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Everything posted by Fisherwoman

  1. Thank-you! This is really nice! Boards are they pelt boards? Good ones! I like this....
  2. Hi I like to get myself organized for my tying, there was someone here made a set up! I can't remember where I saw it and there was pictures.. Thanks
  3. Hi, my freind wants to come to Calgary and fly fish with me for a few days, What's the best way to go about getting a fishing licence? Thanks.
  4. Hi, Good thank-you!!!
  5. Hi, Does anyone know if I can send a fly in the mail to UK. Because of it being a metal hook in here , will that be ok? Thanks.
  6. Hi, good Lynn is like that too.. When I first started fly fishing I asked where the fly tying supplies came from.. the deer hair and seal dub now polar bear..... god.. well I then thought, Well~ It's ok, ok it's ok, I'm sure these animals are not suffering from a visious kil.. like the dogs I saw on a vidio.... it was awful what I saw. If anyone wants to go and see it's on the internet! look up animals skined alive. Today, I went out to get some seal dub for my fly swap I'm in, I only need enough for 3 more flies, Nope no one has any.. Now I'm thinking am I a hipercrit! I know I am not, so I will stop now and continue on making my fish flies. Thanks..
  7. Hi, To bad all these animals couldn't be shaved, that's a good idea.... someone sent me a vidio of animals being skined alive, that nearly killed me seeing that.
  8. Hi the one thats called Galloup's S. Dungeon Fly (White) Thanks for posting it. I now know where to use that marabou from my wedding muff.. I had stored it away, thank god it never turned yellow.... But is white marabou a good color for tying flies? Thanks.
  9. Hi, Has anyone fished Catfish in Texas. Could I use a fly I've tied? What kind of fly could I use.. I'm going to Austin Texas this summer for a week.. Thanks
  10. Yes, everyday is my lucky day!
  11. Thanks for sharing, I love this kind of stuff..
  12. Ok, Thanks for you reply, I can read and understand every word you put there! How wild is that!
  13. Hi, Ok, I'm not sure where to post this post, I have my fly box, Making nice Flies with wicked hackles, how would the best way to put them in my box, I have the foam kind with ridges, it looks like there's a certin way of putting them in the box. when I bought my box the kid at the shop he didn't know squat about it... So this is the place to ask. Thank-you.,
  14. Hi thanks... I know but I thought this is where the pros are to be located..... thanks again.. for your info
  15. Hi, I've been tring to find somewhere on the internet info when to tie on my rubber legs for my conehead rubberleg woolly bugger fly!. I have all my goodies now, have tons of info on how to make it and learnt tons about this fly... Do I tie my rubber legs before the dubbing I'm going to use seal dubbing instead of chenille.. ? In between or after... I thought I would ask here... I always ask here for help... Please, and thank-you...
  16. Note this about speeding through a GREEN light not running a red one. Here is a list of the 44 intersections that have the new speed on green cameras. Until April 1st, you will only get a warning. Macleod Tr / 162 Av SE Macleod Tr /12 Ave SE Centre St/ 20 Ave N John Laurie Bv / 53 St NW 68ST /16 Ave NE Sarcee Tr / Richmond Rd SW 4 St / 6 Ave SW 61 Ave / Barlow Tr SE Crowchild Tr / 24 Ave NW 11 Ave / 4 St SW 11 Ave / 14 St SW 17 Ave / 44 St SE 14 St / Heritage Dr SW 14 St / Northmount Dr NW 64 Ave / 4 St NE Anderson Rd / Acadia Dr SE 9 Ave / 11 St SW Barlow Ttr / 32 Ave NE 52 ST / 32 AVE NE Bowness Rd / Shaganappi Tr NW Canyon Meadows Dr / Bowbottom Tr SE Southland Dr / Acadia Dr SE Fairmount Dr / Southland Dr SE Elbow Dr / Southland Dr SW Beddington Tr / Centre St N Falconridge Bv / 64 Av NE 1 Street / 17 Ave SE McKnight Bv / Barlow Tr NE Barlow Tr / Centre Av E Shaganappi Tr / Northland Dr NW Blackfoot Tr / 42 Ave SE Memorial Dr / 52 St NE 16 Ave / 10 Street NW Edmonton Tr / McKnight BV NE Memorial Dr / 28 St NE Macleod Tr / 7 Ave SE Bow Tr / 33 St SW 17 Ave / 33 St SW Elbow Dr / Heritage Dr SW Country Hills Bv / Beddington Tr NW Glenmore Tr / Barlow Tr SE McKnight Bv / Falconridge Bv NE Macleod Tr / 25 Av SE Country Hills BV / 14 St NW
  17. Hi, it only took me 1 hour to clean those fishies.... there was 4 females, rest males.. about one cup of eggs from the females.. Tonight we are going to Donegal Irish Pub in Calgary for 0.09 wings... they are the best!!! Thanks again, looking forward to that again. I went to Wholesales Sports yesterday to look for a rod, they don't have one, I'll go to Canadian Tire than.. Get what I need for my ice fishing outtings, self dependant...
  18. Ha! Yur just jealous!!!
  19. Yummy, even now my mouth is watering.cooked them in the orange juice recipe I thought I would give that a try...... we almost eat them all tonight, saved some for tomorrow nights snack...
  20. Hi JayWee, ( Neil ) Price at $150.00-$200.00 is a steal.... that I would go for, forsure! One on one instruction. 4-5 hours is about all I can take anyways.. I live SW, I would like to fish closer to Stoney Tr. the bridge there on the way to Tuscany, or Bowness. I do like fishing way SW don't get me wrong there, it's just a tad far. not as far as the Crow.. ;-) Thanks for your reply.
  21. Hi, What would your price be for a walk and wade in Calgary on the Bow? I would like to take something like that, but most places it's been wayyyy to expensive for me to... Thanks. I think that's a great idea.. and there's tons of free websites out there to post what your great at..
  22. Neat... where did you buy/order these? Thanks for posting..
  23. Hi, I have MJ sunglasses, but couldn't see much, I needed glasses, I now have progressives glasses and polarized progressive sunglasses, not used them fishing yet but love them driving. I hope they work for fishing... Costco. good price $300.00 and $400.00 for my glasses, only thing is when I want to use my sunglasses I have to switch from my progressive reading glasses.. pain in the !@#$ but better then having 4 different glasses in total.. hope this helps...
  24. Great, Thanks..
  25. Four married guys go fishing. After an hour, the following conversation took place: First guy: 'You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out fishing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I would paint every room in the house next weekend.' Second guy: 'That is nothing, I had to promise my wife that I would build her a new deck for the pool.' Third guy: 'Man, you both have it easy! I had to promise my wife that I would remodel the kitchen for her.' They continue to fish. When they realized that the fourth guy has not said a word, they asked him. 'You haven't said anything about what you had to do to be able to come fishing this weekend.What's the deal?' Fourth guy: 'I just set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it went off, I shut off my alarm, gave the wife a slap on her butt and said: 'Fishing or Sex?' and she said: 'Wear sun-block..'
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