I can equate this to the first time I went out to Vancouver Island and fished for Salmon....the fish were there, however having no experience with Salmon, I didn't do very well....I kept at it and began to catch fish, and now I do quite well....what I am getting to here is don't quit, keep at it and you will eventually catch fish...K Lakes are not the easiest lakes to fish but when you begin to learn its secrets, it will be well worth the time invested...there is some misleading information going on in this thread....no question that when the interlakes system is turned on fishing is better, but even when the water is not flowing, fish can and are "still" caught...check out some of the threads in both Photo Posts and Calgary Stillwaters....the water had risen and the interlakes was turned off when we were last there, but fish were still caught...take beedhead's advice, don't give up!!! In your choice of flies, bigger is not always better when targeting bull trout....by going smaller you will also increase your odds of catching bows and cutts.