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Everything posted by annapolis

  1. I went today, the store was impressive, the fish tank awesome, the fly fishing area was terrible, and I thought the prices were really high for most items. I figured because it's a huge chain store the prices would be low due to the amount of stock they have to buy, I was wrong. It's worth a visit, however unless they ungrade their fly fishing section, the local stores have nothing to worry about.
  2. One of my students worked at mic dicks and made me a McMeat as he called it. It consisted o 4 beef patties, 2 chicken patties and 1 fish patty, I told him I ate it but there wasn't a chance in hell, so I gave it to another teacher (the same guy that spent $26 by himself at lunch one day, that was closely followed by the McSweats and the McShits)
  3. annapolis


    Sorry to hear, Gary.
  4. I saw the extended version of the video and the river was flowing in less than 5 minutes, the water pressure was able to move the debris. Some geologist figured that if it didn't start when it did there would have been a huge destructive flood when the damn broke, go figure!
  5. I love tigers, caught tons in NS in a few lake, they are so aggressive. The lakes were stocked with tigers to get rid of the smallmouth bass and they did some kind of a job, the bass were basically gone in less than two years and the tigers got large. Awesome fish!
  6. Crazy fish man, well done. I think I say him in late Aug. The pool where you landed him was stacked full of bulls, probably 40ish, it was crazy. Was it still stacked full or have they moved down since the spawn? That is an amazing, good work.
  7. That is an awesome fish, good work!
  8. annapolis


    A couple of nice shots from a recent trip to the Bugaboos, the fishing wasn't great but the views were awesome.
  9. Tigers are awesome fish, and very nice looking. They are very aggessive. Used to fish them in NS, they stocked a lake to get rid of the smallmouth bass and it did the trick in no time, cleaned all the bass out.
  10. Yep, first one, really excited as well as kinda scared, but I think that's expected.
  11. Here's my new fishing buddy, almost new anyway. A few more months and it's go time, I figure I should get lots of fishing in as I figure things are going to drastically change in mid-June.
  12. annapolis

    Cuba Si!

    wicked fish, amazing!
  13. When I was fishing in Honduras in the summer, I had a pair of board shorts, sunglasses, sunscreen and a smile, that's all you need. I found the humidity extremely overwhelming, it was so hot. The fishing will be amazing and you won't need lots of clothes. I ended up taking a small duffle bag for 8 days and I didn't wear half of the stuff. As to why a person would go further south than Florida, I like to experience different cultures when on vacation so the extra money is well spent in my opinion. Cheers
  14. I actually sent a link to the site to mom in law, she thought it was good! Not invited to any more family functions but that's not bad more fishing time!
  15. Got out this afternoon for a few hours, really slow until I got this bad boy. I've decided to call it the mother in-law although I know it's a male, but look at the lips on that sucker, plus it gave me hell, which is very similar to mom in law. Got it on a size 18 copper john.
  16. That sucks man. I had the same thing happen a few years ago, civic stolen out of my driveway with all my climbing, bike and fishing gear in it. I got lucky and they only took it for a joyride, didn't take anything, even the leatherman that was sitting on the front seat. Hopefully, you get lucky and it comes back soon. Don't bother calling the cops to check up on it. I was told when I reported it stolen not to bother calling as they won't help me, too many stolen cars not enough man power. Good luck, hope it come back in one piece.
  17. I had a hard time fishing from a kayak, with the stability. If you have a very stable kayak I don't think it would be that bad, however, I haven't really found a stable kayak. I did some salmon fishing in the Gulf Islands and hooked into a pretty good one and it pulled me around pretty good, didn't really like that. I would get a pontoon for sure if I had the choice. Just my two cents
  18. Yep, I agree totally. When I hit the road and it was greasy, I thought about the Annapolis Valley storms, a little rain, then some freezing rain, followed by some snow, which was then followed by my dad saying school was cancelled! Kinda miss the heavy snow, until I hit the Deerfoot on the way to work, not good!
  19. I tend to agree that they either had a big ass gun or it was a set up. I got bluff charged just outside of Revi and if my buddy hadn't been with me and grabbed a hold of my arm, I would have been dinner as I started to run, scared the crap out of me. Another one of my buddies had a run in with a female griz near williams lake and I showed him the vid, he thinks it's a trained bear. I consider him an expert as he has two large puncture scars on his shoulder and 3 on his leg, where the bear chewed on him a bit, let him go and ran away. Either way, it is a pretty cool vid. Cheers
  20. Awesome movie, I expect it to win every major award this year. The Cohn make awesome movies, Fargo and this one, well done.
  21. I'm not a student anymore but any good student should make a degree last at least 5 years, I took 6 for my first degree. You need to have some mental relaxation time, stretch it out. I do however get the perks of being a student, as a teacher the summers are sweet for many things, in particular fishing! Take your time with the degrees, enjoy life! Cheers
  22. Grew up fishing brookies in NS, miss hooking into the big ones!
  23. I've been checked twice on the Bow both in Fish Creek. I had an interesting conversation with a CO about barbs, I was told that I was able to be fined because I had barbed flies in my box, not on my line. After a 20 minute talk, he agreed not to give me a fine. I very quickly went home and debarbed all my flies, however I did think and still do think it is legal to have barbed flies in you box. I am I lucky that I got off or right that I can have them as long as I don't fish with them? Cheers
  24. I lost my wedding ring, less than two months after the wedding in the bow this fall. I figure I'm due a few big ones for that.
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