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Nobaddays92 last won the day on July 14 2022

Nobaddays92 had the most liked content!

About Nobaddays92

  • Birthday 06/18/1992

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. What does everyone think of Pro-lok and Edge oars? I hear they are great but might not be for everyone
  2. Awesome thanks fellas
  3. Am I the only one who can’t find flow rates on the Alberta River app? The water level shows up but nothing else. It just says info unavailable.
  4. The shuttle driver told me the 15th
  5. I’m looking for a 3 piece spare oar, if anyone has anything let me know.
  6. What was wrong with it before? hahaha
  7. Ya I did in Thursday, they said everyone had been using taxis. The cab company knows what’s going on though
  8. Anyone know if there is another shuttle service in Fernie other than Elk River Guiding Company. Their shuttle has been shut down for COVID.
  9. Also are there any social media hashtags regarding this issue?
  10. Are there any established “anti-mine organizations”? Who is everyone writing to? Is there any truth to the mine proposal in the ram river watershed? Someone may have answered it above but it makes me far to depressed and angry to read through the thread. Never thought I’d say I miss Rachel Notley
  11. Think it cost like 200 bucks
  12. There is a fixed jack plate on the market, I did the same thing on my boat a few years ago
  13. I recently won a trout spey rod in a raffle (Redington Hydrogen trout spey 4wt 11-6). I don't know much about it so Im asking if anyone has any info on the appropriate shooting heads and tips to match it. I like to swing big streamers off the bottom and throw indicator rigs and swing the odd soft hackle. I understand the 2 kinds of line (Skagit and Skandi) but am wondering if anyone knows first hand what brands and weights cast best, before I invest a bunch of money in it. I would like to have the versatility of being able to switch between a skagit and scandi shooting head so Im not really interested in a Integrated trout spey line.
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