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Everything posted by Fisherwoman

  1. Hi, I've taken a picture of my worm and it's not going to download a picture no way.... for some reason...... It looks like the catterpiller, but no all red dubbing body, less hackle aswell, some peacock wrap at the head. Thanks..
  2. Hi It could be your reel inside needs a good cleaning... I was getting the same thing myself, twice a year I clean my rod and reel, take it in the shower and scrub it down with a old toothbrush.. mild soap and water...
  3. Rolling On The Floor With A Great Breasted Optimistic Woman Hi I think it means.... this...
  4. Hi, I do not have a picture, but the hackle seems to work. The hackle is pretty small...
  5. Shessh! I thought I would never see anything like that here!!! I wonder if her hubby gets any of it? Sure put a question smile on my face... Thanks for sharing that!... Yes sir..
  6. Hi, Thank-you! I was told the fishies do know and do see, flies worms need to be perfect or the meaning would be there's no catch there... I would be the fault of that...
  7. Hi SilverDoctor, Thank-you for replying, This lace is pretty thin, there's no hole to put in any liquid of any kind, I've seen some wire with this plastic coating but I got this othere stuff for some reason, ( don't ask ). Soooo, I've tired red thread on first than the lace will not stay on I tried to tie on the thread but it makes a ridge at the end of the tie, the beginning it really won't matter if the thread makes a lump cuz I've added a hackle and it looks pretty cool... Thanks,
  8. Ohhh, Tie it down with the red thread..... ok... thanks than put head cement each end..... Or a dumb ass.... ((( kidding )))
  9. Hi, I'm making some blood worms with some liquid lace, I like the looks of this... How do I keep the ends down? begging and end, I looked on the interent to see how but I do not see it.... Thank-you.
  10. Hi, I looked at my smelly soaks again,this morning I thought they were ok.. but they still have that smell. Not as bad as they were or it could be my sniffer, I know I have a really good nose for smells. I did the BS wash, soft detergent wash & vinegar. My winter neoprenes are good as gold, I smelt them tonight and they are ok. Thank-God.. washing them in the tub would of been a chore! Anyways, thanks,
  11. Thank-you for all your replies.. Last night I tried 1 cup of white vinagar 6 cups of water, left to soak all night in the sink, this morning I wrong them out to dry outside all day today, my socks are ok, just that " tweek " of smell... Which I can live with.. My fishing has been great! (Touch me head) Don't want to change it. I don't understand why they went like that, they were ok. I was on my holidays at the Crow last week I never used them I had them there. I started to wear my neoprene the first time this year.. I always wet wade.. Anyways they are packed away for this season till next year.. Thanks again..
  12. Hi, My wading soaks are smelly.. What is the best way to get that smell out.... Has anyone had this happen to them and what have they done... Thank-you.
  13. Hi, I do a wrap of 8-9 and it works great for me, I was told to wrap it 8-9 times and that's what I'm doing..
  14. Thank-you! I see your right.
  15. Hi I'm looking for a website for traditional flies, nothing fancy smasy, some flies that was used way back, I like to keep that tradition going, Hares Ear and Soft hackle flies is there anymore.. does anyone know. Thank-you..
  16. Hi, Nope I've never felt that feeling, I was fishing yesterday for 9 hours in the water knee deep. my feet are nice and clean now, best of all my toe nails.... My back was kinda sore from standing all that time..
  17. Hi, I had a fly fishing vest, than I found it got in my way, with the extra, extra package I have on my chest....With all my goodies, and the vest pocket, it stuck out to much, Soooo, I now have my landard and a backpack I got made for me it works great!I have a magnet thingy with my net on my backpack, it works for me, Than I only take what I need for the day I'm out fishing. Thanks
  18. rickr, Thank-you! For sure I'm going out now..
  19. Hi, has anyone been out night fishing?
  20. Hi, Thanks for this info, I'm going to be up at the Crow for a week, I'll try my goodies, hairs ear and pheasant tail. I hope I do ok.
  21. Hi, I googled (wood available at Lundbreck Falls Campground ) Says yes. Firewood Sales available – check for posted times at each wood yard. Have fun.
  22. Hi, Hey Thank-you PlayDoh, I'll try that! You know the green onions .... ( Booker T And The MCs) I like that, I like to play the riff of it.. I looked on the internet. Boy.. I don't understand .. E Riff ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Progression ---------------------------- E 4x ----------5-7--------------- A 2x ------0-7------------------- E 2x B 1x A Riff A 1x ---------------------------- E 2x ---------------------------- ---------------------------- --------5-7----------------- ----0-7--------------------- ---------------------------- B Riff ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------7-9---------------- -------9-------------------- -----7---------------------- This is what is shows..... When I learn what this means, this maybe the best way for me to write it down.. I made up something this weekend out and about. sounds really blue-sy...
  23. Hi, I got on the net last night stayed up to who knows.... and looked up G, A & D chords, Man, there's tons there... There's blank tab paper or blank chord sheets. I'm going to print off some blank chord sheets and put in some chords, taking myself and guitar outta town hit the highway play some tunes.. To myself it'll sound great. Thanks for all your info...
  24. Hi Wow. thanks.. your a big help.. I know learning to play my axe will come .. like everything eles.. I'll sure will let you know, I have some earplugs.. around here somewhere. Thank-you. again.
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