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Everything posted by TroutNV

  1. I realize you are asking about streamers, but indi fishing this time (atleast in my experience) puts out way more trout (and big fish no less) - assuming that is what you are looking for. Rig:Indi - > 5 feet 10lb maxima -> First fly (jimmy legs) -> 1 1/2 feet 2nd fly (jimmy legs) - > 1 1/12 feet 3rd fly (san juan). Stand a few feet back from the bank; flip the rig upstream and as tight to the bank as you can keep it (outside of a foot and half and you are too far off), be ready to strip in the slack line as the rig hurtles back toward you, set the hook on any indi movement. Repeat :-) As far as water, you want relatively stable banks with ~3-5 depth and moderate pace. One final thought, fishing the dirty water in the banks usually means you are going to lose flies - might as well lose the cheap ones (and not those fancy $$ streamers). Cheers
  2. My guess you just aren't mending enough - make sure the indicator is leading the parade and not the fly line
  3. the right size prince nymph always seems to work for me, don't need to get too fancy
  4. Jimmy legs, in high water, clean up - orange/black, & yellow/black are my favorites
  5. Bows have already staged on the mo, saw a few redds last weekend. Give em space and fish the lower bits - lots of big browns to be had.
  6. I second bcube; just got back from the Mo' and well its sure nice to get em on dries in march
  7. Dave brown Kevin p Blair Yerxa.... Can't go wrong with either of those fellas
  8. 9ft 5x leader then add 2 feet of tippet... usually stay 5x never had a problem getting fish to eat the bugs... presentation is the most important thing like others have said
  9. I don't post much but sure read most everything... been entertaining to say the least!! thanks for all your hard work fellas
  10. Barbless hooks require you drive them home... you can hear my hookset a mile upriver... never had a problem with ripping through a fishes mouth even with the smaller hooks 18-20....just keep even consistent tension on the line when fighting the fish..theyll let you know when they are ready
  11. Niceeee fish buddy!!
  12. Beeauuuttyyy fish
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