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Troutlover Is The Champ

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I had the honor of fishing beside the coolest guy in Chapparal (and some say the best looking) today at the Sundance perch tourney. He masterfully hauled in the biggest perch and took home the biggest trophy.

It was a teaching experience for me that has given me a desire to improve my angling skills and seek him out as a mentor.

Troutlover...I rename you THE PERCHKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I only take the throne because i had the honor to be on team MONGER! Any chance to kill Perch, I'll take it. But You are to modest...... You slayed the most today and landed the smallest at 11cm only hands as dainty as yours could have pulled off such an amazing display of dexterity and mind control. The fish whisper to you, I was just a follower well done MONGER!.....I rename you FISH WHISPERER.

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I had the honor of fishing beside the coolest guy in Chapparal today


Uhh, wrong!


(and some say the best looking)

My wife among them. Maybe better looking, but certainly not cooler.


at the Sundance perch tourney. He masterfully hualed in the biggest perch and took home the biggest trophy.

It was a teaching experience for me that has given me a desire to improve my angling skills and seek him out as a mentor.

Troutlover...I rename you THE PERCHKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All hail PerchKing and Perch Whisperer. You both must be very proud.

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The pride is overflowing....

I thought I might raise a response from our favorite Texan. We were just glad you weren't there to compete against. Now Jared has a big trophy that can be passed around for the best fish down at the river. It can be the weekly angling award :clapping:

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