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Ffc Campout - Location

Location of event.  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should we do it?

    • On the Bow river somewhere
    • Southern Alberta (near Crow area)
    • Somewhere like Bullshead Reservoir
    • Central Alberta foothills (Near Ram river)
    • K-country (Near Cataract Creek/Highwood etc)

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Think you would have to pick a place away from the masses...don't want to get a bad name by putting 30 or 40 on the upper highwood where everyone else fishes. Too me, the best places would be somewhere south around the Castle drainage, or Bullshead (there's a bunch of group sites at Elkwater)

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I don't get leaving a world class river to crowd a foothills stream. If it's a social event more people would be able to make it (to the bow) for maybe just the day or a day and night and leave early, or an evening night fish and leave form the camp for work in the morning if it falls on a weekday. Also there is going to be guys there who know how to fish and id rather get shown a thing or two on the bow where i fish all the time than on a foothills stream where IMO anyone can catch fish. Another point i'd be more willing to show spots i fish on the bow than spots i go to in the foothills. But mostly i think that a location by the bow would be the best bet for the majority of people.

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that's the beauty of the castle area. at syncline you are 2 min from 3 streams, 20min from 7 more streams and 30 -45 min to the crow, OM at lundbrek (sp) and the gap. if you felt like driving you could take the back road up to blairmore and hit vicary, racehorse, dutch and the livingstone


with 30 or 40 people, you could spread out and only put 2 or 3 people on a stream. we wouldnt be over crowding at all. choice of browns, bulls, cutties and rainbows. river pike if you know anyone over at the brocket reserves. plus you have beaver mines lake 5 min away and lees lake 15 min away for the stillwater guys



what about starting on a thursday and going through the weekend since it seems to be a 50% 50% split at the moment.

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I agree, i think the castle/carbondale area would be best. A Campground like Beavermines would be awesome, or even someplace like castle falls would be great however i could see many of the members spending hours casting to the 30inch bulls that cruise that pool for hours on end :)

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I was also thinking that at this area, you could go in groups of 2 and if a couple people decided to hit the same stream just drive a far distance from each other and walk towards each other, meet 1/2way exchange keys fish to the other person car/truck and you save some serious walking time that way :). Id have no problem doing that, but im sure some people would look at it as an insurance risk ect... I know a nice little stretch that takes 6-7hours to fish/walk but when you get to the confluence and the road its a good 3-4hour walk back to your car, and in 30degree weather it is hell. But the fishing down there is well worth it, when its on its on.

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Well....popular vote seems to be for the Castle area, but just remember there's some great random camping and a group camp up the OMR way. Plus for most of last year, the campground at the Oldman River was pretty much empty almost every weekend - including the longs. I only say this out of purely selfish reasons because (a) I don't like bears and haven't been to the Castle area in many years and I don't know that I'd talk the old guy into moving the trailer for the weekend so would likely miss this fun event (or most of it). However, you gotta go with the masses otherwise it doesn't work. So....let the chips fall where they may and we've all got enough advance notice to make arrangements to be there.

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I also think that sowewhere in the Forest Reserve around the Upper Oldman, Racehorse etc. There's a camping at the Oldman campground which includes a Group Camping area, Racehorse Creek Campground, Dutch Creek campground plus numerous random camping areas. The Livingston R, Oldman R, Dutch Creek, Racehorse Creek, Vicary Creek and Daisy Creek are all close by and the Crow is 35-40 k away. As someone earlier mentioned, proximity to liquor store is the only problem so bring lots!! I'll bring the beer bong!!



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Guest bigbadbrent

beat all of em...that was an epic new years...


hahha shotgunning in the stream, amazing.....now i wanna party after fishing hahha

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i'm with dustin.


Lynn, the bears dont hang out around the castle and syncline area. to find them you either have to head towards the west castle falls, castle mountaint or way up on the other ridge and valley at the far end of the Lost. i havent even seen one on the Lynx.


but dustin is right, just at the castle camp ground there is a great pool with bullies in it. you could almost fall out of the tent and in to the river with your rod

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Guest bigbadbrent

haha playdoh, thats a pretty basic beer bong..should see some of the ridicilous ones that i've seen






hahah i could see that being done around the campfire

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haha playdoh, thats a pretty basic beer bong..should see some of the ridicilous ones that i've seen






hahah i could see that being done around the campfire


Let's do it! As a frormer beer rep I might be able to get us some free beer.

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Here's my record for a "beer" bong...2 x 1/2 litre cans of Strongbow cider=1 litre...a can of Carlsberg which filled the funnel/bong and finish with a shot of Jagermeister!


And how not to drink a beer bong!


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Here's my record for a "beer" bong...2 x 1/2 litre cans of Strongbow cider=1 litre...a can of Carlsberg which filled the funnel/bong and finish with a shot of Jagermeister!


And how not to drink a beer bong!



Wow Al...you were my hero until CARLSBERG. Blecchhhhhhhh

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