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Everything posted by PlayDoh

  1. I plan on fishing my arse off this year, and starting soon. I'm wondering if others can make some suggestions for April FF'ing. I know the options are few at the moment, Worms, Midges, Golden/yellow stone-flies, hares ear. I'm thinking this time of year the fish are beginning to spend a good portion of the day in feeding lies, but still staying close to winter holes. Also the weather on any given day can limit the few options available. I'm still new and I'm always looking for advice rather then having faith I'm at the right spot with the right tackle. I'm certainly not asking for locations, but rather leader (length/type), fly, indicator, weight setups, and water depths and speeds (I.E Seams, Pools, Slow-water, ect) I can look for and use. I've been using a 9' leader tied usually to a SJW, and another foot or so to either a tiny midge, or a Hares ear. I try to add enough weight so I occasionally snag bottom. I haven't been out much, but a single BB seems to be enough weight where I have been to. I'm testing out a bunch of indicators, yet I don't have a "Thing-a-ma-bob" which looks like the best, (soft plastic balls with an eye). I'm not looking for a step by step, just wondering what kind of setups people are using, and plan on using soon.
  2. PlayDoh

    Line Pressure

  3. They have those heated socks at Princess Auto, FYI. I just seen the ad, there like $5-$10. TS, you forgot to mention the baby powder to prevent chaffing.
  4. The fish in the city are much more active then those away from it. All the waste water warms up the river quite a bit, and from my limited knowledge and advice can make a huge difference in your catch/active fish. I've only been fly fishing for a few months, but I've read and studied it intensely. I went down to the river near Caresland a couple weeks ago, and it was an ice world. The banks were covered with 20-60 feet of 4-6 foot deep ice, and the open water was fast moving. The ice banks were a great way to practice some single handed spey casts, but I'm sure I would have had to hike for miles to find a winter hole from where I was. I think more then ever, during the winter you need to know where the fish are, and in the Bow that can be tough. Then you have to bounce a 'happy meal' right off their nose to get them to mouth your fly, then ninja strike. Or so I've been told, lol. I'm sure you have most of the skills down, but one thing I've done to ease the frustration is to try something new everytime out. That way my only goal isn't catching fish. I'm not sure if its something you could do, but until it warms up a bit more I wouldn't feel too bad about not catching alot, especially where your fishing.
  5. I think letting a Veteran Goalie be forced to retire 2 wins away from a milestone would have been a shame. I'm not surprised Calgary found a place for him. Remember where Furh ended his career? Goaltending is 95% percent mental, the rest is all in your head , A Veteran goalie is worth his weight in gold IMO. How many other goalies wouldn't have gotten the 'yank' last night, or just look hopelessly defeated? Cujo looked "solid" last night, not above average but his composure was admirable. No ugly goals, and when you don't even score once you can't blame the goalie the slightest. I only hope he gets a chance this season to get that last win, cause this maybe his only favor. I can't believe he ended up in Phoenix in stead of Edmonton back then since he would have been instantly forgiven for leaving in the first place. Us Oiler fans secretly conspire to get our traded players back a few years later and never give up hope they'll come back. Just look at the Management. That is except Pronger or Comrie. lol He had no gas at all. Only a punk picks a fight at the end of a shift. And its "Zack 'The flying' Stortini".
  6. I could read these all night, thanks for sharing.
  7. I though it might be interesting to read other peoples favorite memories of the past year angling. I'd share my story of the 20" 5 lbs Marlin, er I mean Rainbow I caught, but I'm sure your all sick of it. Pics are welcome, but try to only pick your 1 favorite. As usual, specific locations are best kept to yourself I suppose, but a general idea and time of year and/or fly used would be great. By no means does it have to be the biggest fish, or actuall caught fish, but maybe just the memory of a trip, or day at the lake, or whatever your fondest fishing memory maybe of 2007. This summer I took one of my best friends out fishing, which he has rarely done & not for a decade. Although it was tough to get him to turn his cell off and enjoy himself without worrying about when he was getting back to the city, we had a great time. He was a little kid every time he caught one, grinning ear to ear. I taught him all the basics, and suggested he start thinking about taking his son out in a couple years when he's old enough, although I think he's forgotten all about it by now. Although it was nothing in comparison to my first Trout on a fly rod, and the only biggie I caught the same day, its a trip I remember with a smile. This year I somewhat gave up on always trying to find a fishing partner, and decided to go out on the boat a few times by myself, and eventually decide to get a fly rod and fish whenever I wanted to. I thought I was going to find it too boring, out on the boat all day alone, but it wasn't bad at all. I became more focused on fishing productively, and trying new techniques.
  8. RnB, no offence, but I think your opinion of TFO is a little jaded by your experience with the personnel there. Your entitled to your opinion of course, but your logic as to the warranty and performance is a bit off. I think your point was that you'd rather have a rod that, in your opinion, was more worthy of repair. Rather then an inferior rod with local repair/replacement. I think most people can understand that, but bashing TFO (however slight), or any brand will only get you conflict. Trust me, I speak from experience, which I'm sure you'll recall. From what I've learned, TFO's Quality control isn't the greatest, but their rods preform well. I now have a TFO, and it almost identical IMO to the performance of my Launch. I think the warranty debate regarding local TFO service will always be split. My case was a prime example. I think if your purchasing a first rod, and don't see yourself buying another in the near future, yet want a rod at hand w/o a 6-8 waiting period, then a TFO is your rod. BTW at Russels if you buy the TFO combo, you can exchange it (warranty) over the counter. At least thats what their catalog states. Now if you only have one rod, and the slight difference in quality or performance isn't something you demand, the local service can't be beat if you live in Calgary. If afterwards your getting another rod, local service is less important. I did it backwards, and its almost 9 weeks my Sage has been in the mail. Yet its understandable, and not that important since I can go fishing if I want to. Again, I'm not trying to win an argument, or change anyones opinion.
  9. Although it may not alway be fatal, none-the-less placing your fingers inside, near, or under the gill plate is a potential source of infection. Maybe its a moot point if you could ask a fish, but I think its a case of "better safe then sorry". I handle Pike by the gill plate, but most trout I've caught are way too small for it. Also in order to handle the fish near the gills you have to squeeze it somewhat, while cradling it does not. Imagine if it was you I was lifting out of the water, I'd think you'd rather be cradled simply because of the suspended weight. Fish are accustom to resting their weight on their bellies, so it has to less harmful then clinching them. Like Snakeman stated, a net is best, and almost essential on the Bow. Since its handy, why not use it? I think people who fly fish have an special affinity for nature and fish, which may explain some criticism regarding the matter. However I think if you look at both methods objectively you'd agree that cradling is less harmful, yet how you handle a fish is up to you. It sounds like you have genuine concern and experience with handling fish, which IMO is the important part.
  10. Ed! Quick! Jump in!, Help us Push start it first!
  11. Anyone used a SA reel? are they quiet, and/or durable?
  12. Well said, But bring those poor rods in and put them under your bed. I have 2 rods now, a TFO and a Launch & neither of them would affect my chances of catching a fish, as apposed to each other. I'm a newbie, and still learning to cast, but I can see where a high end rod could improve your casting, if only by reducing effort. I'm not sure I'll ever pay $800 for a rod, but I might if in a few years if I feel the need to upgrade. And that all depends if I can feel the $600 difference while casting it. I don't mean it feels 'kinda' different, but my shoulder asks me to spend the money, or the line blasts off much farther then with a LE edition. lol. I honestly cant see the difference seeming worth it to me, unless I have some tax refund spending spree in the future. lol I think any kind of 'standardized' test of rods is part pseudo science. That reminds me, I never hear any mention of SA Scientific Angler rods or reels here. I actually was close to getting one, until I picked the Launch. Can anyone attest to their feel, durability. I have them in mind when I get a new reel.
  13. That is an awesome goal IMO. You don't need to spend your life's savings doing it, but you'll need a basket full of time and skill. Best of luck, truly. If I may, I'd suggest making a detailed journal of it, even if you don't want to share it with the world. Heck, I'll join you, we'll buy a VW camper and fill it with who ever is crazy enough to come, and make the "Alberta trout bum diaries" I can see the film trailer now..... 17 fish................................12 months.........................1 man/woman Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Cutthroat Trout Brook Trout Lake Trout Bull Trout Golden Trout Mountain Whitefish Lake Whitefish Arctic Grayling Walleye Sauger Yellow Perch Northern Pike Goldeye Burbot Lake Sturgeon
  14. I was thinking the same thing 'Burbot', although late fall you might actually stand a chance. I don't even like looking at them, nasty lizard mutant fish. Their our Snake-fish. My FF'n resolution is to devote more time to fill the other 1/2 of my brain with trout hunting skills. I've learned so much in the whole 2 months I've had FF'ing, that when I get to the water it all becomes too much for now. I think I've learned most of the 'hard way' lessons (1 month/$60 flies). Not that when I get to the water now I'm completely prepared but I'm getting there. I think preparedness is the most important thing I've become aware of. The difference between a good time and a frustration is always obstacles, but when your wading, or adrift you need everything on hand, and a few items tethered and close by. I think the next item in a "complete FF'ing combo" has to be a vest, pre-rigged with the essentials. Compared to spin cast fishing, its night and day regarding tackle, which is what I think I've gotten straight finally. I'm looking forward to my first Spring and Summer FF'ing, and meeting some of the most helpful, and friendly people you could meet. I'm becoming used to it somewhat now, but I still remember being amazed at the level of generosity found at this and a couple other FF'ing forums. I believe to some degree that most FF'ers have more in common then by chance. I'm sure its attributed to the sportsmanship, patience ( ), and love of nature that FF'ers share. Although I'm still guilty of needing more patience at times. Thank you all again for the tremendous help I've gotten from so many members I've lost track. I hope your kindness is returned to you and your families. HAPPY NEW YEAR
  15. First off, that spot & pic is beautiful. Almost looks like Louise without the lake. I just watched another DVD where buddy was explaining sight fishing. He explained the 'viewing lane' you get to see fish through, then said that he walks the shore & scans for fish. He then said that almost inevitably you will spook the fish as you spot it, but if you keep walking at a steady speed you can follow him for a little bit until he stops. Then hunker down while trying to catch him. Sounds nice in theory, but I can't account for its practicality, yet buddy was pulling out some monsters. DVD was named "Catching the trout of your dreams" (Trophy trout geared). It also explained how a trouts viewing angle is very small in shallow water, and that you should make many casts to get a presentation a trout will be able to see due to the narrow feild of vision it has. Almost all the sight fishing I've seen, its usualy on bended knee and as far back as possible. I have about as much chance at seeing Bigfoot as a trout since I probably make more noise and commotion then a Moose in rut. Although I'm getting better everytime. Don't forget the Ghillie suit
  16. Twinrix Hep A & B vacc for sure. This is from the CDC website for Mexico. They have all desination/travel health info. http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/destinationMexico.aspx
  17. WTG. Any chance you could post pics? Even Via PM, if you'd rather. What is a 'stitch & sow btw?
  18. To be honest, its not very hard to get the wrong impression about places like Mexico. Watch a movie like "Man on Fire" and you could think Latin America is filled with criminals. Its like peoples misconception about places like south central L.A, it usually the only thing the media covers.
  19. I've always wanted to build a boat, although living in AB doesn't afford lots of opportunity or resources. Most people who build boats around here inevitably look like weirdos (Evan Almighty). Even a neighbor of mine has a big ocean fishing boat which hasn't moved in a decade, and it looks like a sore thumb out here. I found a site which sells plans and instruction for building drift boats. http://www.riverstouch.com/ . Maybe its my Irish blood, but I want to build a drift boat. It has to be on the easy side of boat building, and I have some carpentry and mechanical skills. Along with a stamina for hours of sanding/planning. how do wood drift boats compare to composite or fiberglass? Anyone have a wooden Mackenzie?
  20. I think if your that worried about it, then I wouldn't recommend it for you. Vacations are time for relaxation, not worry. However I bet if you went there, your opinion would change. Mexicans are not any different then we are, and although their community resources can be ridiculed (poor water, Police, Drugs Rx & otherwise, general infrastructure, the country is not home to numerous random murders. Without question there are parts of Mexico or Latin America for that matter that you do not want to go. There are streets in States that are no different. There are 2 kinds of Mexico I've been told. Resort Mexico is crawling with cops who may take a bribe to allow you to avoid your legal hassles (keep bribe pesos in rear pocket), but otherwise are all business. The real Mexico is like North America in the past to varying degree. Some places are a 50 years behind, others are nearly modern. The resources vs population is why the country is so poor, and if you like to feel completely secure whilst vacationing then stay in the resorts. Tourism is vital to Mexico, and the resorts are the oasis of tourism. Its in every Mexicans best interest to keep tourists safe, and I know they do so with integrity.
  21. Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has some Recommendations for specific places to buy fresh fish? I love it all, except the price usually. My grandparents lived in Florida and OMG, $5 for a bag of shrimp, or lobster lunch.....Mmmmm. I'd like to get a nice trout, and talk to a nice Monger about where its from if possible. Its been forever since I had anything other then Salmon, and oddly enough I've never even looked for a place myself until now. I cant even remember the place I used to get lobster from its been that long. I had a friend who sent me some smoked salmon in the mail a couple times from Kitimat, but I'm going to see if she could send me frozen salmon. Anyone know the details of Mailing fish? Is there regulations for it?
  22. I almost always get this feeling like I'm at the wrong spot and despite a proper presentation I'm wasting my time cause nobody's home. I'm sure thats a common problem, usually referenced as 'Confidence', yet as the saying goes "theres a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot". I have a 'fly fishing idiot complex'. I hope to get out with an experienced angler soon so I can remove "am I at the wrong spot?" factor and concentrate on presentation alone. I'm getting a little to old to be hiking up and down cliffs or through flood prone bush, and until I 'get the drift'-boat I'll need to find some easy spots for everyday fishing. I live outside the city and I haven't been there much lately since winter, or I'd be at FC and the sh1t-hole constantly. I've been told many times that the Bow is a challenging river, and I've had the idea that learning 'Trial by fire' style I'll be better off in the long run. I've learned a butt load (technical term) about fly fishing in the past couple months, yet when I get to the river to fish I feel so restricted that I get the impression there is some place 'just over there' where the fish are, and I'm forever searching with little faith theres any fish near by. I tend to go to the same places I would have without learning what I have recently and just rely on my gut. For all the books and articles I've read there's little reference to winter holes, "seasons of the trout" being the exception. Since hunting season started I haven't been able to fish my money spot which is a 15' deep seam in a slower split side-current. However its most likely nearly completely covered with ice, which was the case yesterday when the seam I hiked to fish at was a skating rink. What do winter holes look like on the Bow? Will trout inhabit completely covered water? Do they like the edges and use shore ice in the same manor as undercut banks without ice? I noticed that any change in current, was much more profound since the ice would cause narrower routes and any 'Riffle' was more like a torrent rapid. I couldn't imagine even a Bow lying in there. I also noticed large amounts of anchor-ice and wondered if the trout would use it like stone obstructions or is it too cold? I also tried to think about finding Nymphs in the river as apposed to Trout, since they're one in the same. I also theorized that drift ice might not bother trout much, since they're likely near bottom feeding on nymphs exclusively. Despite how it makes fishing difficult is drifting ice something to always avoid and rather fish out of the pack channel? I wonder if I'll ever stop asking FF'ing questions?
  23. I heard that they fixed that issue, yet I don't know first hand.
  24. I'll get a Large hoodie and a Toque, to start with. I'd rather just a sweater if possible. I'll get a lot more once I'm rich from selling my mountian of rubber boots to NYC yuppies for $150 a pop.
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