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Everything posted by ReelLife

  1. I have the Confluence model. It doesn't have enough room for a rain jacket, water, food, etc. I ended up switching to a fly fishing lanyard and a knapsack. Maybe the Escape model would have worked better for me.
  2. $125 on #30 for May 17 and will need to borrow a rod.
  3. Reel Doctor 8822 51 Ave Phone: (780) 4310146 Fax: 4330889 This place is great. They do work on reels sent from all over the world.
  4. For a long time I considered the kayak option but was concerned about the awkwardness of getting in all the gear and having it readily accessible. In addition, the pricing for having a kayak that is specially outfitted for fishing led me to look for other alternatives. In the end I went with a Frog Boat and am very pleased with it. Without pontoons it weighs only 50 pounds and so is easy to load on the car and yet it can carry 500 pounds and have a 5hp motor on it (I use an electric). This boat with its 4 pontoons is very stable for standing in and is easily modified to have swivel seats, anchor locks etc.
  5. $400.00 for #21 and $250.00 for #25
  6. Lundvike I would be happy to share one or both of Brian's Walk and Wade.
  7. Discount would be nice for those of us that drive three hours each way to and from the show and often also stay overnight in Calgary accommodation. I thought this show was for Western Canada not specifically Calgary! Woop-Dee-Woo Some Calgary folk have to spend a little time in traffic. Sorry about the reaction-I better increase my Meds . The new Digs sound good. Well done Chris.
  8. Yes it is
  9. Can you explain the science behind that comment SJW?
  10. Thanks everyone-all is well .
  11. Toolman or others could you describe to me how you do the Palomar knot on the bend of a hook. My clinch knots have not held well and so I have lost a couple of nice fish that broke me off each time they jumped out of the water. I am sure my reel drag was fine and I could not even react to them with the positioning of my rod because as soon as they were out of the water they were gone. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Great Service by mcrae294 ,Sep 01 '06 Pros: Great glasses and great customer service. They took customer service to the max. Cons: None I love Maui Jim sunglasses. They are so light and they cut down the glare immensely. I would have never paid $150 for a pair of glasses until I tried on a pair of Maui Jims. My dog gnawed my first pair, so I bought another. My dog gnawed my second pair, so I bought another. My dog gnawed my third pair, so I decided that I was not meant to own expensive sunglasses. As a lark,I mailed the glasses into Maui Jim to see if any could be repaired. I just received three pair of "what appears to be" new glasses and dog biscuits. Is that not the sweetest? Muai Jim has a loyal fan forever. Thanks guys. (I am not this person nor do I own these sunglasses. Just found it an interesting comment about Maui Jim-Reel Life)
  13. Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC) has all sorts of Aquapacs for cameras and cell phones. Real nifty!
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