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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Lake I find Rockies have a blueish hue in their cheeks
  2. i hope it wasnt released. weird catch!
  3. my dad has the nitto duragrapplers and he likes them
  4. It's legal. The only thing I mind is them jumping on the body of the fish bruising the meat.
  5. I was thinking something else haha
  6. Well i went back and i think i caught this fish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhkLJCWJbGU dont make fun of my comments, i was probably wrong haha
  7. what about the beginners? they would go a long time without catching a fish and possibly give up. i know when i first started fly fishing i got skunked about 10 times in a row. still cant catch a fish on a nymph even if my life depended on it
  8. So you want to pay more money to fish? You then have to buy a license, to buy a license, to buy another license. Useless! I like te way it is, maybe make the limit on trout 0, but still harvest those Rockies.
  9. Went back tonight and got a good one. Size 16 BWO
  10. Had one guy on the river annoying me. I caught a small brown, let it go, then he asked my friend if I let it go. Then later he asked if I had worms cause the fish would be going nuts. I know the regs.
  11. Let's start off with your casting upstream in a big pool. You decide to use a caddis as you can see a couple floating around in the light breeze. You start casting, and casting, no risers in sight. All of a sudden you hear a big splash behind you. You turn around and there is ripples 10ft downstream. You move downstream of the ripples and wait. 20 seconds later you see a snout rise and you lay your caddis 5ft upstream. One second later all hell breaks loose. A big splash, and the line starts ripping through your fingers. You try to get a hook set but can't because the beast is already peeling line out. The beast heads straight out for the middle of the water. You watch your reel as you get closer and closer to the backing. Using your palm, you slow the beasts run to a halt and try to gain some ground back. You manage a few feet back before another run. This run is short and downstream. The fish now lies close to the bank, in a fast current. You decide to run down the bank, in near blackness to gain ground. You manage to gain almost all your line back before the beast takes off again. After a few more minutes of running down the bank, and the beast running, you finally get a glimpse at it. All you see is a bigggg flash of white and the beast takes another run to the middle. Still unsure as to which species it is, you try desperately to land it. You finally get the beast tired and as it gets closer to you, your rod tip flies up, and line goes slack. The beast popped off. Now you are angry, real angry. You mutter a few choice words and sit down a ponder what went wrong. The fly is still on your line and the hook is straight. After a few minutes you still don't know what went wrong and just continue to fish. That was my story tonight. The one that got away. I'm still mad about it since it looked 23"+ It peeled line and fought so much harder than my PB rainbow at 20.5" Oh well I'll catch him tomorrow.
  12. I use 5x and have no problems. Just gotta get a drag free presentation, and match it right. I find when using caddis, the body has to be the right color. Sometimes tan works, sometimes green works.
  13. Pretty sure someone died tonight at harvey passage. Lots of fire trucks and ambulances, fire boat, and cops. They were there for over an hour.
  14. I've always thought it was okay to ask what people are using, and not asking for spots.
  15. I know pike and walleye are very tough and most likely can take being handled like that. Not saying they should be handled like that, but the will live.
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