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Mickey Fin


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Sorry for the bombardment of posts about my flies....appreciate everyones opinions, and could use a couple more! Instead of butchering fancy streamers like others put in shadow boxes thought these would fit better in my talent, or lack there of. Hoping to frame these for a present for xmas.





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Great, lump free bodies and nice even rib wraps on the later fly. A rotary vise really helps with both of these. The top fly has better proportions (nice sparse wing and nicely shaped head).


Remember, one of the the signatures of a well tied fly is the a small, neat head with lots of lacquer. The shinier the better. You aren't going to fish these flies, so you can lessing the # of wraps on the head.


Good job.

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You aren't going to fish these flies, so you can lessing the # of wraps on the head.


Thanks for the compliments and advice everyone.


I forgot that I wasn't going to fish these.....so thanks for pointing out the # of wraps, didnt even cross my mind.


need to pick up some different, newer tinsel, stuff i have is from about the 1970's from when my grandpa got his kit...

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Looks pretty good Din.


I would suggest to shorten the wing a bit to about 1/4 shank length past the bend and maybe limit the amount of times you wrap the rib to 7 or 9 times. The head looks pretty sweet, it's a tough fly to makea nice head on.

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There is a tip I got for reducing the bulk at the head before tying in and whipping off.


Cut the fibres at 45 degree slope back from the eye, position for tying in and wrap a couple of thread loops over to hold in place, using liquid, not gel, super glue put a small drop on the fibre slope and then whip finish. The liquid super glue will move by capillary action between the fibres and when you whip this down you will get a very secure head with little thread build up allowing you to make a hard shiny varnish finish with several layers of varnish to get that bead like look. Do not use a large drop of the glue, just enough to wet the ends of the fibres/hairs/materials.

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