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Last night's game has to be one of the most exciting football games in a long while -- and I thought so even when it looked in the last seconds like the Stamps were going to win it. Both quarterbacks played great games; Copeland and Stamps were unreal. Terry

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Calgary's special teams and defense, especially the run defense was BRUTAL!

Not gonna win the Cup with 2/3 of your team playing so dam poorly.





Our defense needs to get better, absolutely no run stopping ability, and overall poor tackling. Too many guys going for the highlight reel big hit instead of getting their arms around the ball carrier and making the sure stop!


We need an Alondra Johnson type linebacker, hopefully Barker has something coming soon with the NFL cuts.

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I was listening in the car and with like 20 seconds left Calgary scores and I was like "YES" we won. I turned the car off, walked up to my condo and grabbed a drink, turn on Sportscenter for highlights to watch all the awesome catches (Copeland). They finally showed Copelands catch.. But wait.. highlight package not over...... AND the Deadmonton Eskies score... I couldn't believe we managed to lose that game.




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I was listening in the car and with like 20 seconds left Calgary scores and I was like "YES" we won. I turned the car off, walked up to my condo and grabbed a drink, turn on Sportscenter for highlights to watch all the awesome catches (Copeland). They finally showed Copelands catch.. But wait.. highlight package not over...... AND the Deadmonton Eskies score... I couldn't believe we managed to lose that game.




Get used to it you still have to watch the stamps get beat by the eskies three more times.

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As a person that has played the sport since I was 5 years old (most people do not know but I lived half my life in the states) and ended when I was 18 (stopped playin cause I blew out my shoulder) and coached for close to 11 years I know my football extremly well, and personally it was the luck of the draw with last nights game.


Calgary's Defense is decent at most times and the same could go with the special teams.


Conditions where a huge factor (for both teams), ever played on slick artifical turf, easy for the offense to know which way to break on their routes, the snap count, and so forth and so forth.


With the defensive team they have to rely on pure reaction which add a slick ground to the equation and it makes things alot hard espically on artifical turff, personally I like commonweath statium for the only fact that they are natural tuff, makes it more expensive in keeping it in condition but less injuries and you can actually dig your cleets into the wet ground and get more tracktion (Please note that with artifical turff they do not use cleets).


Conditions is in no way a excess for a loss but it is something fans should take note of, but the biggest thing is that football is a TEAM sport and if both sides are not playin to their portintal then they will lose, losing Aroumor was a big hit to the defense (Even though the front office staff for the stamps will not say exactly why he was released {over aggresive at practice} I think he took a swing at one of the coaches and that is just a NO NO.


Hufnagel (sp?) will get the team going, they may not win the cup this year (I personally hope they do) but they will be building another dynasty and that just does not happen in one years time.

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............Hufnagel (sp?) will get the team going, they may not win the cup this year (I personally hope they do) but they will be building another dynasty .............

Another Stampeder dynasty??????????? When was the first one, I must've missed it? :lol: Terry


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  • 4 weeks later...

Beeing the hardcore football fan that I am I watched the game and I was shocked at the preformace that edmonton showed, but after the start the stamps had I was not surprised at their showing, hufnagal (sp) probably gave them the roit act, but then again if you look at years past the labour day classic is usally 50/50 with calgary winning at home and edomonton winning the next game.


I am personally very intrested in seeing how edomonton will come back from the sound beating calgary gave them, either it will make them a better team or else they will be done.


However, the west has always been a tuff division to play in with calgary, edomonton, and BC beeing very competitive, just recent Sak has been showing promise but I still think in the end it will be calgary vs montreal in the finals, can you say I am a bit basis in my prediction, you are probably right but that is what I am saying and we will see.


Oh by the way I got my Grey cup tickets and regardless to the outcome I will most likely be drunk on that day.

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