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Everything posted by ReelLife

  1. Evening draw please. Thank you.
  2. I wonder whether this presentation will be any different than the one Terry gave at this year's Calgary Expo?
  3. www.homeaway.com I have used this site many times and have been very happy with it.
  4. Great video from Amelia and Dave Jensen. They have taken a real liking to New Zealand waters.
  5. Thank you Max. I believe that this compilation of photos is the best I have seen shown on this site. These photos represent why I fish-not so much the fish themselves (though very nice) but the places you go to do the fishing.
  6. I am the guy that took the photo for you with your phone. Hawgstoppah and myself thought it was sure funny with the way in which you caught the Brown. No matter how hard Brian tried your technique (likes the odd cig) or a few of his own- he was unable to entice a Brown on the end of his line .
  7. The Parks people have cameras set up on many of the trees to try and confirm that there are Cougars in the Park. You should give them the details of your sighting.
  8. This same group passed me along the boat launch stretch and went straight through the run I was fishing 15 feet from the shore. At first I was pissed off, but then felt a sense of satisfaction as one fellow in his float tube flipped over in front of me and looked like he was about to drown as he gasped for air, and the other tuber lost a fin and shoe. What a commotion. Oh well, even after the ruckus I still managed to hook 7 fish in the run which shows the fish will put up with a lot of disturbance and still feed.
  9. Thank you John for the great instruction and to my fantastic fishing partners. Someone needs to finds Rick his net so he can practice his netting skills-would be a shame to lose a nice fish because your partner was a bit rusty! Thanks Rick and Marc for the photos and all your help. The Crow is a beautiful river in a beautiful setting with beautiful fish.
  10. I gave you my vote Dustin. I had a great day of fishing with you last week and will certainly be calling you over the next couple of weeks for another outing.
  11. Thanks Brent. I thought it had something to do with protecting you from Bears.
  12. What is a SPOT? I tried googling "What is a SPOT" and did not like the answers coming up!
  13. Oh well, maybe we can meet up on another adventure.
  14. Your welcome to come Brent .
  15. Closed at 12:00 PM
  16. #15 $475 #16 $280 #20 $320
  17. This is where it gets murky. If you are an established business which charges a set rate for a an object or service you can prove to Revenue Canada the worth of the donation. I know that Tak Shimizu despite having receipts for thousands of dollars from TU and others for his donations was not able to use for tax purposes. His fly tying is a hobby and he is not generating revenue where taxes were being paid for the selling of his Fly Plates. People donating items that are not a usual part of their revenue generation where taxes are being paid probably should be just thinking about doing something good for the Streamwatch cause and no more. Note I am not an accountant and so you are best to get advice on this subject if you are concerned about the tax receipts for your donations.
  18. The tax receipt is issued to the donor of the item.
  19. $275 #20 please Thank you
  20. $230 #16 Please Thank you
  21. Let's keep it going....$425 on 15 Would have bid again on Taco's Cutthroat Safari (absolutely fantastic) but I think Gustuphson and I wore him out with last year's trip. He is now only willing to take one angler .
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