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Sure. You can be a glass half empty person and see the down-side. But think of the upside. One more job just became available in a depressed job market.


My cousin was supposed to be there for that sale but he stopped in a Montreal parking garage on the way. Lucky thing for him.



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unless they can CSI the boot print that was teh final blow, I don't think so. Walmart maybe fianancially liable in a civil suit


Liable for what, having a sale that the mindless nitwits could not refuse?


or liable for not herding the mindless like cows to a slaughterhouse?


I think it was the fault of the police for not shooting randomly into the crowd to disperse the mindless cows…


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Sorry rickr...


I come by this perspective honestly...


I have helped train young Troops in the army and have seen the change in the mentality of the Canadian youth..


A few nights drinking with "old" army buddies and we came up with some causes of this change.


and in No order..




Cable TV

MacDonald's//Fast food


Youtube//myspace etc...

FaceCrack... ( I do have an account)

Gangsta life style

Disconnected moms and dads...



So plse accept this as an apology as I can see that that is not "your demographic" you maybe more then I can remember when it was different...





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I can just hear the story now " I got a blu ray player for (insert amount here) , it was a great deal!!! And I only had to stampede someone else to the ground to do it"!!!! I heard that there was also an 8 months pregnant women also hurt.

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Sorry rickr...


I come by this perspective honestly...


I have helped train young Troops in the army and have seen the change in the mentality of the Canadian youth..


A few nights drinking with "old" army buddies and we came up with some causes of this change.


and in No order..




Cable TV

MacDonald's//Fast food


Youtube//myspace etc...

FaceCrack... ( I do have an account)

Gangsta life style

Disconnected moms and dads...



So plse accept this as an apology as I can see that that is not "your demographic" you maybe more then I can remember when it was different...



rap lmao ...... how red is ur neck buddy....... u old people are hilarious. ignorance is bliss.. maybe teh stuff u see on teh tv nowadays and on teh radio within teh 2000's and late 90's BUT hip hop was created for social awareness... maybe u should listen too a few of the real people out there and understand they were teaching the youth about the bad things in life.... song were created too bring the community together..... this was more so in teh 80's 90's and early 2000s and it sitll goes on today..BUT the mainstream just dosnt see a doller value in it.. sad really........ but like i said old people make me laugh.... same with them gangbangers.. or more like the nowaday future wanbee's.. who think they are bangers but really dotn need too bang too survive because htey live in suburbia and have everything bought and paid for by there parents... live a good life and have no real threat from corrupt cops and otehrs trying too get them out of there system..... did u know one of teh first major gangs out of south central the "crips" were a group created too protect their community from teh corrupt cops, racist f*cks and otehr epople trying too demoralize and destroy there people because they were seen as less of a people by the counry they were brought too live in? it all changed from there when teh blood shot first but..... yes bangers are bad but u gotta do what u gotta do too survive and its not their fault that the government gave them the drugs(crack) wich was introduced after the vietnam war and guns too destroy ones people hoping they would kill themselves off..... and now it has spilled into our tv's and radios and is trashing all of teh youths minds.. face book, youtube and myspace etc... too lmao.. a way too keep in touch with (for me anyway.. family, friends, otehr flyfisherman etc.. yes communication is bad keep everyone in a box protecting the weak minds from teh outside world) keep on stereotypin eh.....

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rap lmao ...... how red is ur neck buddy....... u old people are hilarious. ignorance is bliss.. maybe teh stuff u see on teh tv nowadays and on teh radio within teh 2000's and late 90's BUT hip hop was created for social awareness... maybe u should listen too a few of the real people out there and understand they were teaching the youth about the bad things in life.... song were created too bring the community together..... this was more so in teh 80's 90's and early 2000s and it sitll goes on today..BUT the mainstream just dosnt see a doller value in it.. sad really........ but like i said old people make me laugh.... same with them gangbangers.. or more like the nowaday future wanbee's.. who think they are bangers but really dotn need too bang too survive because htey live in suburbia and have everything bought and paid for by there parents... live a good life and have no real threat from corrupt cops and otehrs trying too get them out of there system..... did u know one of teh first major gangs out of south central the "crips" were a group created too protect their community from teh corrupt cops, racist f*cks and otehr epople trying too demoralize and destroy there people because they were seen as less of a people by the counry they were brought too live in? it all changed from there when teh blood shot first but..... yes bangers are bad but u gotta do what u gotta do too survive and its not their fault that the government gave them the drugs(crack) wich was introduced after the vietnam war and guns too destroy ones people hoping they would kill themselves off..... and now it has spilled into our tv's and radios and is trashing all of teh youths minds.. face book, youtube and myspace etc... too lmao.. a way too keep in touch with (for me anyway.. family, friends, otehr flyfisherman etc.. yes communication is bad keep everyone in a box protecting the weak minds from teh outside world) keep on stereotypin eh.....


I think maybe Maxwell that you have bought a Hook Line and sinker on some of the stuff you so skillfully misspell here.. Remember I have three sons, 25 - 19 so I think I have heard a little bit of rap and how does Rap become HIP HOP I did not mention HIP HOP ..


The message from music be it Hip Hop old school Rock and Roll, etc.. will always get through, wither the msg is a good one or bad one, wither people use to better themselves or not is their choice, I will bet you that if we ever get the chance to chat that my childhood will freak the *hit out of you... .


I think the "real people" out there have given you a line to tug... If you believe what you are saying about the gangs being social clubs to better the Hood.. then the Hells Angels and such are just a group of nice guys... I prospected for two bike gangs in the mid 70, again experience over blind youth...


I did mention that I have a Facebook account and many of my friends do , however Face book,youtube/myspace and nexpedia do have a dark or bad side.. to promote hate, etc..


you are right about the wannabes who dress gangsta style and only believe what they see on youtube, tv, MTV etc... they are the ones that would show up at the base, or recruit school and then puke and cry.....


Have to go hope to follow this up with you sometime, maxwell, I think it would be interesting...






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