I find at this stage of the season that you can fish this method, before you start to see the bugs and definitely during the hatch. As i stated earlier, with all the caddis present its hard not to throw one on and start casting to fish. That said, I quickly change over to the soft hackle to start getting the strikes as well as seeing the fish rise. Last night was out for a ride with the family, we stopped for a break, I didn't see any fish rising, threw 3 casts 1/4 downstream, upstream mend and swing it into the bank, SMASH!!! the wife was impressed, i really don't think she believes i actually catch fish in the river. Just like the other nights, watching guys throwing caddis and not getting anything, finally went over and asked the guy what he was using, "small dries" getting any hits? "nothing, not a thing" asked him if he had any soft hackles, his response was "what do you mean" so i gave him a couple and told him how i was fishing it. Kinda hope hes a member here and posts a story about how awesome his night was after lol This fly is why i love august and september. The fly matters as well, its a particular fly called the Pheasant Tail soft hackle with a red thread head.