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This little thing might not look much but it murders fish, it's made from a little woolen button from the sewing shop in the village, and a little red utc thread, with a bit of holographic tinsel, simple but deadly






See the Blob in a number of Brit. FF mags. as a go to flies. Are there just used on fresh stockies or will they work on real fish? They look a whole lot like fish pellets.




they are supposed to represent a cluster of daphnia, and they do work with most types of trout and salmon, on lakes and stillwaters, I've never tried them on rivers, I'm more of a traditionalist when it comes to them, you know, " a hand grenade " :D;)

  DonAndersen said:
See the Blob in a number of Brit. FF mags. as a go to flies. Are there just used on fresh stockies or will they work on real fish? They look a whole lot like fish pellets.


The Blob as mentioned in FF mags is nothing like Fishietales Blob.

They are primarily a "fly" for catching "stockies"




strictly speaking Scotfly is right, this is not a traditional blob, which has a wide gape hook and dense fibred fritz as the body, sometimes they have tails of marabou sometimes not, they were originally designed to be fished on a fast sinking line, and were built with no weight in them, the technique was to let them sink to the bottom, give a jerk on the line the blob would ten sink and rise as it floated above the line, the leaders were kept short so the blob would float around 2 to 3 feet from the bottom, now they weight them and fish them below a sight indicator as well, the one I put together is more like an egg fly but can be classed as a blob as well, as it floats, hope this helps clear the water somewhat :)

  Fishietales said:
strictly speaking Scotfly is right, this is not a traditional blob, which has a wide gape hook and dense fibred fritz as the body, sometimes they have tails of marabou sometimes not, they were originally designed to be fished on a fast sinking line, and were built with no weight in them, the technique was to let them sink to the bottom, give a jerk on the line the blob would ten sink and rise as it floated above the line, the leaders were kept short so the blob would float around 2 to 3 feet from the bottom, now they weight them and fish them below a sight indicator as well, the one I put together is more like an egg fly but can be classed as a blob as well, as it floats, hope this helps clear the water somewhat :)


I respectfully suggest that you are getting a blob and a booby nymph mixed up. Booby nymphs incorporate high floating materials such as closed cell foam which give them bouyancy and when attached to a sinking line tend to drag up off the bottom. Blobs in my limited experience have no such floating materials being constructed only of marabou and fritz which will of course float initially but as they take in water they will sink deeper than Neptunes toe corns. As a 'traditionalist' you can of course be forgiven for mixing the 2 up. :rolleyes:


I seem to remember somewhere reading that the originals were made up using spun deer hair to make them float, maybe wrong though, but the ones I've used don't seem to sink either, must have a different fritz or something, but boobies are mostly banned up here in Northumberland doesn't matter what line you use, you can only use them on the reservoirs, where anything goes, :D and as Tupps so rightly said, I'm a traditionalist, " how do you know that my man " and would have nothing to do with such evil little blighters ;););):D

  Fishietales said:
I seem to remember somewhere reading that the originals were made up using spun deer hair to make them float,


You're not far off the mark there Fishietails.

At the height of their popularity/infamy a deer hair version of the "booby" was introduced. I think it was meant to appeal to the more "traditional" minded angler.

It was however quite different both in appearance and in its intended purpose from the present day "Blob"

Guest bigbadbrent
  ladystrange said:
i got some 10mm gubbie eggs. i will do up a variation and post as well for a wet version




  scotfly said:
British? thud.gifdonno.gif

I'm Scottish. pP.gif




humm, is that where is sent my flies???



i was attempting to encompass everyone meaning all of the isles. my bad


besides, i'm messed up, one grandfather was Scottish, the other Irish, one grandmother english and the other french


no wonder i constantly argue with myself.

  ladystrange said:
humm, is that where is sent my flies???


No, your flies are coming to me in Engla Eng E the bit below Scotland :lol:

Where I live is where the money is, but not where my heart is!





  ladystrange said:
besides, i'm messed up, one grandfather was Scottish, the other Irish, one grandmother english and the other french


Look on the bright side.. You're not all bad :P

How aboot the Canadian national anthem in gaelic

O Chanada, dùthaich nan gaisgeach còir,
Crùn air do cheann de dhuilleag dhearg is òir. Bho chuan gu cuan le òran binn,

Do chliù nì sinn a luaidh,

Fo dhìon do sgéith tha saorsa ghrinn

Nach spìon an namhaid uainn.

O Chanada, dùrachd ar cridh',

Sonas le sìth is maitheas Dhè d'ar tìr.

Sonas le sìth is maitheas Dhè d'ar tìr

"Slàinte mhòr agad!"


we only use the gaelic to confuse the sasanacs,




Suas Leis a' Ghàidhlig! Up with Gaelic!



"Mar sin leibh an dràsda." roughly translated means "ta ta for now"


"Slàinte mhòr agad!" again roughly means "Good health to you" and is pronounced (SLAHN-tchuh VORR AH-kut!) or (slanj-a-var) in english


John ( ee'yan )

  albannachxcuileag said:
There are only two types of people in this world, those who are Scottish and those who wish they were Scottish!


shouldn't that read Those who are Celt's, and those who wish they were celt's ;););) I know cuileag, means fly, haven't figured the the beggining out yet, must be irish gaelic :D

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