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About cuttbow

  • Birthday 09/22/1967

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    claresholms 1 acre

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Mayfly (4/10)



  1. Taco. Rumors are correct.Seen pics of one pair from the opening season.There are reports of 3 pairs now working the block.Rumor has it they were going to introduce more to keep the herd in check.From what i was told these are not transplants but have found their own way to the British block.Will be interesting to see what happens when and if they start crossing the fence.
  2. We have been using the mongoose since it first came out.Have cranked out 100s of 4/0 pike flies right down to #22.Not as speedy as the nore vise at rotary tying but it does work very well.The jaws show no sign of wear after years of abuse.For a all around vise i would definately find one to try out.
  3. Just my 2 cents but it aint going to happen.Govt freezes for the next 2 years.No enforcement,Or lack of due to cuts.And the revenue from atvs,5th wheels,big ass trucks and fuel and grub,Far outweighs the amount we spend on flyfishn.Wishfull thinkin but.10000 rvrs in random spots wont stand up against 500 fly guys.yes its out of control but we cant enforce what we have now.Have seen polls from the Atvrs.campers hunters and hikers.After all the govt started the mess by privatizing the campgrounds driving everybody to public lands.Look at beaver mines absolute mess.Outhouses filled to the brim.no firewood.And thats a start.And with this years closures.Maycroft,cottonwood bla bla bla driving more to free campin.Have sent pics of permnent camps,there still there.It seems there are no rules.It is suggested that camps be moved every 2 weeks.Not enforced.EVERYBODY SAYS YAHOO BUT IT AINT GOING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIME.Its abloody mess.So enjoy it while you can.
  4. OK my first attempt at cropin and paintin.By the time i took out the road sign,the banks and the rocks not much left.
  5. Sorry Brian. Was a way cool experience.But and there is always a but.I gave my camera to a young lad we were fishn with,so the pics :$*%&: reveal way too much information on the location and im afraid if i posted them this little location would be ruined.Thinks that was my best bullie yet.All these years of chucking double bunnies and clousers made my arms sore.Who would have thought they would eat a #16 dry. Ps if your in the country stop for a brew i have some sweet pics ta show ya. The young lad we were teaching to flyfish,suddenly stopped wading in the water.He walked on shore for the next 3 hrs ,way too funny.
  6. Buddy decides this morning after way tooo many long island ice teas last night we should spend the day in the mountains. So the delama begins.Drys,nmphps,streamers,6wt,3wt bla bla bla.Get out of the truck and all dressed up.Look at the 3wt collecting dust,grab the dry boxes and away we go. Fish are slurpin and splashn.Catch a few cutties and bows and we work up the river.Fish are poundin the big bugs so i rig up with a big old stonefly with a smaller para trailing about 3 ft behind.Big stone would catch their attention then they would hit the smaller dry. I get into a run make a 10 ft cast and a fish rolls my stone,missed.Cast again fish comes up and refuses the smaller dry.This goes on for 20 frigin minutes.Getting frustrated i reload.cut off my tippet.tie 6 x to the stone tie on a #16 compadun. Cast out and *hit a snout comes up and sips the dun so pretty.tighten up and hell breaks loose.My old 3wt reel is smokin.There goes the fly line ,there goes the backing.WTF.So i give chase.Get some line back.loose lots more.Then mr fishie decides he wants to leave the country.he gets into some slack and i cant move it.So im reeling,net in hand.See the fish sulking on the bottom.Just walked up behind it and slid the net under it. Friggin 27 inch bullie on a #16 dry. If i had known it ws a bull.i may have just hit the brake and let the 6x snap. There have been posts on how long or how to play a fish.But when unexpected things happen,and your undergunned.Do you risk wearing the fish out or hit the brake and say see ya.Think it could have lasted a lot longer. YES RAY I HAVE PICS HAHAHA. Your foam fly rocks .
  7. I was in there a month ago for the first time.Heard the bad, heard the good.So ill check it out.Thought i would look over some tying materials or lack of.Got into a discussion about FF pike with the dude.Well 2 minutes later he was lost and thought i was on crack.You cant catch pike with a fly but the bait is over there.Hehe WTF.Wanted to pick up some freeze dried rations for some backpackin.I know what i like and have tried all types.Went to the section and started putting stuff in a cart.Price not too bad.Then the dude started putting some other *hit in my basket which i wouldnt feed to my worst enemy.I said NO and asked if he had tried the crap.I have been buying the same stuff for years and know what i want.After a very short discussion asking if he had ever tried the stuff,he said no.But swore it was the best.I left real quick without droppin a dime. I will support my local specialty shops.Customer service 0.Sorry.And not sure what the going out of buisness thing was but it wouldnt surprise me one bit.
  8. So why not make it mandatory that people under the age of 18 must wear one?If the water craft needs an operators license to run it then its mandatory.Nothing pisses me off more than seeing young kids,full throttle on a lake with no life jackets.While the parents are chillen with beers.How many drownings are there a year where no life jackets are worn.I have personally witnessed 3 people drown.One in a belly boat in 3 ft of water.one in a pontoon and one in a canoe.If you think you have time to swim and find a life jacket in under 20 seconds.Thats how long it takes.Thats what it took for me to open my eyes.PFD all the time.
  9. I wear one always,boat,toon sometimes wading.guess the govt doesnt see it as a necessity for people under 18.Then again go to the castle in the summer and watch the little 5 and 6 year old kids ridding quads and motorcycles down the road without helmets,while the folks are sittin by the fire havin brews.We dam near hit one last year on the castle.Driving along and turn the corner here comes a little mini bike kid coudnt have been 6.WTF nearest camp was a mile away.No protective gear and he actually forced us off the road.Not sure about kalgree are they enforcing the bike helmet law.or looking the other way?
  10. It is my understanding that now the regs are only published once every 2 years and not yearly.Any changes will not be made until 2012 unless declared an emergency and posted.
  11. Yip and i love it and sometimes they scare the *hit out of me.Somebody needs to keep the predators in check.And no runoff who knew.
  12. OH JESUS!!!!!! you two. Its pike season and all you want to do is talk about opening day. Ray.I found some kevlar gloves to protect your delicate fingers.Ill get you out there yet.Flingin a 10 wt AHHHHHH life is good.
  13. Go for a walk off the road on the FTR.Oldman,dutch When ya hit the sign regal creek stop walk into the bush and have a look.Big piles of crap everywhere.This has been at least 10 years and i cant find no plantings.But they did leave a strip along the road so you cant see the mess they left.
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