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About LlamaLeach

  • Birthday 01/18/1947

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  • Location
    Sherwood Park

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. thanks terry had plan to build many a year ago after reading your posts, it reminds me to get back to the shop and make a couple of these. thanks again great pics,
  2. I didnot know Loomis was bought out, that ia probalbly why they do not sell the bags anymore. I have one Loomis rod and a couple of sage, bought i was wondering if the Loomis is a faseter rod than the Sage, or are they both about the same,?
  3. I am thinking of purchasing a new rod, i am looking at either a Sage TCX or a G-Loomis GLX 9weight. to fish for Steelhead. i would like some opinions of which is better, do they handle differently, and what reel would be best?
  4. thanks for the good advice, sounds like they are a cheap price wader, with cheap material.
  5. I was at Bass Pro looking at their White River waders, front pocket, they want $150.00 for them. seems like a good by, but if they leak it is never a good buy. Any body tried them yet?
  6. It appears that Rio has the vote by most I was wondering if there is life expected on leaders, how many years in there packages before they break down.
  7. I need to purchase some leaders, Is there a differnce in manufacture of leaders?
  8. Great pictures and lots of ideas, thanks guys. Great set up Terry, Woodworking and Fly fishing go to gether well
  9. terry I was noticeing your reading said 57 degrees, was that the water temperature at the surface or at the boottom. how long have you had your Eagle, and how deep does it read? Some of the lakes in newfound land are said to be very deep and I am courious to find out how deep they are.
  10. Thanks you guys Looking to find the bottom, didn't know I could find the temperature as well. What about the Lawrence models ?
  11. Any opinions on what fish finder for a belly boat. is best
  12. do you have to deliver the Fly or will a picture do?
  13. OK, Terry hw abut a means test. or better still, if you are over 65, you get a discount, if you fly fish you get a differnt rate; if you wish to keep the fish, a differnet rate.
  14. I have owned a numer of diferent boots, Got the G4's this year, wore them steady for 4 days, hiking and wading. Very comfortable, lots of support, lots of grip walking up grassy slopes or moss coverd rocks. If you can afford them, get them. it is like a fly rod, good rods cast well, good boots feel good. At the end of the day, I don't wish to strugle to take my boots off, or to feel real good to have them off. With these simms, I'll leave them on and drive home. They feel that comfortable. It is like there vests, they fit well, and do not give me sore spots, from rubbing. The only complaint I have is I carry to much in all those 22 pockets. I have never regretted buying Simms
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