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Everything posted by Fisherwoman

  1. Girl! Thanks and thanks to Wolfie... as to giving info of ourselves and sorry giving it out.. but sometimes things need to be discussed,& if the topic has been HYjacked ha so be it.... I hope noffen of any harm comes our way... this is for that @whole/s out there.
  2. Dubbing Spinner Tool... I have made one for myself.. I made it outta wood from some twig I had carved it with my fishing knife, put tree sap on it put it in the fire to make the sap nice and hard it turned out really nice, and a paper clip when I got back home I put some bending in the clip drilled a little whole end of treated twig I have put some head cement where the clip is and I use it all the time when I need to use it... it's really cool to have something when it's hand made. FFW.
  3. Thanks for sharing your photos.. Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Also, there's always going to be people out there wanting to say whatever about whatever. I to enjoy everyones photos and remarks. please keep them coming in. FFW.
  4. Well, this whole topic has been interesting, to be waxed or not to be waxed meaning in many ways... The board is in your ball park Wolfie.. FFW.
  5. M'Lady is very sweet... I'm sure many females would love to hear her being called this.... Thank-you. One good thing about all that has happend... it's a learning curve.. I don't like having things block me from N-joying whatever it may be.. I am glad I shared what has happend cuz it does happen.. To think when someone goes down to the river, lake or anywheres to be assaulted in the most awfulest way... can you imagin..!! Can anyone!!! To think someone has the right to take someones eles freedom away.. someone was raped that really make me sad.... that's pretty sad.. I feel sick.. but with all this being said, females need to be more carful out there.. I'm sure men have been beaten up, and left there. I was out today, had a great day caught a few beauties... I think I will stay closer to home then go way out there.. There's no place really anymore no one has been to. just alot of hiking not necessary.. Thank-you. ................................................................................ .. Well... Crappy people are out there and it's aways been like that.
  6. You know what! I'm a old fart, and this is one more stepping stone to step over.. Some people are @holes... some are great... If that guy is on this board.. I hope he reads this and learns from it. Woman are no different also.. this is what I have come across... If a person wants to be a @sshole.. fine..that story what goes around comes around.. (karma) Thanks. FFW...
  7. Hi, South Highwood area, there's some nice quite areas in there...
  8. Hi girl,I was at that spot for a while walking up stream moving up. He was moving up when I moved.. at first I never thought anything of it but did wonder what he was doing and what..you know...???? That guy was just standing on the shore. He was smoking a cig, he stood there for sometime watching me at the bank, I thought he was going to come up to me and yack.. I get many people come up to me and chat. many are woman..asking questions of this and that. I could see something was wrong with him right away as soon as he stood beside me.. he gave me one hell of a push out, and I lost my balance.. down I went. thank god I didn't hurt myself.. I could of twisted my leg or something.. I was soaking wet. he walked away THERE he said.. B---- I was stunned. I got up didn't really know what to do, but I did decide to get out of the water and started to pick up some rocks.. I don't know what I would of done if he came back on me other then bing him one but good with aa rock.. You know Girl... when I got all my gear together back to my car, really not wanting that cooooccc to know what my car looked like I stayed back for awhile, over a hour later I went to my car. I felt soooo intimadated.. I was sad. then I was angry... then sad again.. I was going to give up fishing right there... I never went out fishing again for a month worried that guy will be out there.. One day I said to myself... GET OUT THERE & go FISHING.... I did.. I've not seen that guy... I reported that guy to the police.. I gave a discription of him, how tall he was what he looked like, he had a funny smell to him . I've not heard a word about him.. My first year out fishing I was at the Bow.. funny my fist year out I was mucking around having fun mostly... these guys float by a ways frome me on the other side of the river.. I didn't know squat what I was doing.. but I liked to pretend I did.. ha... One guy in the boat Yelled to me............... B-tch... get off this river.. this is ours... Man.. I couldn't belive this.... there were passer byers looking at that guy.. I wonder now aftere this dude.. carry a weapon or something.. it's not the 4 legged creators to worry about it's the 2 legged creeps.. I've had many occations out fishing just not said anything about it.. I was wondering if other woman have or had something like this happen to them.. It is nice to see other woman on this board speak out and out fishing.. Thanks for your concern Girl. You becarful out there. I joined Reel Hookers.... thinking that'll be a great group to join to advoid things like this. but to get another person to fish wth you just doesn't work... so I just get out and fish... still love it.. but have eyes open more ... FFW.
  9. Hi, Well, well. bring your harp wiff ya everytime you go to the river.... Lots to learn.. did ya know blownen in the harp is not just blowen... maken sounds to, like saying the words while blowing.. Ta Wick A Ta..... Hoooooooooooo waaaaaaa ta wick a ta.. cool eh!!!! Have fun... the fishies love the music.. I've noticed.. I see why ppl love playen the harp, also.... frown here.. some ppl might think your on drugs by being lightheaded ..... sooo beware! :-)
  10. Hi, I know... thanks..
  11. Hi, I like your sign ... cool.... I have Blues Harmonica book and CD.. it sounds good. I have Utube on I am having troubles bending my notes. my jaw wont work it. Thanks for your reply.. I was putting myself off learning this new tool.. but its fun.. lot easier then my electric gutiar... Have fun, Thanks FFW..
  12. HI. wow what was that all about!!! Ewwwzzzza..... I had this ol fart of a fisherman teach me many things about fly fishing and fly tying.. he was soooo oh my god unbeliveable.... He said if anything was used out of nature the fish would know. like the wax, stuff like that the fishies wuld pick it out.. I dont know but I use what I already have and its cheaper .... I was only giving my tow scents worth... I am sooo glad no one knows what I look like on the river.. there is many wackos out there in this world.... This summer I was out fishing on the Bow River.. minding my own business.... this guy comes up to me looks like a freindly fellow.. he comes up to me and Pushes me down... in the water... I got up getting my footing slowly get outta the water .. he was just standing there.. I dont know why I did it but I got out and started to pick up some rocks ane chased him throwing the rocks at him.. I got in a few times.. but there are soo many weird people out there. I have been on this board for sometime.. there's many great people here I have had some great guys help me with other things other then fishing One great thing about this board it's a learning tool.. Thanks to eveyone out there.. FFW... Ps Wolfie.. If I over stepped I am sorry.... take care...
  13. hi, very good then... !
  14. Hi, Is there anyone here on the board plays a Harp? I have one I am a begginer. and I love it.... The fishies seem to like it.. too. Anyone into bending the notes yet..? K thanks. FFW.
  15. Hi, It's sure amazing how stuff is depended on. Why not use what you got already! with the amount of gas-olin, driven around, you could of bought more dubbien crap! My 2 cents worth...
  16. Hi, I use tiny winy bit of spit, lick my fingers..not much.. and a fine line of dub.. take not much.....
  17. Hi, I don't know what you need it for but try Michaels ((( crafts ))) Westhills. Have fun..
  18. Hi, My nick name.... I am on the fly all the time, I fish. I am a woman... Fly Fisher Woman.. Thanks.
  19. Hi. I am looking for the post of lakes hold Graylings.. Didn't someone here in the board say the names of the lakes.. k thanks.
  20. Ohhh, I get asked that alot! What does my accent look like?
  21. Hi I wet wade, Yesterday I found the water was cooold, Today I wet wade and found it better, maybe my legs needed to get used to the water, I wear a skirt.. I like going deep where I can, but I look at the water first to see if it is good water if not. I don't wet wade.. Thanks
  22. Hi, Could I cut off some of my sinking line and make leaders out of them. This way if I have some float line on I can attach some precut line at the end and it'll sink a bit better with the weight of it. Thanks.
  23. Hi, wow thanks that one is great too.... good job...
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