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I thought some might be interested in seeing some pictures from a couple of the Oil Plants in the Fort McMurray area.


These two plants are fairly new, so there aren't many pictures available of them.

The plants like Suncor and Syncrude are easy to find pictures online of them.


Also, these pictures were taken from inside the plant. Cameras aren't allowed on these sites, so I risked my job to bring these pictures to you...lol.


The first pictures are from Albian Sands, it's North of Fort Mac and the second pictures are from Opti/Nexen at Long Lake, which is South of Town.

Albian Sands is the Plant that blew up a few years ago, right at the end of the construction. It was before they even started producing product.


Opti/Nexen is at about 85% complete and expect to be producing 6 months ago.....Maybe November if they are lucky.

The pictures from Opti aren't as good because I was too lazy to climb up to take the pictures, sorry.


You would have to put 10 of each of these plants together just to make one Suncor or Syncrude. Those two are Huge and CNRL Horizon is going to be bigger than both.


This is where the money is coming from....


Albian Sands










Opti/Nexen-Long Lake






  SanJuanWorm said:
Cool. I've been up to ft. mcnewfie many times. Firebag project specifically.


Right on.

Firebag is off the same access road to Albian Sands from highway 63.


I've never been there, but my cousing is an Engineer for Suncor full time there. Even the Engineers are in camp...Can you imagine being stuck in that camp for over 3 years straight?


Wow it's amazing how huge the plant is the truck is even bigger, I bet it get really good fuel economy though :) I wonder how many fly fishermen make their living from oil and gas? I'd bet that almost half of the people on the board make their living from oil.


Part of me really doesn’t like the big oil boom in Alberta, as it's the main drive for development and habitat degradation in many ecosystems. A larger more prosperous population means more mansions, acreages, summer homes, cabins, estates, resorts and just way more fishermen... Add to that the need for all the wood for those people’s homes and the people who move here's homes and it's not a bright outlook on Alberta’s fisheries.


O well I guess we will have to live with it, as there is no indication that Alberta will stop booming anytime soon.


That’s for the pics MTB it’s always interesting to see what’s happening up north.

  Gary said:
Hmmm looks like they should be addressing safety issues there. Hell of a spot to park a pickup!!


I was thinking we could probably fit more fishermen in the big truck than that little thing in front of it and how the heck did that little Kal Tire truck get that big truck's tire in the box? ;):P


Nick- Who'd you work for at Albian? I was there for more than 3 years, maybe we ran into each other.


FisherKing- I work as a Project Manager and have contracts at a few of the plants up there.


Barnes- Congrats on your release. Me....I'm just going in. I started on the Commissioning and start up Last week and will be there pretty much straight through until the snow flies.

It's going to really cut into my fishing time, but I will be taking some time throught the summer for sure. It's nice being your own boss.


Who are you working for?


The big truck picture is actually a funny story.

The guy from Kaltire got sent to site to check out a damaged tire. He wasn't told that it was on a 400 ton truck. Pretty good laugh back at the shop I'm sure.

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