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Smart Boy, Or Stupid Dad?

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Guest RedWiggler

I feel as though it takes a special kind of stupid idiot to operate a grow op with kids in the house. This guy deserves everything he is going to get, and then some!!! Teck I dont think its that funny at all and thank god for the kid that he played with the phone cause long term exposure to a grow op is very unhealthy for anyone involved especially the kid/kids.

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i was thinking of a campanie for parents to send in what they found on their kids and i would do the "research" and sent the good or bad new back to the parents.


a disposal center is what you have to look at, more "funding" lol

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You know what, it's not easy to grow but like anything else it's a matter of putting in some effort. The real tragedy is the fact that because it's illegal the average smoker will not risk trying to grow it in fear of being caught. No one wants to buy from a dealer and pay too much money and have to associate with sketchy people but compared to the risk of cultivation over possession it is a no brainer for most people. If it were decriminalized savvy folks could produce their own and the number of large scale outfits would decrease. The first people that would drop out would be the lazy assholes who would have a kid living above a 500 plant grow. He's not going to able to make the money and will have to find some other scam.


In my opinion it's the laws that are doing all the harm. It's great that the local police force can feel proud that they kept some dope off the street but they have done nothing to actually combat "the war on drugs". They've simply driven up demand until someone else can produce what they seized and ruined a family which none of us have been given any info about whatsoever. Why the hell didn't the mom know the father of her child was growing pot where the kid was living, seems odd to me, so I doubt the kid is any better off now. The visions of these grow op's where the house is all moldy with hazardous electrical work everywhere is not always the case. There is nothing in this particular article to suggest that the child was facing any health risks or in any danger other than being yanked by social services because of some law.


This is high tech stuff and it's big business because of prohibition, plain and simple. Think if they were to ban alcohol (which considering the number of booze related deaths and crimes might not be a bad idea) people would still produce it and it would sure cost you if you wanted any. And people would want it, and the cops could bust down the doors on underground pubs and weddings and birthdays all over the land to rid the world of all the drinkers. Pot prohibition is getting us nowhere, it's a strain on resources to begin with (police,courts,jails) and it is allowing scumbags to have the opportunity to make huge amounts of money because of it. Huge pot producers don't want decriminalization, the risk is how they make the money. Some of the best pot in the world is being produced right under our noses. Look at the statistics in B.C. regarding grow op's, it more or less translates to one house on every block. Calgary and Edmonton are not all that far behind. This stuff isn't being transported by airplane or ships by Colombian drug lords, it's growing in our neighbors basements. It may be leaving by airplanes and ships headed to our comrades to the south but that is a whole other story.


Legalize, regulate, tax. All the lazy stoners would still rather head to a smoking bar or a store to get their sack than put in the effort to grow it themselves so the gov. could have it's cut and for everyone else they could have it in with the tomatoes or in a closet with out fear of having their home and family taken away.


News headline "City police have stated that marijauna cultivation is a growing concern" -no *hit people.


To be clear I do really feel for this kid and I certainly don't condone having kids living amongst commercial operations but I really think we need to take a different approach.

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Legalize, regulate, tax. All the lazy stoners would still rather head to a smoking bar or a store to get their sack than put in the effort to grow it themselves so the gov. could have it's cut and for everyone else they could have it in with the tomatoes or in a closet with out fear of having their home and family taken away.


The real challenge to getting marijuana leaglized is that the only real proponents of the change are heavy users, and as a result, cognitively damaged. It is possible, I suppose, that innate idiocy leads to heavy marijuana use and not the other way around, but nevertheless, the two traits seem to have almost 100 percent correlation.

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The real challenge to getting marijuana leaglized is that the only real proponents of the change are heavy users, and as a result, cognitively damaged. It is possible, I suppose, that innate idiocy leads to heavy marijuana use and not the other way around, but nevertheless, the two traits seem to have almost 100 percent correlation.


You really showed me. Suddenly I feel like such a loser.

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