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Please Be Careful This Time Of Year

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Just a reminder about icy banks on the bow. Please be very concious of what could potentially happen. RickR's story reminds us of what can happen. He had a funny tale, but perhaps the next one won't be.


You can easily slip and crack your head on a tilting piece of ice, slip in the river, or while wading get taken out by a huge van sized ice sheet.


Please please please be careful and happy fishing.


My name is Dave and I am on the safety commitee here at FFC>

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Guest Rocknbugs

For sure, I went for a little ride Friday morning, its the first time I have ever been standing on ice while it was going down stream, once I got my balance I stepped off into just over knee deep and when I tried to step up onto the ice on shore it gave away as well and I had to scramble some more. It all worked out and was a bit scary but things can get going bad in a real hurry especially when you are by yourself.

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speaking of safety how many of us actually wear a Inflatable PFDs they are very inexpensive (less then $100) considering how much your life is worth to you and could save your life if you do happen to fall in the water.

There is a story of an older gentleman fishing down in the Nisqually river in WA state. There were numerous other fly guys there as well. He slipped on some rocks and all they could do was watch him go down the river. The water was prob about 3 feet deep but because the current was so fast he could not get up. They found his body days later down the stream.


so if you think about it go out and get one of these it may come in handy some day, and please if you buy it wear it.






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I've never fished the Bow in winter so my perspective is different. Been fishing the Crow since it was first opened year round...that was the winter of 1991 or 1992 and I think we first went real winter fishing in Feb 1992. Anyway ...


Having taken a few falls over the years the biggest threat to personal safety on a smaller river like the Crow is falling on the ice and breaking bones or smacking your head. Those ice sheets can be deadly slippery on warm days.


Will I remember that tomorrow? ;)

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Having taken a few falls over the years the biggest threat to personal safety on a smaller river like the Crow is falling on the ice and breaking bones or smacking your head. Those ice sheets can be deadly slippery on warm days.


Will I remember that tomorrow? ;)


Wish I had read this yesterday.

I have certain people I fish with who seem to affect my cootrdination. Troutlover is one. Him and I were out this morning and had to walk across some glare ice. I was trying to be careful, but still did the feet up in the air, flat on my back slow motion fall. Fortunately nothing hurt but my pride. As everyone is saying, be careful. It is very, very slick today.

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Wish I had read this yesterday.

I have certain people I fish with who seem to affect my cootrdination. Troutlover is one. Him and I were out this morning and had to walk across some glare ice. I was trying to be careful, but still did the feet up in the air, flat on my back slow motion fall. Fortunately nothing hurt but my pride. As everyone is saying, be careful. It is very, very slick today.


Ice cleats, studded boots, Korker cleats all usually help on the ice. I think Lee Valley had some on sale earlier this month.

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Another good idea would be when your fishing beside ice (and your wading) you should be at LEAST as far away from it as it is tall... like if you got a 10 foot ice bank behind you, it can break off and fall 10 feet out pretty quick .I'd give it 10ft + 5 for safety. If you have to go any closer, your really taking your life in your hands, not only could it crush you, but even a 100lb peice of ice can pin you under if it gets you right.

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