate his ego. Your posts are all the same; Someone opinion is garbage, you spent lots of money on something, and your the greatest fly fisher alive. Not once has it been positive, constructive or contain and usable advice besides "buy a boat". Toolman in comparison has given advice so many times he deserves a medal. I guess thats what makes you jealous. Yes, its that obvious. Thats a mutual desire.
  10. That stretch of river is where I usually fish, & I'd love to see how the advanced fly fishermen fish there. My skills and interest isn't at the point of competing, but it would be an excellent venue to learn and to get to meet some fellow fly fishing nuts. Unless there an event for "looking" like your throwing a 100 footer, but not getting past 50'? I'm a A/V nut as well, so I could film/document the event. I'll mail out DVD's once their ready. Also since this competition could be the first of many to come, or other social events, why not form a club with memberships? I'm not suggesting weekly meetings or getting jackets made right away, but in order to book something you need $, and what a better way to collect or raise $ then club membership? This would require some people to volunteer for management, treasury and whatever else is needed. With a club formed its a bit easier to be democratic and it alleviates some of the personal obligations of the organizers. In other words it doesn't have to be 'Toolmans competition' but a regular FFC event with Toolman as the top organizer, or whatever. Not trying to steal your thunder TM, but with competition comes emotions and ensuring its done, and appear fair and unbiased could be the difference between success and otherwise. Since this event is obviously of interest to a number of people, and an excellent way for FFC members to get together, why not make it an annual tradition? And plan other events? This event could be used as a FFC club test event. In other words by organizing this event and collecting and raising $ for this event alone, one should get a better idea of the size of the membership. Not to mention you could use the event to announce and discuss the club idea. Maybe a questionnaire to find out what most people have time for and are willing to pay for membership? The term 'Brainstorm' refers to the state of mind I'm in almost always, so feel free to ignore or disagree. lol. BTW TroutSlayer, the pictures of that stretch of river were taken during the flood of 05, thats why it looks like the Mississippi, and once you see it now you'll see how much its changed. Which is a result of the flooding. The water is about 5 feet above where it is now.
  11. This guy is amazing also, Andy Mckee. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=f27megLOleQ He plays the harpguitar and straight six string, but good luck playing along.
  12. That Guitar hero reminds me of the "Ez Chord" thing they advertised on TV. It clamped on the neck and you only had to push a button to play a chord. It was A, C, D and maybe E and a instruction booklet. hehe. I've played guitar for 18 years and there are 2 kinds of guitar players, I find. Those who play to impress, and those who play for themselves. Not that playing to impress makes anyones skill or ability any less impressive, but rarely do flashy 'shredders' play with any true level of soul or originality. Plus learning scales is about as fun as a trip to the dentist. I have seen quite a bit of talk about "PlainTalk" which is a Midi, Movie (PC) guitar instruction thingy. I think that would be the only way I would bare to learn super solos. Another thing you need to have in order to shred and not fall apart like I do, is a good memory. I have a couple classics in memory and stuffing another in my head takes lots of effort, and my shredding falls apart after my Brain-RAM is full. The pentatonic scale is my favorite, and the one I fall back on when creativity fails me. I love going on Blues rants, but I've seen so many virtuosos its impossible to be too proud of my skills. For instance my best friend and I got our first guitars at the same X-mas. A few years later he was playing screaming death-metal leads that proved the hand is faster then the eye, and I was playing an acoustic writing almost folk tunes, and playing at the lake. 99% of people would assume he is much, much better then I am, but after his 30 mins his flames die down and I'm still strumming along with song after song. lol.
  13. If you want you can come over and I'll let you use my Marshall 100W JCM 900 to deafen yourself on X-mas. Mines not a studio, but I got a Les Paul, or as I call it, "The Me" (Paul). lol. That is if you don't have your own stack, I suppose if you can afford a Les Paul Studio @ $2k you likely do. Although few people get to play at chest compression levels when ever they feel like it like me. Although my buddy in the city has deaf neighbors and he plays with a 100W and a 50W stack and 8 12" speakers. Coincidently, he's pretty deaf as well. lol BTW, I'd check out the used guitars at the shops, their usually willing to get rid of them for next to nothing cause most people wont even look at it if its not new. I honestly couldn't even tell the guitar I bought was used, it looked and played just as good as the LP Studios all around it and I almost choked when he told me it was $400. Actually I heard him tell someone else that it was $400 after I looked at it and assumed it was $2k-$3k. I stood right beside him as buddy looked at it, and as soon as he put it back up I snaged it. I felt like I stole it, lol, and I was anxious to pay for it. It was flawless, US flag, Hummbuckers, and a free fret job. When you plan on spending $2k+ and get the same thing for $400 its awesome. Long and Mcquaid is almost always cheaper then most places also, and they sell things for just above cost if it sits too long. My processor was almost $200 cheaper then Axe was.
  14. These I have to have. Nordic Gear Lectra Wader Sox Battery Heated Socks $29.99 Anyone seen them in Calgary? It wouldn't surprise me if I walked past them at Russell sports, I was like a fat kid in a candy store walking up and down the isles. I "think" I was there for about an hour, but its a little foggy since I moaned at everything I wanted but couldn't have, which took me forever to look at them all. lol. Now that I'm old enough I don't bring Cards or payday in my pocket when I go to buy something for $50, cause I could spend a fortune at a place like that, and I'm on my way, but I have much more important things to spend money on now like "Daddy, I want this...Oh!, and I want this too. My friend has blah, blah, blah". lol, Not to mention 100 cents a litre gas, and $2 loaves of bread. I almost froze my footsies right off last week, since I discovered another leak in my crapola waders. These puppies would be perfect for the winter wading. I'm sure 90% of my gifts are going to be fishing related, its about all I can think of that I want lately. Plus theres a million things to have and eventually 'need'.
  15. 30 paces is 30 yards, or 90 feet. I wouldn't underestimate the details to a group event, not regulation wise, but rather the responsibilities. Although fly fishermen would definitely be in the "low impact" category, a few dozen people with spiked boots, advanced fishing skills & instructions/advice, custom flies, alcohol and wieners to attract the bears, lol j/k. I'm not suggesting its a bad idea, but I read an article in a magazine recently (AB game warden), and it printed a letter from a reader who vilified ATV's and although it was a bit over dramatic IMO, it did talk about the impact they have on creeks, streams, rivers and wildlife. Some of the aspects I hadn't really appreciated till after I read it. Without question organizing a competition could be done effectively, and although 8 people working a wintering hole could be detrimental, I doubt it would cause much harm. However a weekend even publicly announced, is another beast altogether.
  16. And for all the same reasons. You then inevitably regulate who can guide, and who cannot if there are people bidding on the same area, which is a good thing unless your a guide who lost out. Considering how few guides there are and Alberta not having an extensive fishery in comparison to BC or the Maritimes. It would likely cost more then it collects to use the same structure as the new outiftter regulations. The more management and income you can put in our rivers the better IMO, to the point of communism. lol. I don't think tourists bring children on guided trips or even to the river to stock up on Trout. The flip side is if a Father/Parent wants to take his children fishing, whom aren't likely to impact the fishery since they lack skill and patience to focus on 'bag limits', it doesn't cost him a fortune to do so. $30 a licence for a child isn't fair, and would only cause problems enforcing regulations upon children. If a guide is guiding people in an area that he doesn't fish or bother to get a licence for, he'll likely be out of business soon. Also 'fishing licences' are essentially irrelevant to the 'guiding licenses' issue IMO.
  17. There are some odd 'large type' images. Someone spelled "Garlic?" in used tires, and other head scratchers. This guy has the same thing on his mind as me. A cry for help? Or a covert narcotic operations sending messages? Lots of these Greeting from Iraq
  18. Dayuum Thats one helluva fish. I'd trade U2 concert tickets for one of those.
  19. Perfect nick-name I'd say. lol. I figured it was more likely West coast or out east, if I recognized Calgary I never would have asked. Heck they sell Timmys in Kandahar, let alone New York, Maine, Connecticut. I've been actually trying to find some yellow or clear glasses to protect the eyes when its too dard for shades, I didn't know they sell them in 'Rockstar' styles. lol
  20. East of Calgary, the pics show mostly summer dates. Heres some truck/trailers at a boat launch on the Bow, theres over a dozen. Bow_River_Boat_launch.zip
  21. I'm sure anyone with a PC knows about Google earth by now, but what a tool for finding a place to fish. I've been driving around, unintentionally trespassing, all in search of a good spot. Also I've put place-marks at the locations as a journal. Noting the fly, time, date and fish details in the description. Shrinking the place-mark icon helps. The images from the Bow, east of Calgary at least, are during the 2005 flood. I'd like to see some updates, and it would be cool if you could compare the two. I know it makes it difficult to see river bottom and flow details, not to mention makes it impossible to know exactly how it looks today. The recent floods have made the Bow a pretty dynamic river in terms of carving shoreline, and flow paths. I'm still trying to spot a drift boat or some people in the water, although people might be impossible. In Europe the resolution is awesome, you can see people sun tanning on rooftops, and distinguish car makes. I've wondered if people got busted from Google earth? While checking out your buddies house you see your wifes car there. lol. Or some killer burying a body in the woods. hehe. I'm sure I'll see it on American Justice someday, Exhibit A. I want to write "f you" on the top of my quonset in giant letters, for then next pictures. I can see my truck at where I used to work, only cause I always parked at the same spot that nobody else used. Anyone have some cool 'Google sight-seeing' place-marks? There on the web, http://googlesightseeing.com/.
  22. Now your confusing me. If it wasn't for the 'Rockstar' glasses I would have never asked since the Timmy's cup. Yet being Irish and a pretty mellow guy it didn't seem impossible. Plus, you don't see it?
  23. Is that really Bono? If so, is that your pic?
  24. How about some custom work?
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