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Everything posted by Brad29

  1. Pseudonym, you had alot of good points in your original post, but you didn't comment on leader length. With the 1000's of trout that Hawgstoppah has caught over the years and the fact that he was and is now a guide I believe he has a valid point and the proof to back it up. If you a fishing a shallow riffle of about 2' in depth with a 12' leader the lag time and slack line between your indie and flies would be huge, it just makes sense.
  2. Too funny, hahahahaha!
  3. What has been more productive lately, mornings or evenings?
  4. Depends on your tolerance to cold water, and if you like stone flies crawling up into your gaunch, LOL!
  5. Good one, hahahahaha.
  6. The usual nymphs and wooly buggers should work, muddler minnows. Small brown and black dries work on brookies aswell. As for salmon flies the classics such as the blue charm, thunder & lighting, with both the black moose hair wing and white wing. The most popular dryfly for salmon in NF is the orange bug tied with a tail on each end (which is called a bomber). These flies worked for me when I lived in NF, brookies are pretty easy to catch, salmon on the other hand can be a little tricky.
  7. Brad29

    May Pics

    Way to go, nice fish.
  8. Alot of people could use that advice and use less heat and more tact when trying to get a point across. We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, I think that makes us better fisherman.
  9. The e-mail said the line has a retail value of $70. But I guess no harm in giving it a try.
  10. Has anyone had any experience with the new TFO line. I bought a new TFO rod and they have an offer that if you buy a rod they will send you a new floating line for $13. For that price I'll give it a try.
  11. If you want trout, I would go to one of the many stocked lakes. Probabley get the best tasting fish during winter or spring when the water is cold.
  12. Noth'in like dryfly action. I've never seen browns jump like that, great video!
  13. That is huge, nice fish Lorne.
  14. Brad29

    May 9

    I hooked it, my son reeled it in. Almost pulled the rod out of his hands. He was pretty pumped when I netted it for him.
  15. Brad29

    May 9

    My son, my Dad and I went to Fish Creek for a couple of hours hooked and landed 3 fish. One small bow and a couple nice browns.
  16. Too funny Dryfly. Hope your son is feeling better Rickr.
  17. I've had the same conversation/arguement with a couple of friends of mine, they cast right and reel left and my dad and I cast right and reel right. Whatever works, I guess.
  18. I would get a price on the parts and see if it is worth your time in restoring it. I would imagine labour at a dealership would be quite high. Doing it yourself would be the cheapest way to go.
  19. What kind of repairs does it need? A guy at work bought an olde motor home and replaced the roof inside and out. If the frame, wiring and plumbing are good, I think it is worth restoring. I bought a new trailer a couple of years ago and with the depreciation and not so hot waranty I would stick with older one or trade it in on a newer used one. Just my two cents.
  20. The reason I asked this question is because this is the only time I have seen such a hatch at that time of year. I wanted to hear other fishermans ideas/stories on this topic not "write a book" on this topic of which I have little knowledge of.
  21. Just wondering if anybody has luck fishing dries during spring (Mar. - May). Kyle and I were fishing above Mckinnon Flats last May and there was a huge BWO hatch but the trout were not keying in on them. I've been tying a few flies and wondering if I should tie a few dries just in case.
  22. Just upload your pics to a site like photobucket and then copy and paste the IMG code into your post.
  23. Very interesting, thanks.
  24. I just watched a video on youtube about the softhackle pheasant tail nymph. Looked like it could be a really effective pattern. Haven't used soft hackles much myself, just wondering if many people use them and if you have much luck with them.
  25. Wow, really nice.
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