Great Service
by mcrae294 ,Sep 01 '06
Pros: Great glasses and great customer service. They took customer service to the max.
Cons: None
I love Maui Jim sunglasses. They are so light and they cut down the glare immensely. I would have never paid $150 for a pair of glasses until I tried on a pair of Maui Jims. My dog gnawed my first pair, so I bought another. My dog gnawed my second pair, so I bought another. My dog gnawed my third pair, so I decided that I was not meant to own expensive sunglasses.
As a lark,I mailed the glasses into Maui Jim to see if any could be repaired. I just received three pair of "what appears to be" new glasses and dog biscuits. Is that not the sweetest?
Muai Jim has a loyal fan forever. Thanks guys.
(I am not this person nor do I own these sunglasses. Just found it an interesting comment about Maui Jim-Reel Life)