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Well here you go , another super brilliant thought and movement from the city counsel...It's bad enough that this city needs a major clean up on it's streets, up and down it's lanes , on the outskirts of the city from all the trash , plastic bags, bottles, cans, etc., etc., not to mention all the graffiti, around buildings, post offices, under bridges, or hey wait a minute..all the homeless, bottle pickers, addicts, drunks, now they have to spend our $$$$ on new and improve way to collect parking dollars with brand new high tech equipment.. and you will see NO one will call them out on it........ya this is so important...Eh!..th_7I8oWhUxjY43035EPn2XHNGsyI.gif................Wolfie


  Nick0Danger said:
That system was implemented some time ago, and will save money as we will need less meter maids.


save $$$$ for what....certainly not what I put up..this is one dirty city m8, and I've been told that by a lot of my European friends, and the parking is a joke to begin with..removing live ppl out of jobs so the counsel can save $$$$...bah!.........Wolfie



Pretty sure you just describe any major city in the world. I always thought Calgary was pretty clean compared to most cities I've been too.

  GrnDrake said:
Pretty sure you just describe any major city in the world. I always thought Calgary was pretty clean compared to most cities I've been too.


those cities must have been in the States...making Calgary look clean!



u must be joking m8...I've traveled Canada so many times that I should own a house in every province..this city is dirty and the country side just on the out skirts are as well..ppl have no regards to this area, you can see that with all the garbage you find in/on/shoreline of the rivers, in the city streets, lanes, etc., etc.,....................Wolfie


First, Parking is cake compared to Vancouver and Toronto, Ive done work in both and if you don't get to a parkade before 7:00 you dont park i can always find parking in calgary just cost a fortune good thing work pays for it. I also don't see the point of making a flap over something that has been working for over 2 years now and its much easier than it was before and you can park more cars.


Second have you been to Edmonton, Toronto Hamilton, although a beautiful city i have to say Montreal has alot for garbage. Calgary is not Half bad for a city.

Guest Sundancefisher
  Nick0Danger said:
That system was implemented some time ago, and will save money as we will need less meter maids.


Actually the city admitted that they did not lay off any meter maids. They have the same employee count. I think the biggest savings will be in reduced vandalism and theft from the old coin meters.


Still you have to think there is a greater chance for technology failure and improperly/unfairly served parking tickets. Still I don't park downtown so my concern is less than others. I ride the big long stretch limo on rails in the morning.



I have an account set up, so when I park all I have to do is call from my cell phone, give the zone number, and the meter starts running. When I'm done, I call and the meter stops. Very easy. Doing the same thing now at the c-train stops (I mostly train to work).


The meters by my office used to be in an almost constant state of broken due to vandalism/theft. I have yet to see one of the new machines vandalized, though that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


The reason they claim more cars parked is no wasted space due to meter spacing. Just park where there is a spot and pay. I will say that from what I've seen, I'm not convinced there are more cars parked. Too many bad parallel parkers leaving too much space for theory to turn into practice.


As to Calgary being a mess, I just don't see it. Sure there is litter, every city deals with that issue. But I was purposely looking this morning when walking to work and really didn't see any litter at all-which could be an aberration. In general, I find Calgary cleaner than most cities of it's size. It ain't San Diego (cleanest big city I've ever been to), but it ain't bad.



  rickr said:
In general, I find Calgary cleaner than most cities of it's size. It ain't San Diego (cleanest big city I've ever been to), but it ain't bad.

Agreed. Calgary is quite clean compared to large cities in Europe. Ever been to Dublin (Ireland not Ohio)? That's one he'll of a dirty city. Wolfie's European friends must be from small villages or something.

  BigBowTrout said:


gotta call bs on the city for the more cars comment. how does removing the lines on the street create more parking spaces? there's only a finite amount of space in which to park regardless of lines or no lines.


without lines or meters to indicate to people where to park there are going to be plenty of times when there is odd amounts of space around cars due to people not pulling up close enough to the car in front or the first person parking choosing to park and not leaving enough space in front or behind for another car. seen it a lot already.


20% more parking....no way is that happening.

  brndawg said:
gotta call bs on the city for the more cars comment. how does removing the lines on the street create more parking spaces? there's only a finite amount of space in which to park regardless of lines or no lines.


I saw a good one a few weeks back. With the new system, the camera car just drives down the street, images the license plates, checks against those that have paid, and you get a ticket in the mail (i shoud know). Well, I was walking on 11th ave and I saw a new Mecedes SUV parked with its front bumber touching the back bumper of a brand new 700 series BMW in front of it. So close there was no way a camera could see the plate of the BMW. I guess these hot shots were together and one figured he could park without paying and not worry about a ticket. Funny thing is the camera car is stopped in front of them and the 'meter maid' is outside the car looking down over the hood of the Mercedes and writing out a ticket by hand for the Beamer. Too funny.


I hate those meter maids, but that one made me chuckle.


I was in Calgary a couple weeks ago for a meeting at the PWGS building - I also wanted to visit the fishing shop across the road - wow 9:00am on a Tuesday morning - took me less than 5 minutes to find a spot within a block of both destinations and only a couple bucks at one of those automated meters - From my experiences in other cities including London, Ottawa and Toronto I gotta comment you folks don't know how good you have it - although when I mentioned the ease of parking at the fishing shop the fella mentioned the situation is the opposite in the winter when folks stop biking to work - none-the-less goodluck finding streetparking that easy in Banff or Canmore or any city in the east - then again maybe I just got lucky....


PS - another good thing with Calgary as I rarely have trouble parking my truck - in Southern Ontario last summer I had to constantly let people in and out of the truck before parking cause the spots were consistently too small almost everywhere we went

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