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Everything posted by MrWilloughby

  1. Lololololoooooool! Sounds like my buddy Ian.
  2. Agreed. Milk does the trick topically as well as for an "accidental" ingestion of "try it, wou'll like it" peppers...
  3. I got clipped by a side mirror once years ago. It caught my left elbow and sent me into the curb and up and over the sidewalk bending my front rim and popping the tire in the process. I saw their break lights the watched them speed off never to be seen again. I was picking bits of gravel out of my leg for days after that... Now with everyone driving and texting it seems to be worse. This morning on my way to work I saw a guy reading a stack of printerd papers braced on his steering wheel... he had no clue he was in and out of my lane, his lane, and the far right lane as well.
  4. Any update on this from those in the know?
  5. MrWilloughby


    Sweet looking fish!
  6. Ouch. Does not sound like fun...
  7. I've had my eye on a nice Argon 18 or maybe a Cervelo, but it seems like the Cervelos are as common as grass on the streets and roads hereabouts. I used to ride a nice hand built Marinoni until it was stolen. That bike served me well for a lot of years.
  8. Ah. That makes more sense than liquid goo...
  9. They ask for so little and give so much in return. Sorry for your loss.
  10. Thanks! I never knew about this.
  11. A couple question for you folks... What are you folks riding (Giant, Cervelo, Argon, etc.)? What do you do for clothing? I doubt they would let me wander about the office in spandex and lycra....
  12. I think if the government (at all levels) made an effort to have affordable and accessible education and training available to Canadian citizens we would not be seeing such a demand for foreign workers. Governments traditionally cut education and healthcare budgets to meet whatever goals they “need” to meet at the time and this is ultimately the consequence: poor access to healthcare and a lack of educated people capable of filling the job market. We deride the actions of student protesters in Quebec but think about it for a minute (even if Quebec does have the lowest cost for tuition in Canada the principal is the same), who wants to get an education when getting that education will leave you literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt in some cases? Many people don’t want to do that and opt for easier and more feasible solutions so that they can support a family but what happens when the market takes a hit and the easy solution is no longer viable because the price of oil is way down or the mill closes? People en mass seem to vote along party lines regardless of the history of the party and the broken promises they leave behind like peanut shells on a barroom floor. If voters actually held their elected officials and parties accountable you would see a drastically different standard of living in this (or any) country. We have a tenth of the population of the US and have been lucky enough to avoid most of the major setbacks that they have seen in the past ten years or so but we are beginning to see them now as we begin to embrace their style of government more and more. What we don’t seem to think about is that with their brand of uber capitalism comes the associated risks. Corporations there have outsourced the vast majority of manufacturing jobs resulting in huge levels of unemployment. Look at Detroit for example. This also is true of IT and customer service jobs. The majority of companies have their customer service centres based in foreign countries where the fellow on the other end of the line is most definitely not named “Bob” despite his claims to contrary. There is a reason why Japan, decimated at the end of the Second World War, is now a global powerhouse of innovation and manufacturing, and that is because they did not choose the “cheapest” way or the most short sighted methods for a quick buck. *note* I specifically did not mention any particular party or flavor of political belief because, in my opinion, they are all as bad as the other regardless of their left or right leanings on the spectrum simply because they count on low voter turnout and party line mentality that will not hold them to be accountable.
  13. I vote for Ott lights as well. I have had a couple for years now (one bought at a hefty price from Micheal's when they were still rare) and two from Costco. They work great for true colour lighting and I use them for painting also. You can also get GE true spectrum bulbs but I find them not quite as good as the Otts and being bulbs they throw off more heat than the Otts do too.
  14. Nice rod indeed! Is that some kind of liquid in the base above the reel? Kinda hard to tell on my phone...
  15. Very nice!
  16. The good ship Crimson Mutual Assurance sailed off of the edge of the world clearly demonstrating that the world is flat as documented in "The Meaning of Life" by M. Python. What other proof is needed?
  17. That's my thought as well. I know for a fact that we share and loan out training areas to the US on a routine basis and what's to say that we didn't witness such a test flight? That would account for the suits being in the area so fast to question us, especially when by all accounts the "real" saucers/alien craft do not show up on conventional radar... For me at least I saw something that I couldn't identify even remotely so it will always be a true UFO for me albeit one with some curious circumstances afterwards with the suits. I've done a bit of research since then and have learned that Calgary has a fairly high rate of UFO sightings and some are described just like ours so clearly there is something there to be seen by people other than us... What that something is we may never know...
  18. Nice fish!
  19. Hi Connie, I don't consider myself an expert by any means but have been fly fishing for a number of years now and have successfully taugh my girlfriend how to use a fly rod last summer and since we just moved to a house right beside the river near one of my favorite spots I'll be introducing her to fishing other than stillwater. You are more than welcome to come along anytime.
  20. Once, back in the early nineties, my section and I were doing a night navigation ex in the Sarcee training area. We were taking a break after having made all of our objectives in good order and a couple of us were passing the time looking at the stars to the north and west of the city as there was much less light pollution in that direction. Someone remarked on how fast a plane was moving so we started looking for the light he was talking about. Since I was near him I caught sight of the light first, followed by one, then another and another of us. The "plane" was a mere speck of light traveling very fast from north to south west and had no navigation lights of any kind in evidence. This of course led me to remark that the "plane" was really a satellite and therefore reflecting sunlight off it's hull and solar panels. Since it didn't leave a trail of light like a meteor we were all in agreement. That is until the "satellite" suddenly and very rapidly made a ninety degree turn and was across the sky in less than as second. After that it began making a series of very high speed vectors back and forth across the sky along with impossible vector changes of nearly as much as 180 degrees. A couple of the guys had their civilian pilots licenses and/or had pilot friends in the military and as such knew that what we were witnessing was something not possible by any manned aircraft of any known configuration. We watched this object for about twenty five minutes before it shot off to the southwest at an even higher velocity than before and disappeared over the horizon. We all saw it, some longer than others, and not a one of us could even begin to identify it, so it was, by the true definition, an unidentified flying object. Some of us, such as myself, freely admit to seeing it. Others will only talk about it to the rest of us, and the few remaining barely admit it took place and deny any notion of a UFO despite the true definition. However, the strangest part of the whole event occurred over then few days when everyone present was pulled away from their regular duties and questioned pointedly by an officer and two professional looking men in suits that declined to introduce themselves. I will never forget those men as despite lacking any uniform or rank or insignia, I knew they meant business and that even the officers knew it and deferred to them. The blonde one had an accent that placed him from somewhere a lot farther south and west than Ottawa...
  21. I've been meaning to take my girlfriend's neices there for a while now. There were families fishing there back in mid June when I stumbled upon it while stopping by to show said girlfriend the hatchery. It's nice place to teach kids about catch and release and get them into fishing in general. Too bad we missed the event.
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