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Thanks Taco. That is some unreal casting and gives me an idea of how to kill some time while away from home for work.


I wonder if they ever competed as "Rythmic Gymnasts" though, because that would be a definate advantage.


Found another one from them.



Guest bigbadbrent

Seems rather pointless for the most part, they're not improving his casting by any means, cause he's still using the water behind him to load the rod.


I know i use the same technique at times (the multiple roll cast thing he did at the end) to fool around, but only when im single dry flying, as it takes the fly off the water without a hint of fly line being pulled. However, i don't consider these practical because you can just do a normal cast, and still be just as fine. He was using as much back cast room as a normal cast, and was just asking for tangles all over the place


Some of those casts are super pratical I often use the power roll like he does....... it takes about 10 feet more back cast space then a regular roll cast but also increase's the distance by quite a lot especially when you are tossing a heavy rig...... Watching it again I saw very few casts where he needed more then 10-15 feet of space behind him..... he may be standing in the middle of the stream for video purposes but he could do most of those casts right at the edge of the water with trees behind him...... I can't say I know many people who can overhand false cast 15 feet of line AND leader (thats 5 or 6 feet of fly line) and put out a 40+ foot cast plus the length of the leader........ actually I don't know anyone who can do that. The clef and voodoo basically never put line behind behind the caster and would be usefull if you had a backdrop were even a regular roll cast would require more space then available........ Very practical for some applications IMO. One application I like of the multiple roll cast is the ability to start the rolls with the line downstream Use the rolls to load and toss a big D loop at the end and pump it out into a power roll cast...... I can't say I am all that good at it yet but I met a guy once who frequently used such a cast and had tremendous line control over the cast. He could start the rolls with the line anywhere and finish with the fly landing anywhere on the river.

Guest bigbadbrent

wonder what size rod and rig he's tossing.....maybe i'll go out to the baseball field tonight


you will likely find this sort of casting requires water BBB grass won't load the road correctly you may be able to make some of them work but you will have to later change the technique to work on water..... best to find a little slough or even a wide slow run on the river..... or a little pothole lake. Just leave the fly off and swap it for a piece of yarn or just clip the hook off....... might save you some painful learning wounds

Guest bigbadbrent

so he is using the water to load the rod then? Seems kinda wierd (i've always been one to grit my teeth if my line touches the water behind me)

  bigbadbrent said:
Seems rather pointless for the most part, they're not improving his casting by any means, cause he's still using the water behind him to load the rod.


I know i use the same technique at times (the multiple roll cast thing he did at the end) to fool around, but only when im single dry flying, as it takes the fly off the water without a hint of fly line being pulled. However, i don't consider these practical because you can just do a normal cast, and still be just as fine. He was using as much back cast room as a normal cast, and was just asking for tangles all over the place

I think you better go to the "Youtube" site so you can make it full screen....


I have seen some of the best casters in the world and I'm sure they would be impressed with this.


Did you watch Gretzky play and tell everyone, "He's not that good. I don't know why he keeps looping back to the blueline when he could.....I could do that"?


I'm sure anyone that has spent anytime casting has used different techniques to get the line off the water in front of them, but to do it with such consistancy and control like in the video is very impressive. Plus the line that is going behind him is minimal.


BBB think of your roll cast its not really like the line is hitting the water behind you..... its anchoring behind you...... The anchor I think is key to most friction (water loading) casts.... Not sure of the terminology really but without the contact you do not load...... Touching the water is only bad when overhand casting and not even always then either..... sometimes it can help you on your overhand casting as even if you lose the loading that is done by the line flexing the rod you can still reload the rod just by making your forward stroke....... this is caused by the lines friction with the water..... so if your timing is off and that fish rises just as you make your backcast you can pause let the line fall to the water and make your forward cast whenever you feel like it...... provided the current is pulling the line away from you not pushing it towards you...... I have a feeling this will be hard to understand but I am not sure if I can explain it better.



MTB your right this guy is a hell of a caster


he is using a 5wt

and bbb i saw these videos a few weeks back and headed straight to the field to practice.

its alot easier on grass but i tried taking it to the water and it changes everything.

look how effortless he casts.

dont waste your time in a field take it to the water somewhere your not worried about spooking the hole.

Guest bigbadbrent

the campers in town in okotoks are going to watch their heads hahahahahahaha


i need a bigger then 9 foot rod though

Guest bigbadbrent
  MissinTheBow said:
I think you better go to the "Youtube" site so you can make it full screen....


I have seen some of the best casters in the world and I'm sure they would be impressed with this.


Did you watch Gretzky play and tell everyone, "He's not that good. I don't know why he keeps looping back to the blueline when he could.....I could do that"?


I'm sure anyone that has spent anytime casting has used different techniques to get the line off the water in front of them, but to do it with such consistancy and control like in the video is very impressive. Plus the line that is going behind him is minimal.



lemieux was better ;)


The caster in the video is an expert in modern spey casting methods. All spey casts use a water anchor of some sort and the fancy casts demonstrated in the video, all have an application in the real fishing world.

Very impressive caster. Thanks Taco!


that was just awesome. The guy makes it look effortless....barely moved a muscle. Wonder if he'd still make all those moves with a triple nymph rig setup attached. Betcha that was a 2 weight rod and a 6 weight line :lol: . Kidding....he's very gifted. I think that guy must be CHUCKNORRIS...he's so tough at casting he looks like a sissy.


On our float yesterday, we watched some guy fishing dries off the bank that used the water to load his rod on the backcast, which looked strange for the first few casts but made sense after. I must say that his presentation was absolutely not lacking in length, accuracy or finesse, either.


that dudes casting is what im personally trying evolving too. switch/snakeroll/spey single handed is madd fun and yes taco sometimes the hooks get a little close...its practicle to be able too toss streamers nymphs and even dries too fish way the hell out tehre in tehm midd river trenches tailsouts etc...not too brag but believe me when u practice and get it down too were a 50-60ft aint too and im gettin close 70+ on a good day with a 9ft 6wt tfo. on a large river like the bow when i dont wana get my feet wet and throw some "cowboy loops" but its not neccessary too learn if u dont wana but man o man is that video a work of art, damn and thanks taco for the new lines ;)


One of the main reasons so many of the techniques look effortless is because of the haul he adds. His left hand is doing most of the rod loading. Looks like I've got another reason to head down to the river below my house. It should even the load between the back muscles. My right side has tended to get more fatigued.


There's another video that popped up (slick shooter lines) where the guy switches hands with about the same casting ability either right or left. There's another reason to skip work.


The guy is the master of the double haul - I'd love to be that good at that one day.


Left and right handed casting - another gift. I only know of one other who can do it equally as well with both arms....I think Taco calls him crybaby :lol:


Hey! I didn't say he wasn't talented........just a bit of a wanker........ Waa Waa Waaaahh all there way home :ph34r::rolleyes::ph34r: You know where to find Sympathy don'tcha?................................................ in the dictionary somewhere between S**t and Syphilis :P :P


BTW,The only way I'll try castin' with my off hand is when my head is all the way inside my jacket and I'm lookin out the second button hole. :lol:


That guy is amazing!!


I spent last weekend with Paul Arden and some of the FFF Certified Master Casting Instructors from Sexyloops and they are just like that. If you get a chance, go see a seminar and watch this in real life.


Your self-esteem will drop when you realize you can't cast worth S#!t, but you get over, knowing that you can cast that way with practice.

And watching them fish... it is very usefull!!

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