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Everything posted by Fisherwoman

  1. Hi, Wholesales Spots (Frenches) by Ikea has a sale, I want to get force fins, reg $149.99 sale $130.00 ... but than Russels has a sale comming Feb. ok.....
  2. Haha.. cute....
  3. Hi, ewww... ok thanks for sharing......
  4. Hi, um.. did you just get it done? What is it?
  5. ya, ok...
  6. Hi A friend of mine has a Rainbow Trout on his upper arm looks really cool, I was going to get one on my side with a fly a ( dry fly ) on a line like a whip...cirlcling around, Hmm not sure now. I might... Or get a shamrock top of my foot.. thining abut it..
  7. Hi, nope I was 24 something years old , 5'10 skinny as a rail, to finish a meal it was my cigs, not one or two cigs.. I had to have 4, sure don't miss them days, always taking my purse with me to have a smoke, now I take my wallet and keys, carrying a purse was a pain... If you can take off without being around people.. great... not everyone can do that... It's a wild ride. Someone said to quit smoking is the hardest thing to stop.. even compared to Drugs.. drinking.. ect.. good thing is not to altar it.. to one thing to another. Being outside like fishing.. or conecting with nature is pretty damn good.. everything is in moderation.
  8. Well It worked for me... I used to smoke 2 packs a day before that it was one pack. then one n half a pack when I found out a boss was going in my purse to smoke mine I thought Hey... I'm going to show him.. haha I never thought that it was going to be so hard Holly F#$% it was hard, I would rock on the floor sitting on my knees.. my stomack would cramp up and than I thought I have a really good imagination... So I put it to work.. The lumps on my lips went away, I did gain a few lbs. 98 lbs to 175 lbs.. but it's all gone now.. I'm a amazon woman now.. Smoke does bug me but it won't make me sick.. I'll never go back to smoken.... Thanks
  9. Hi Weedy1, Hang in there... on man good for you! I quit over 20 years ago.. So many times I quit, it was so hard to stop.. every second for me was a killer.. than I made it one day, then two days.. I had to change my way of living no more baths I took showers, walked not drive, got up earlier went out for a walk .. I'm glad I stuck with it. Just say to yourself... Weedy1 you can do this.. keep on saying No to yourself hang in there.. than before you know it one year has pasted than 5 years have pasted.. One day a smell will pop in your head and just say No No Weedy1.. Just say No.... that's what I did.. but I put my mind over matter I did some other things to help me... like.... I said to myself when I would smell some smoke I will get sick to my stomak and ya know I did get sick.. I said that over and over and over .. than one year later I said to myself Ok.. it's time to not get sick when I smell smoke it's ok .. I said that again over and over so my mind, soul, spirt heard me... this really works.. for me it did.. Anyways Weedy1 hang in there.. your doing this only for yourself and it's worth it... Thanks.. 8-)
  10. OUCH! I bet.. and a hell alot cheaper!!!
  11. Hi I forgot I used to have Cranial Sacral Therapy it really worked.. kinda mind over matter.. That reminds me, I'm going to make appointment..
  12. Yes, good god that's a puzzling disorder.
  13. Hi, I've had acupuncture at the time it or I thought it worked, but really for myself it didn't. I got it cuz I thought if my neck, back was no longer in pain.. I could work harder, longer. on and on... But really it never worked for me, I still work harder and longer... I take potassium that really works for me it does. I take 2 tablets of 100mg, everynight wiff meal. it helps to take the grey hair away too I've noticed.. That's my story and sticking to it.. ;-) Thanks.
  14. Hi LS, you are awsome, thank-you!! I bet your a great teacher.. I looked on the interent again found this site. there's pictures to your words. http://www.invictaflies.us/Articles/dubbing_loop.htm I look forward to more of your replies. Thank-you..
  15. Hi, Dubbing tool, I've seen it done with a tool, can I do it with my fingers? That tool on man it's hard for me to get it started and finished. I'm looking on the internet for a vidio. No can find.... Thank-you..
  16. Hi, Well I'm glad your talking about your nipple height, Sure glad I never said that! ;-) On me, I see it's just between armpit and nipple.. Thank-you....
  17. Hi LS. Thank-you for that advice.. it worked.. I tried it tonight, my chair for one thing was to low, table to high I changed chair and table. Put on a better light and glasses to see better. I had my arm up in the air elbow sticking up and out thought holly crap somethings gotta change maken my flies, my vise don't go anylower. Which I got a garage sale this summer for 5 bucks, really good deal I thought. Boob method is the way to go, stick out chest and wala, perfect, I'm the only one near or around my bench so no worries it's going to be moved.... I'll see how this goes might need to make somemore changes... later on. Thanks.
  18. Hi I'm starting to make my own flies, I'm asking how high the table is to be, I'm finding my shoulders / neck are feeling cramped is this normal? Thank-you.
  19. Hi Byron Ritchie was one of my clients, he's a good guy.
  20. Hi, Oh Ya!!! I know standing in that rushing water, holding my rod in one hand, fishie in the other hand, I'm trying to stay standing with rocks around my feet, not a place I normaly stand, and my fishie is sleeping....
  21. Hi, Holy Crap! Look at the size of those, them fishies!!! Looks like alot of fun.... Thanks for sharing..
  22. Hi, This website is very helpful, it gives me a good idea where and what the hair is used when it comes to fly tying... It takes very little deer, moose ect to tie a fly. I looked at the pheasant it can be sold in sections I bought half of one last weekend for $15.00 there's more then enough for fly tying for one person to tie. There's grades of feathers, # 1, #2, #3 ect. Some more expensive than others depending on qulity of finished product the fly. My question to organic, is the fur better if it's raised on organic leaves, twigs, than not.. like us we are what we eat! Thank-you for answering my questions. These are only my thoughts I wanted to ask someone, this is a good place to ask.
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