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Everything posted by WETDUCK

  1. Great vid lol and bang on the money lol in my humble opinion fishing in the winter is just as productive as in the summer! under the surface anyways. there are unfishable days thou!! and tactics are a little different:) as toolman alluded to, but winter fishing can be off the wall somedayz.
  2. Blue Bastard
  3. Quack quack ^^
  4. learn to roll cast and rubber boot are all ya need check youtube !! if your still having problems ,im sure one of us board members would be happy to give you a crash course in fish creek some time quack!
  5. go flames go!!! its never been a coaching or gm problem. it a kore and leadership problem in the dressing room. good to see them finally show up and play. quack quack ! p.s brian i belive its 10 -6 for you and we still have a 3rd to play lol
  6. How did you like the feel of the Fight ? even on the cookiecutter. Quack
  7. the sage flight at 400$ is one nicest rods you can cast at that price range and has been compared to the old xp for its action and cast as well as rods 2 and 3 hundred dollars more money. but make sure you cast or 5 rods when you go out to buy!!! offen the rod pick you!!
  8. With the delta being a mid belly line you dont have to cast it with the black mark out of the rod tip most of the time im fishing i never have the hole head out ^^and have the black mark well inside the rod some times still on the reel lol hope this helps you tons only the shorter belly lines should be cast with the head just out side the rod.
  9. here is my biggest on pic caught a few years ago !! 27'' me and hawgstoppah had twin 27's 1 night a few years back that was awesome as well!!!
  10. That is a awesome pic doc wow !
  11. I myself like to use the micro swivel. and i use lead wrap above the swivel. I have personally found that with the lead wrap you can easyly ajust your weight quickly and dail in on the weight better.i have also found it tracks better on the bottom and cast better with the hinge point spread out.Split shot hinges badly i think and sucks to take off... For me i dont like the weighted swivels. i find that when i do get hung up... Its the swivel!!! and i lose all 3 bugs instead of losing 1 fly. Just my observation!!! Got to love no more line twist!! Swivels rock!!! i also like to use a black swivel, to try to keep my shotting and swivel as invisible as possible !!!
  12. If that was max on the cover^^ the streamer would cover his face lol^^ and yes it was a good read^^
  13. the line cast great i dont mind the noise either^^ i did find it grabbed the water alittle more on the pick up and it did bleed me fishing a streamer. real hard on the hand i dont recomend stripping^^
  14. welcome to calgary my friend
  15. Hey buddy i Rock photoshop^^ what ya need help with
  16. Nice fishman^^ glad to see your trip this year went well
  17. HI Gord count me in for the sunday session travel safe my friend^^
  18. SHuuuuuuuuuuuush ^^ there people watching!!
  19. That was Truely moving WOW!
  20. id love a wading staff like the 1 doctor has so consider 1 sold gordie i look FWD to your next visit
  21. Great day myfriend
  22. the crazy thing is he's just getting started lol lol Great fish MAX!!
  23. southland is open all night long brother^^
  24. arrrrrr maty 25$ and snap it over your knee!!!!
  25. i know that spot and that cliff scary crap!!
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