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The Facebook Conspiracy


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This doesn;t bother me too much...


I once read a long time ago that in the USA, some goverment agency was tracking what people were taking out of the libray, ie: if some was taking alot of books out on bomb making or compentent for bomb making, the agency would then flag that person, as a potiental danger. After 911 I would hate to see what type of things the World goverments are doing that would be consider invasion of privacy!


Also information is way to easy to obtain now on the internet, send me a e-mail and I can get all the e-mail addresses from your contact list, it is called Ghosting, also with all the adaware floating around the internet these days I really wounder how many of us is beeing tracked by some unsuspecting adawre we might have on our comps.

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along the same lines as cancer to me...with regards to information, what doesn't the government "watch" as well as what DOESN'T cause cancer nowadays?


The government has a cure for cancer, and aids, they just choose to keep them secret in order to control the population. Aids is a man-made virus, an idea brainstormed by the men of the Illuminati. These people are no doubt in on the whole facebook thing aswell, it is just a tool used by the men of power who are working towards the New World Order.....:ph34r:

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If you want to see something else that is pretty scary, look up the "Bohemian Grove". It's place where Bush Sr. and Jr. along with all men of great power in our world can be seen every July, taking part in a really strange sacrificial ceremony called "Cremation of Care".

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see now ya all got me paranoid, I'm sittin here now with my tinfoil hat on so they can't read my thoughts. and after this post

I'll be on the corner of 1st and 7th screaming to all smart enough to listen that the end is neigh, repent today.

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