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How To Manage A World Class Fishery In You Backyard

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Can you imagine standing in the rotation at Quarryville New Brunswick,25 strong,like minded fly flingers,all after the same thing,a constant rotation,and you hook the fish??


Oh the number of times I have seen this, most summer up untill the last i spent time on the chi and god is Quarryville ever a gongshow. but because of how productive that stretch is you can go there and not fish it! I think in comparison we have it pretty easy here. To give an example, fishing in quarryville with my uncle and great uncle all have fished the river there whole life. A local comes down with a thirty ought six. Walks to the top of the pool fires off a couple shots and yells " ANy one here from moncton?( the nearest big city) Then get the f*** out!" There is enough rock throwing and name calling to make you want to run for cover but the fishing is so good there when its good that people always go back.

At least there is ettique there, you rotate the pool or you get a stone thrown at you hahaha.

I was on the babine in august and say two guys almost get into a fist fight because one fella walked into the spot where he had been fishing after the other guy netted his 6th salmon sockeye of the mourning.

That place is a gong show but once again, with the size of the fish and numbers on that river I myself was more then happy to tough out the crazys for some big hog sockeye. I just fished on the other side of the river where no one else was and hooked and landed more fish then most of the people standing shoulder to shoulder.


I guess that what im trying to say is we have it pretty lucky for the most part, there arn't really the crazys of the salmon rivers and once june 16th comes around if you really want a piece of water to your self where there are big fish you don't have to look to to hard. Its just this time of year with limited fishable/open water people sure get crammed like sardines in all the usually known spots.

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I'm not sure pictures with locations make that much difference - especially for new people. A person has to have spent a lot of time on the river to recognize the one tree in the background and know it's location. The people who can have probably paid their dues.


For pictures that show bridge abutments I say "big deal" as the areas closest to the access points always get hit the hardest on every water body.


Also, the river changes every year through gravel movement and even throughout the year with flow fluctuation. The picture taken at Joe's Rock last week could be irrelevant due to changes in the river level or the particular bug cycle. A large fish isn't going to hang in a place where they have to work hard for food and or shelter.

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I have to agree with what all of you have said. In particular I agree with Pacres, keep the location a secret. I think popularity is a double edged sword. The more people that learn of the Bow and learn to fish it, the more competition there is, but then the more people there are who will want to protect it. I think etiquette is the one thing that can keep fishing the rivers manageable as we all try to get along.


I believe there is good science behind management of the fisheries, often it is the lack of funding for good management that is mistakenly blamed on the wrong proffessionals.

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Well the Alberta government has a history of letting our fisheries run into the ground. It's a fact and the reason why we need Streamwatch programs, because the government won't give their Fisheries managers the proper resources to do their job. I don't think you need a science degree to understand that.

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Well the Alberta government has a history of letting our fisheries run into the ground. It's a fact and the reason why we need Streamwatch programs, because the government won't give their Fisheries managers the proper resources to do their job. I don't think you need a science degree to understand that.


Then pull your head out and remember that the MANAGERS (the people that make decisions about fisheries, the ones with the brains) have almost no say in their budget allocations. So if in fact you are complaining about BUDGET allocations, don't blame the managers, blame your tight fisted conservative government, and LOBBY for more SRD dollars.

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Folks have tried that for decades here and that has led us to our current state of affairs.

Now let me tell you a little story about how Federal Fisheries managers destroyed the livelyhood of 300,000 fisheries workers in Atlantic Canada through the 70's, 80's. Maybe you heard about it in school...it goes something like this....

The "experts" from Ottawa, allowed multi national Corporations to completely destroy the inshore/offshore fishery.

The inshore fisherman complained about the fish stocks bieng depleted, protested and tried their best to talk some sense into the government Fish Managers, but to no avail.

I personally watched many family members and friends, have their livelyhood taken away by the "experts".

So, that kinda BS talk of yours, PISSES ME OFF TOO! There, I feel better... ;)

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I personally watched many family members and friends, have their livelyhood taken away by the "experts".

So, that kinda BS talk of yours, PISSES ME OFF TOO! There, I feel better... ;)



Thats what the goverment will do for you ..


I don;t care how smart the MANAGERS are, or how good anybody's intentions in the government are, or problems with the BUDGET, government is government right from Butternuts in Ottawa to whoever doing whatever, wherever. Leaving anything up to the government is definatly NOT the pro-active solution.

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BTW Tako, I think you are a good guy and mean well. Course you are a passionate "debater" and that's fine also.

So carry on...rebutal? DING.....Ready when you are... :P


We're both in the user group. Remember that.

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Absolutely. And I think we have excellent Fish Managers here, but we as fisherman, need to be part of the management process. That's the way it is in Alberta and rather than just complain and leave it up to government to solve, we need to be in the game. River Clean ups, letter writing, Streamwatch programs, RAP, TU initiatives etc. All ways that we can be pro-active in the future of our fishery. As for internet fishing sites, the members of this community have contributed in many positive ways to our fishery.


Edit: And on that positive note... Folks...Please stop by the Streamwatch Auction Thread and make your contribution now!

Thank You...

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Ya no joke. Anyone with two pennies to rub together had better be bidding on that auction considering I've given up food for a box of Toolman's worms.


I'm sure you'll catch much more food with those worms than you could have purchased with the money. ;)

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Ya no joke. Anyone with two pennies to rub together had better be bidding on that auction considering I've given up food for a box of Toolman's worms.


Just make sure you don't use them with an indicator....ha ha. Oh and Tako, just because someone has an MSc. or a PhD does not mean every decision they make is right. More "technically" qualified than most? maybe, but input from the people who pay their wages and use the fisheries should always be taken into account. Hell, in the 70s, people with PhDs were denouncing the idea of "continental drift", today it is accepted by 98% of the scientific community. I think the main point is that scientists can be wrong and have been wrong in the past, what matters most is if they learn from their mistakes and make sure they are prevented in the future.

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Nice conversation so far everyone, thanks.

The name of my post is a little misleading (my mistake). It should have been called Fisherman Management instead of Fishery Management. While I certainly believe we can impact the latter, in this case I'm more interested in the former.

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i promote this site to new people that i talk to about fly fishing not because the 'secret location' or the 'magic fly' will be revealed but because the majority of the core posters are great people. i have now managed to meet or fish with close to 30. everyone is helpful, mostly understanding and willing to explain things.


i dont think it really matters whats in the back ground of a picture. from someone who has not fished the bow everyday or so (me) it just looks like more water and a few rocks. i couldnt tell you the southland bridge crossing from anyother pedestrian overpass. but that i only because i havent fished the river on a regular basis.


sure i have seen more and more people on the river and probably because the population of calgary has basically doubled since i moved here 8 years ago. what are you going to do about it. nothing. what we can do for each other is treat people how you want to be treated. if you want to be treated like an ass, act like one.


one of Jim's shorts in water marks refers to fishing paths as the new elevator, we see each other, we know the other is there yet we dont stop to say hi and ask how the day is. why? we all share a passion for fly fishing, or we wouldnt be out there doing it.


we have all become an active part in our fishing community by posting, why not help out others by being curtious, we will always have disagreements - right rick? but that doesnt mean we cant agree to disagree and get along, thus later inviting the ignorant (me) party over for breakfast. i think we all have a responsibility to promote our sport, promote ettiquette and proper conservation issues.

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