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    in a van down by the river

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  1. I visted the bass pro shops and anyone who hasnt dont waist your time! the fly shop sucks!!!! and watching the people buying fishing stuff was making my blood boil! i hope the economc slow down in alberta causes them to go broke and close there doors. BOYCOTT BASS PRO SHOPS
  2. Man what a day at my fishing spots. First one i hit up the government decided to do so clean up and river rerouting in the past 2 weeks way to go at ruining a awesome hole that held bull trout this time of year and some nice rainbows in a month and then a holding spot for whitties in the fall. Thanks alot cause you really needed that extra flow into irrigation ditch so it can just go on the over flow and come out a half a mile down stream....Thanks i am glad my tax dollars paid for that. So i head to my next quick spot at 552 by the one lane bridge over the highwood. I get there and wonder if there is a function going on cause there has to be at least 30 cars parked there. Nope no function just a mass amount of river rafters... drinking beer making a mess. I have to think that because of the crack down here in calgary rafters are finding other places to go. Way to go city of calgary i can just about imagine the mess that is going to be left behind. I may take a drive out there tommorow to see. Also i glad to see parents are so brilliant letting there kids cliff dive into an area the size of a pickup. good job. Well looks like if i want to fish the highwood i have to hike to my seculeded spots.
  3. with the boil water advisory on in okotoks the fish in the sheep and highwood have all died from drinking contaminated water...... looks like the season wont start till july again bah humbug.
  4. took a drive up there sat and it was dirty and high at paddys flat.
  5. Take a halibut charter out of seward i know its not fly fishing but it is one of the most incredible catches. I havent been there in 10 years but if i remember correctly the kenai river borders the highway at some point from anchorage to seward and you can fish it right there.
  6. Simms are good but my big feet are hard to get in and out of them.
  7. Does anyone know where i could phone to ask just want to make sure. I went and looked today and there were no signs posted like by the river saying it was closed?
  8. I searched the regs about fishing a lake that is part of a irrigation canal and can not find any answers. Is this lake part of the river systems regs or does it fall under general lake regs where it is open all year as the river is closed to june 16. Thanks
  9. There is 4 type of ppl in canada english canadian, french canadian, immigrants, and NEWFIE
  10. I have had it for 8 months now and couldnt live without Bubba the love sponge and Howard stern.
  11. I was wondering how many ppl have sat radio. And if they have a problem with having to pay for it?
  12. And there is global warming my A$$. LAst year i was fishing a private lake in march and a trip to bullshead in early april. Al gore and David suzuki can kiss my gas guzzling pickup A$$. I am going to crank my 900hp genset at work up even earlier so it will thaw my lakes faster. Who wants to bet runoff happens late this year???
  13. Youll love it got the 690 last year and its awesome.
  14. The COs must start going out there on the 1 to take a look. From my experince there its not poaching thats the biggest threat but the poor fish handling techniques.
  15. I tye a simmaliar one but i use a tungsten gold bead and find i get more strikes with it then with out.
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