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BadAndy last won the day on November 19 2020

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Well, he bought it. Got the last one at Bass Pro for just under 2k. Apparently they brought in 50 units for the session. I've got bought 1 and can't back for another 2 - rents them by the hour to ice fish in SK. I agree this is getting a little crazy - but I guess you still have to be able to catch em. Looking forward to seeing how it does in person, I usually go out with him later in April. Will report back.
  2. My father-in-law is looking for a new fish finder for lake fishing. He has one but likes to sit in one spot and chronomid fish, traditional units need to move at 3-5mph to pick up anything (or so we understand). The side images are ok for reading structure and depth of the bank but not for picking up fish (that I can tell anyway). Enter this Livescope from Garmin. Watched a few videos on youtube and it looks - amazing. Like almost too good, like you can see a fish (albeit a large one) and this guy almost bonks it on the head a lure Anyone have experience on a lake or to ice fish maybe?
  3. Only on the rock!
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  4. Made something similar - put heat shrink around the bead to secure it...
  5. $200 on #3!
  6. Just saw Norm Norlander passed away after a brief battle with cancer. Seems the company had been recently have over. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1704024536301876&id=118476531523359
  7. Waving good bye to you!
  8. What's the big advantage of tube flies? I've seen the video but feel I'm missing something...
  9. I haven't figured out how to take a decent photo yet... Thinking I need a clip on lens for my phone... Have a JC Electric Caddis that turned out for me, just can't show it!
  10. Ran across this a while ago. Can easily be adapted to resin, but haven't tried it myself. Think you would have to hackle heavy to get it to float though.
  11. Explains why there are few details on exhibitors, and that this is a surprise to most. I did hear the venue fee there was pretty steep and the economy has to recover before the would be enough support. Anyone have contact with the organizers?
  12. Dandy! I registered, but don't see what exhibitors are going. Was hoping Phil Rowley would be there but he's at another event...
  13. Does anyone know if the expo was making a comeback in 2018??
  14. Norm Norlander is thinking of producing a Stainless Steel version of his vise. Cost is estimated at an extra $100. He's looking for feedback - see the following link to the social media call out: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1489679667736365&id=118476531523359
  15. Pretty easy thing to miss. Where you are identifying and mitigating hazards it's tough to see new hazards you are creating in the process as you are so close.
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